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preoblems with shuffle

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  • preoblems with shuffle

    ok, ive been having problems with my shuffle, when i have my stance (left foot lead) after i land a right kick or knee ive been having problems doing my shuffle, so that i can send out a left foot or knee....

    does anyone have a drill or idea on how i can work on this....

  • #2
    make daily footwork practice a habit. Footwork is a HUGE part of your standup game. For developing the kind of rythm your describing, try alternate knee exercises, (remember the dance move "the running man"), it kinda looks like that foot work, but throwing knees, also if you have a training bag, from your left lead stance,give it a rear round kick, landing that foot on the ground in position so its now the lead foot, bringing your former lead foot back so you now have a good right lead stance, and throw another round kick with the left, now land the left in the lead position etc........... (practice until you get a nice rythm)other than that, get someone who knows what their doing to watch you and correct any mistakes your doing.


    • #3
      thank you


      • #4
        Slow down a little to find the balance in your kick and knee strikes. This will give you control on where you want to land you foot . And resets your pivot on the suporting leg Then put the speed back in. Learning to be able to sat the foot down rather than letting fall alows for the next position . Try with a partner as this lets you see his reaction to the movement . That reaction determines the next movement too. Sure you will get many more sugestions .


        • #5
          i hope i get many more replies...... u guyz rule man..... Its nice to have a forum where i can ask questions, cant always be at the guym.


          • #6
            Hey punk,
            The suggestions you got are great, but i would suggest, before you do that, that you should develop good balance as well as good hip rotation.This is the basic if you want to be able to control your kicks, your knees and have a proper stance.Make sure you stay light on your feet (skipping rope always helps) and practice your actual shuffle before you start throwing kicks (or combinations). To find out how to do this, ask P. Gelinas, he knows his s**t. Remember, there is a reason why the basics are so important.

            Good Luck


            • #7
              a little help maybe

              hey PunkOOO, I am surprised Martin hasn't showed you this drill from Master Chai. When you kick w/back leg, instead of returning your foot to where it started from, move it backwards about 6-10 inches, then you will be forced to bring your lead leg back in order to center yourself. This will allow you all the room/time you need to utilize your front leg however you deem fit. If you cannot relate, remember what you do after a #2 Straight knee, the same thing you do before the setup, when you attach the opponent's jab while moving backwards to draw their cross. And when these so-called 'website masters' start denigrating this drill, remember it is just a drill. All fights are unscripted jazz, just like a conversation, or a discussion forum LOL

