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  • #16
    Kali. Find a kali teacher. They arent hard to track down.

    Ill these other guys say is muy thai and bjj. I say Kali! You can even learn how to use a sword or stick or what have you...... nunchaku (Tabak-toyak???) even.


    • #17
      you need to figure out what you want to get out of it, defense? just something to do? then you can narrow down what style you want to take...go to and type in martial arts it will give you a break down on all most all of them...keep in mind that some are a lot harder than others and may require a lot more effort on your part...anyway look around you find something and in a few weeks you will be able to kick CrazyJoes ass!


      and say no to smoking and drugs!!


      • #18
        haha, TKD is not only bad for you, its bad for everyone that isn't a pre-teen.

        and joe...why the "lol @ aikido" comment?


        • #19
          Originally posted by 3rdBlackBelt

          and joe...why the "lol @ aikido" comment?

          You new here, you no question CrazyJoe, learn from him, he very wise and honnorable...he speaketh the truth


          • #20
            lol "just say NO to sex, drugs, violence, and Will!" *for this guy in my class whos always asking to borrow a pen, piece of paper, etc.* But mostly, what I want out of self defense is...I don't know; I just like to be able to have self-confidence...I'm going into public school next year and I've heard a lot about bullies and..mean ppl, for lack of a better word, ad I also like to be able to know that I am good at some port. But i'm really interested in ninjitsu just because I think it's so cool. I don't know. Thanks for all your replies!


            • #21
              And whos 'tyler'? "In Tyler we trust" confused haha...then again im easily confused


              • #22
                watch fight club...although you maybe a little young to understand far as ninjitsu goes, know nothing about it but that would probably be the worst thing you could learn for self defense.....


                • #23
                  Originally posted by 3rdBlackBelt
                  haha, TKD is not only bad for you, its bad for everyone that isn't a pre-teen.

                  and joe...why the "lol @ aikido" comment?

                  because to me its inaffective and usless...

                  but when u get to know me you wont hate me as much.. lol


                  • #24
                    yeah youll hate him so much j/k!


                    • #25
                      dude i dont hate you at all, that's your opinion and i respect it, i was just wondering what you meant by that

                      i like aikido and i think it has the ability to be very effective, depending on your skill level...

                      and by the way, just because i'm new here doesnt mean i dont know anything about the martial arts.


                      • #26

                        Yenhoi is right. If you really want some kind of effective weapons training Kali and the FMA are the way to go. And we will of course all tell you that BJJ and Muay Thai are the way to go, and for us they are. However I would hate to think how a 13 year old girl would fare at my school, but if you want to adminster heavy-duty beat downs than there is no better option . This brings up an interesting point. How do you guys feel about training with women? Personally I would not roll with a girl.




                        • #27
                          id be scarred i would hurt her, especialy one that is fact if there was a 13 yr old in my class i would quit..i would want mine to be at least an adult


                          • #28
                            Hey it cant be THAT bad....i deal well with pain....and how else to get experience? I'd rather train with adults than some snotty little six-year-old that thinks just because he knows his forms he's better than anyone and can kick anyone's butts. Thats what MY class is full of..we have now 10 kids under age 8. Ick.


                            • #29
                              And women can beat someone's butt too...sod off sexists! lol Just look at Buffy and Xena! Haha And dont forget JLo on that retarded movie...whatsit..."Enough", I think...Lmao!
                              Last edited by Steelsings16; 10-29-2002, 07:52 AM.


                              • #30
                                Don't write off a whole MA just because of one badly organised school. If you have a financial investment in the TKD school (ie have signed contract), then speak to the instructor. If he can't solve your problems then ask for your money back / the contract to be cancelled and look elsewhere.

                                You will just get more problems in an adult class.

                                A good school that caters for all ages will have a teenage class so you can learn without mat crawlers getting under your feet!

                                If it is another TKD school make sure that it is not too tournament (ie sport) focused. Best way to check is watch the higher belts sparring - if their hands (ie their guard) is low (ie not at face level), leave and go somewhere else.

                                In choosing a school, look first at the instructor and then at the senior students. These are the best indications of a good school.

                                Hope this helps in some small way.

