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(( Pressure Point K.O. ))

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  • (( Pressure Point K.O. ))

    I've heard of many martial arts with pressure point knockout, in particular George Dillman's. Would you people be so kind as to answering my questions?:

    1) What is pressure point knockout?
    2) Which martial arts teach it?
    3) What martial art does George Dillman teach?

  • #2
    Pressure point my ass!?!?!?!?

    Now come on, do you seriously think that this pressure point stuff is useful! Anybody that has been in a real fight will tell you that it's not just hard, but nearly impossible to hit a pressure the size of a dime. Once the adrenaline dump kicks in the last thing on your mind will be the damn pressure points. I'm not sure exactly who i am quoting, but someone in one of these furoms said, purely and simply"find a big target and strike hard and fast"(sorry if i'm misquoting, props to the author!).

    If you ever met mister Dillman, ask him to give you a demo. Strike him hard and fast and resist his attack (like any attacker would), chances are he'll miss by a mile.If you're thinking about doing this for the purpose of self defense, don't waste your time or money.


    • #3
      Pressure points are real. There are nerve junctions all over the body, and they can cause disruption in the CNS.

      HOWEVER, having the ability to strike them at will in a full on confrontation is another story entirely.

      They are nice to know, but I'd rely on your ability to survive by using gross motor skills to strike large targets repeatedly.



      • #4
        This Dillman guy came over to the UK and gave a course where he claimed to be able to knock a person out without even touching them. Many people turned up merely because of this claim.

        Guess what, when asked to actually perform this wonderful feat on someone who was NOT one of his entourage he declined. Too dangerous, apparently...........

        Yeah right. What a Wanker.


        • #5
          pressure points ?

          It really is laughable, what some people will claim.

          Think about it, if you were one of the few people able to effectively apply this techinique to devastating effect, then who in god's name would not want to show some kind of evidence of it !

          I dont dispute that there are pressure points on the body that are extrememly painfull etc,

          but in order to apply these so-called techniques you must first establish control over your opponent.
          In real life this is just not practical.

          Moves that work on students that allow to to do them are "make-believe" in real life, they just dont work on a resisting opponent.

          A silly example..........lets say a.................a metal ball point pen, is not an offensive weapon, right?

          But if an opponent allows me to ram it into his eye socket, then he's in big trouble, right?

          But would you ever say to an opponent

          Well using pressure points is almost as silly as the above quote.
          in other words pressure points are as effective as a pen!!!!!!

          KARATE ETC


          • #6
            Re: pressure points ?

            Originally posted by CHOKE UK
            It really is laughable, what some people will claim.

            Think about it, if you were one of the few people able to effectively apply this techinique to devastating effect, then who in god's name would not want to show some kind of evidence of it !

            I dont dispute that there are pressure points on the body that are extrememly painfull etc,

            but in order to apply these so-called techniques you must first establish control over your opponent.
            In real life this is just not practical.

            Moves that work on students that allow to to do them are "make-believe" in real life, they just dont work on a resisting opponent.

            A silly example..........lets say a.................a metal ball point pen, is not an offensive weapon, right?

            But if an opponent allows me to ram it into his eye socket, then he's in big trouble, right?

            But would you ever say to an opponent

            Well using pressure points is almost as silly as the above quote.
            in other words pressure points are as effective as a pen!!!!!!

            BUT I'D ACTUALLY PREFER TO USE THE "PEN" THAN ...........
            KARATE ETC

            In response to what you said earlier: "but in order to apply these so-called techniques you must first establish control over your opponent. In real life this is just not practical."

            but wouldn't pressure point KO be effective when you've managed to lock your opponent?

            For example, if you're fighting againts multi-opponents, then you could put one in KO, then fight the remaining. You'd be a lot better off than if you just strike attacker A, and while you're fighting B, A gets back up. Then you'd be facing 2 on 1.


            • #7
              Pressure point attacks like most standing joint locks are only useful for restraint. They are good for cops, bouncers, or good for when your drunk uncle bob starts trouble at the family get together. They are not very useful against someone trying to take your head off but are great at dealing with people that are just not cooperating.


              • #8
                Originally posted by StraightBlaster
                Pressure point attacks like most standing joint locks are only useful for restraint. They are good for cops, bouncers, or good for when your drunk uncle bob starts trouble at the family get together. They are not very useful against someone trying to take your head off but are great at dealing with people that are just not cooperating.

                I would say you're contradicting yourself. You say they're ( joint locks and pressure points ) good for cops or bouncers, but not when someone's not cooperating. First of all, cops wouldn't have you use any joint locks if the suspect cooperated. Why would the cop need any joint locks if the suspects kindly gives his hands for cuffing? And second, don't joint locks have a thing called "transition", whereas if the attacker resisted the lock, the defender would just go to another lock?


                • #9
                  blade cs, trust me they dont work against a capable resisting opponent.

                  like i say you must first establish control over the opponent.

                  If you have control over them then why waste it by attempting this "pressure point" business.

                  If you already have control, then using simple, tried and trusted methods.

                  I have never seen a good hard fight won in this manner.

                  BUt i have seen many lost, by people trying to apply fancy unrealistic, impractical styles and mtechniques.

                  Like the previous post said, for restraining once control has been established and you dont want to hurt someone too badly, then ok.

                  But trust me, if you spend all your time practicing how to apply these pressure point malarky, then you may find that you have neglected in the "control part" of confrontation.

                  Then you will never even get the chance to see if they work.

                  Its one thing for a bouncer to perhaps apply pressure, when he has total control, as he can usually quite easily simply over power a drunk.
                  But you go and do it in a streetfight when the person is wearing clothing and in a hard fight is no time to find out that it doesnt work.

                  Good luck, but remeber simplicity may be boring but is always better.

                  If you have someone in that position why not head butt/ strike/choke/armbar/kick/knee/elbow/smash his head against the floor/wall etc etc etc.


                  • #10
                    This pressure point thread brings to mind a story I heard about Ajarn Chai and Guro Dan while they were watching Pendekar Paul de Thoaurs teach at a camp about a decade ago. Pendekar de Thoaurs was explaining how that if you hit your opponent with your index finger right in the vegas nerve on the neck that it will cause him to momentarily black out. Ajarn Chai leaned over to Guro Dan and whispered, "We use da shin to do dat."



                    • #11
                      Many valid doupts on this First I beleive Dillman dos tuite from ruku kempo and yes I to beleive it is difficult to apply To study chi na May give more insite to nerve strikes. Thrrough the use of human testing thes applications can applie BUT Id defintly say much study and training is to be involved .. Wheather it works or not I have no proof can be very painful But I think if you have not been subdued it wont be as effective To knockout someone the presure of the strike must be fast and on a small target with this it might just be better to land a strong hook to the jaw. Dillman bought Alis old training camp worked with Ali back in the sixtys

