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About BJJ

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  • About BJJ

    I have a couple of questions about BJJ.
    Does it contain any kicks or punches etc? And what about the selfdefense... How much does it contain selfdefence techniques? I mean, does it work on the street? And most of all, do you recommend BJJ for me? My previous arts were Karate and Wing Tsun.


  • #2
    Oh c'mon There gotta be at least one who studies BJJ.


    • #3
      ok i hate not getting replys too so...

      i dont do bjj but i do grapple with ppl who do, and from what ive seen they havent hit me so far. mostly just chokes, joint manipulations u know the basic submission crap. well not crap, but thats just a word i used.:P

      im not sure if it has strikes in it but allota ppl take it in combo with mt, so maybe it does but im sure that they are not to superior....

      as for self defence, im guessing if u can get an attacker into an flying armbar then go for it, but logically it would not be that usefull against multiple attackers... as one can hit you while u have the other in an armbar, kneebar, rear choke, guiolteene choke, trianle choke...... shal i go on?

      but i can tell you this, IT RULES ALL ELSE IN COMPS. ask someone to put you in a rear choke and see how long u can last...... ull see why


      • #4
        you should study bjj of course get your strikes from boxing or muay thai if you are outnumbered run...


        • #5
          I have practice a little bit of BJJ, but from what i have seen, there is no strikes, it is stricktly a ground fighting style. Not to say that they are not allowed, but they are not taught.
          As for the self defense, a good street fighter must have the knowledge of all ranges (lunging, kicking,punching,CQC and ground fighting).If you lack the one of these, it could mean your doom on the street. Therefore, bjj is definetly usefull.Keep in my though, if in a street fight, the last thing you want to do is go to the ground. Because you loose access to a lot of your weapons (kicks, knees...). If you do go to the ground, you want to get back up a.s.a.p. You don't want to waste your time struggling on the floor.Like any fight, you to get in and get out. Keep in mind your enviromment, if you are in a club or on the street where there might be broken glass or any other dangers, the last thing you want to do is go to the ground.
          Don't get me wrong, good basics in bjj is essntial to any fighter. But like any other art, all you use on the street is basics.


          • #6
            i take BJJ, there are no strikes taught. I have noticed many techniques/positions that i could successfully strike from (i.e. i have you in the standard armbar, i could heel/beat you with my leg in the head). it's not self defense, it's a ground fighting style.


            • #7
              mjmnam is right. bjj teaches ground positions that can be used to strike. some setups for submissions assume that you'll be using strikes. I guess the reason they don't really teach the actual striking is because it doesn't take a genius to know that you can beat the hell out of someone once you mount them.


              • #8
                From what I have seen of BJJ it has some very effective techniques, principles and strategies. However, every single 'self defense' technique I have seen in the BJJ books is a J O K E.

                For this reason, I love BJJ: The Master Text. The author of this book, Gene Simco, stays on task with the three major arteries of BJJ in SPORT competition. Submission Grappling, Jiu-Jitsu and Vale Tudo. The only reference to Self Defense is on not being in the situation in the first place.

                I have no doubt that Mr. Simco can defend himself, but if one of you blue belts pulls me into the guard I'll gut you like a fish with my pocket nail file.....

                Bottom Line: BJJ has some awesome techniques and can be used effectively for any situation by someone who knows what they are doing. If you want self defense, train self defense, if you want sport train sport. If you get your wires crossed somewhere along the line, prepare to pay...... in pints.....

                S Zepank Esquire.


                • #9
                  I think the "sport" techniques can often be used in self defence, but they do carry dangers for the user. Like Schizo says, it would be a present if someone pulled me into their guard in the street. I could have two new balls for the Christmas tree.......

                  I havent seen the Gracie Self Defence book, what is so bad about it?


                  • #10
                    I've studied the Gracie book, the Machado book, and the Master Text. There isn't anything particularly 'bad' about any one of them. They're all worth owning.

                    However, in the Gracie book specifically, there are some 'self-defense' techniques that I find very suspect. It seems that they threw these in at the last as an afterthought.

                    I'll take another look at the books and get back to you.



                    • #11
                      Originally posted by MrPoopy
                      mjmnam is right. bjj teaches ground positions that can be used to strike. some setups for submissions assume that you'll be using strikes. I guess the reason they don't really teach the actual striking is because it doesn't take a genius to know that you can beat the hell out of someone once you mount them.
                      they don't teach striking because you need a really good groundfighting base before you add striking into the mess. it's complicated enough trying to work the techniques correctly while wrestling without having to worry about getting the shit punched outa me.

