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Trouble with wrestlers

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  • #61
    H2h if a decent wrestler shoot it is a fluent motion. Have you ever seen BJJ and wrestling?? I have and I have always seen the wrestler get the TDs and it was not like the BJJ guys had a choice. Now alot of time the BJJ guy makes the wreslter tap afterward, that is if the wrestler does not have siubmission skills. My point is not about BJJ (so please no this VS that stuff), my point is the bjj stylist knows what the wreslter is going to do and can't stop it. If it were that easy they would not hesitate to use a knee, but they can't. You also greatly underestimate how tough most wretlers are - see badger's post a few posts back. A broken nose would not bother me, I will have the satisfation of turning your face into spagehtti sauce with meat.

    No flame dude, but I think this has to do with the fact that you never wreslted. Like Jubaji stated, wreslters do practice "illegal" techiques and use them in matches and in the wrestling room more than you think. You would be suprised how much pain somone will cause just with a chin.

    I think we need a wrestling forum


    • #62
      Originally posted by IPON
      H2h if a decent wrestle shoot it is a fluent motion. Have you ever seen BJJ and wrestling?? I have and I have always seen teh wrestler get the TDs and it was not like the BJJ guys had a choice, now alot of time the BJJ guy makes the wreslter tap afetr that is they do not have siubmission skill. My point is not about BJJ (so please no this VS this stuff), my point is the bjj stylist knows what the wreslter is going to do and can't stop it if it were that easy they would not hesitate to use a knee, but they can't. You also greatly underestimate how tough most wretler are see badger's post a few posts back. a broken nose would not bother me, I will have the satisfation of turning you face into spagehtti sauce with meat.

      No flame dude, but I think this has to do with the fact that you never wreslted. Like Jubaji stated wreslter do practice "illegal" techiques and use them in matches and in the wreestkling room more than you think. You would be suprised how much pain somone cause just with a chin.

      I thin we need a wrestling forum

      I second that!


      • #63
        Yes i know you can roll out of it when the lift your leg up, or at least i was shown that, but if you held the leg differently when they tried to roll they would land on their ass
        Roll out of a single or double leg takedown? Unless I misunderstand you, this is what you are suggesting. Allow me to be the first to inform you that this isn's possible. Also, when properly executed, a single leg takedown does not involve lifting the other guy's leg up in the air. It involves level change, balance disruption, and forward drive.


        • #64
          jubaji what I meant about the comment with wrestlers not working from their backs is this. Wrestlers by training do not work from their backs alot, the whole point is not to end up there. So if you can get them there they will make mistakes. Getting them there is the hard part. One of the guys I train with wrestled in high school and college, and now 4 years of BJJ. He talks alot about the differences, and what BJJ has added to his game. Being comfortable from top and bottom positions is something BJJ works at, so its an advantage.

          Don't think I don't have respect for wrestling, you will note my post earlier where I said underestimating a wrestler is a ticket to an ass whoopin. Just trying to point out a few ways to get an edge on them. Course if that wrestler is trained in BJJ as well, you are in for a long day.


          • #65
            [QUOTE=TylerDurden]jubaji what I meant about the comment with wrestlers not working from their backs is this. Wrestlers by training do not work from their backs alot, the whole point is not to end up there. So if you can get them there they will make mistakes. [QUOTE]

            Ah, I see. You said "From the bottom" originally. From on one's back is a different thing. Now I see your point. Thank you.


            • #66
              I hate wrestlers. The only thing I could do against a wrestler is sprawl for dear life right before they get their hands on me and start manhandling me and suplexing me and all that stuff.


              • #67
                Originally posted by ryanhall
                Roll out of a single or double leg takedown? Unless I misunderstand you, this is what you are suggesting. Allow me to be the first to inform you that this isn's possible. Also, when properly executed, a single leg takedown does not involve lifting the other guy's leg up in the air. It involves level change, balance disruption, and forward drive.
                Actually, many finishes to a single do include getting the leg up.


                • #68
                  yeah I remember shoot for the moon. In that case we had to lift the leg to do the takedown.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by GRACIEAUSTIN
                    I am trying to set this move up from right here: in the picture. I don't quite have the arm yet, but you can get the idea.

                    Guys....Phil is very good and very knowledgable.I suggest that you take the time to ask him questions and listen.
                    If he is willing to answer and explain moves to you than you can learn alot from him.
                    Some of the guys on this forum are very young and really dont train.
                    I suggest for those guy that you join a legit school.
                    If there isnt one in your area,take the time to go to a seminar (may have to travel)You HAVE to get on the mat to learn.You can watch the moves and have them all figured out in your mind....but it will be to no avail if you dont have the mat time to make them work.Just like the wrestlers train and train to get do the BJJ guys.That's why it takes so long to get belts in this art.It's all based on perfomance.If you cant make it work you dont advance.
                    Helio Gracie demoting himself to a blue belt is a perfect example.He is very old and cant perform like he used to.There is no room for ego .You just have to respect a man who is that down to earth about himself.
                    Train hard,train often.


                    • #70
                      damn straight smalldog. goodshow

