I seen to have become some what of a laughing stock of this forum. Everytime I post on here I'm berated and abused, but I keep coming back. Why? I think its some what of an addiction. I feel like an abused wife who keeps coming back for more. Like a crack addict who keeps smoking crack, despite the fact it's ruining his life. Even though I am the most hated person on this forum I am uncontrollably drawn to this place.
No announcement yet.
Even though I'm abused I keep coming back here
Maybe reconsider having a picture of 'Mew' below your name!
(I don't think Pokemon is that popular around here, DUH!) LOL
And BTW, Taebo does NOT count as a martial art. As far as I'm concerned its just a fitness program.
Just some points to consider.Last edited by Ice Phoenix; 07-16-2002, 08:47 AM.
Ha Ha Ha
Here are two points to remember.
1. Pokemone stink
2. Tae Bo stinks
I agree with Ice Phoenix completly.
I think Tae Bo should be something....I dunno yet but I think it gives people a false sense of security. People are probably getting the crap beaten out of them because they think they can "handle" it with there "Tae Bo" "skills".
Sorry to any of those who practice Tae Bo for those reasons.