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best arts of all time
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If Tea Bo is gona be listed then I think any workout with Denise Austin should be to. She has a lot of lookers working out with her.
As for what would be most effective, by fighting system and not by fighter. I would say the style that trains primarily for seldefense and not competition. Also the more well rounded style. But again, A system is nothing without a fighter, and untill we have one huge MA free for all we will never know. But then what would happen is that some Tae Bo person would win. They would sit on the sidelines until it was down to the last 2 and sucker punch the last one when he was finishing off the other. Then Tae Bo would be King of all MA.HAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!
You didnt include Hsing-i in this poll
Hsing i chuan with some groundfighting would be a great hybrid system.
Take all the Mess that Kung fu teaches and get rid of it to leave the most practical and straight forward fighting methods and youve got hsing i. cross train with pakua (which is essentially grappling and throwing) and add a pinch of Juijuitsu.
and youve got a nice combination of techniques, principles,,and internallly based martial arts.
Keep it simple,,,while they are thinking about which combo form to use against you they are already treating a concussion or soaking thier nads in ice water.
Kick high: get your nads smashed.
try to grab: get punched really really hard
go in low for that cool take down: get a full force knee to that pretty boy face. you might get me on the ground but your face and nose will be smashed and you out cold.
hahah sorry to troll a bit but i have to say,,,,,when you keep your moves simple you will not complicate a self defense sitaution.
plus a good ole' punch to the snout always stopped the situation.
Many respects,,,Lightning&Earth
I would like to vote on this poll but think its a little limited because firstly youve put Ju-Jitsu and BJJ as the same category! which they really they shouldnt beand then youve put kung-fu as one cateogry too! That would be like putting all Japanese arts under one category! But you havent, you've listed them seperately! lol not be be picky, but maybe you could have sperated the chinese arts/kung-fu i.e Wing Chun, Choy Li Fut, San Soo, Wushu etc...
Im sure Wing Chun would come up tops thenheh
If u can punch, kick, grapple and even throw, u can be on your way to 100% effectiveness. This is really tough to answer, though. There are so many excellent arts out there... JKD, Muay Thai, Wing Chun, Kali, BJJ... But a combination of 2, 3 or more MAs is the most effective thing on earth to me... This is just my opinion, of course. My respects to all...