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extendable batons

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  • extendable batons

    are these bad bo's ok to carry or do you need a concealed weapons permit to have it?

  • #2
    They have no alternate purpose by design other than in armed conflict, therefore in most states they are considered concealed if they are hidden from open sight. The way I get around this with my knife is to use the clip on my pocket, the clip on the outside of the pocket, the knife hanging folded on the inside.

    It makes it obvious that you have a knife for anyone who cares to look, but it remains non-threatening because most folks won't notice, or they will think it is much smaller than it is. Folks are always surprised when I flick open my folder, which is a beefy four and a half inches.

    Would you believe that on my trip to New Zealand they actually let me onboard with it?! That was before 9-11.

    My point is, if you wear it like I wear my knife, folks will know it is there if they are aware, and it will look like a pocket flashlight to most people.

    This works where I live, but each state and provence has differing laws regarding weapons.
    Last edited by Brokenmace; 11-03-2002, 02:17 AM.


    • #3
      yea i can't find anything about laws in my state online...i'll just have to keep looking i guess


      • #4
        I don't think that you should carry a weopon (knife, baton, etc.)
        You almost surely will never have to use it and if you do ever take it out in a conflict there is that strong chance that it can be taken from you and used against you. How would you feel if a group of guys took your knife or baton away from you and cut you or beat the crap out of you with it?


        • #5
          I support the idea of carrying a knife, but I think so many people do it wrongly. If someone is a threat to my family, they are going to go through me, and if I need that knife to save their lives, then so be it.


          • #6
            well i'm probably not gonna carry one anyways, but if i'm ever going somewhere and i know i might need the baton/knife, then i'd like to know if it's lega to carry it


            • #7
              Get a weapon taken from you is only likely to happen if you hesitate to use it. If you are going to actually pull a weapon, you should only do so with the intent and will to use it. Period.

              Folks get their weapons taken from them because they are timid or foolish. The point of a weapon is to take control and overmatch the enemy's ability to have his way. If he advances, use the damned thing.

              But it is wise to get weapons training. This is why I like Kali, because it gives you a broad based program without the major complexities associated with some other forms of armed systems. I like that a stick is a sword is a knife is a hand. But more importantly, you defend against angles and not techniques.

              Get trained. Then you can carry. I like kubatons because they can pass as a keychain (I was able to get into the Kennedy Space Center with one recently, even though they don't allo weapons )

