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Instructional Videos

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  • Instructional Videos

    I know this topic has been mentioned before,
    but does anypone have personal knowledge of any instructional tapes.

    That have true integrity and worth.
    (in other words not a load of unproven hype)

    And are they good value for money.

    Are the Sperry tapes the best around, if so which ones ???

  • #2
    Hi there

    It's hard to recomend tapes unless I/we know what your level is where your interests lie (gi, no gi, BJJ, submission grappling, self defense, NHB, etc.). That being said, there are some great tapes and tape series out there - of course everyone will disagree on which they are.

    My favorites are anything by Erik Paulson, especially if you are interested in no-gi. He shows a lot of material, but assumes that you have a rewind and slo-mo button on your VCR remote!

    My other favorites include the JJ Machado DVD, some of Michael Jen's material (pin escapes especially), and most of Mario Sperry's material. There are many many tapes out there, though, and sometimes it is worth slogging through a whole tape just to find one or two gems of techniques or principles that work for you!

    BTW - the tapes I have the most 'personal knowledge' of are, ahem, my own (Omo Plata and the Dynamic Guard - I wouldn't have produced them if I didn't think that they have 'true integrity and worth'.

    Good luck to you
    Stephan Kesting
    Learn Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and no gi grappling as fast as possible. Over 200,000 people have downloaded the free 'Roadmap for BJJ', the Grapplearts Master App and our instructional videos


    • #3
      Try the half guard tapes by
      Also Bob Bass and Rick Williams--straightblast productions...
      Cesar Gracie series are awesome!!
      The Omo Plata series by S. Kesting are very good too!!


      • #4

        Does Nikki produce any technique videos????

        Warmest regards,



        • #5
          Instructional video's or DVD's

          thanks for the replies,
          But i suppose i should be looking to buy dvd's
          rather than video's !
          So does anyone know of any good DVD's ?

          Ideally it should be instructional and technically detailed.

          As i believe in one good technically correct move,
          is more important than 10 unperfected moves.

          I prefer quality over quantity,
          aand this requires the instructor to explaine in detail,
          the precise details of a move.

          Also the instructor must have a proven track record.

          Also i like the intruction to assume that i know nothing,
          in other words from basics.
          To eliminate any bad habits i may have picked up.

          Well, does anybody know of any dvd's(ideally)
          or video's that cater for this?

          They should also be as close to
          street fight type scenarios as possible.


          • #6

            if that is what you are looking for then you should check out some tapes from Professor David James (Vee Arnis Jitsu). he definately has a proven track record and he breaks down every technique to its simplest form, not that the techniques are hard to begin with. i am not sure if he has any dvd's, the ones i have are on video. even if he doesnt have dvd format i would still recommend them, they are unbelievable. hope this helps.

