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Tap Out Geeks

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  • #16
    Its all about the money . All off the major spoting events are about the money they make off PPV , advertisements and ticket sales. That is why there in the buisness and why the charge 35 dollars to see the events .
    If this someone makes money from there idea,s . It is because it was a good one to begin with. So I say let tapout make a buck and if you dont like them then don't but the product.


    • #17

      TAPOUT makes a joke our of MMA while "cashing in" on it. If MMA is going to be taken seriously, it needs someone like Don King.

      THIS IS OF COURSE A JOKE. Tap Out is a business, just as UFC is a business, just as the NAJJF is a business. Don King on the other hand...
      Last edited by NAJJFDAVE; 12-30-2002, 04:11 PM.


      • #18
        Re: Tap Out Geeks

        Originally posted by Groin Grab
        They spend the majority of their class time talking about No Holds Barred events and recent happening in MMA instead of training and then while drilling techniques they will pretend to be different characters from the UFC, Pride and other similar events.
        I almost thought you were talking about me. Except 20+ years ago I was talking about Bruce Lee movies and pretending to be the "Game of Death" champion.

        At least I was allowed to grow up.


        • #19
          Lets see if I have this straight. You do not like the idea of this bunch of guys making money off of a product that apparently a lot of people like and are willing to pay money for? And you do not like the idea of someone taking a risk with their own capital, and starting a business to get paid? I don't get it bro. Granted, these guys are a bit over the top, but there is a market for what they have to offer.

          Also, I think that is a gross generalization to say that anyone who wears their stuff is a poser that talks about training more than physically training. Being new to this forum, but not the MMA world, I do not know if that was just a deliberately provacative attempt at trolling; so I do not know who trolls here or not yet. None the less, I do not think that is a call that you would make to a lot of people in real life. Hell, my long time friend and coach is a BJJ 5th deg (CBJJ) and loves their stuff. His name is Ricardo Murgel btw. He trains, AND wears Tapout. Personally, I don't because they don't have anything that interests me; but to begrudge them for taking a risk, starting a business and making money off of people who want to spend it on their product is irrational.

          See ya around!


          • #20
            I've seen a billion of these types of guys if you buy and wear Tapout Clothes all you're saying is that "I'm into this stuff for the image I want people to think I'm bad ass," the trueth is when it comes to actual performance these guys always suck ass.
            I worked out with one of those guys today. He shows up totally decked out in grappling shorts, grappling gloves, knee pads. He even claimed that he had been into jiu jitsu for 10 years and the fool was sporting a black & red belt with a bunch of shitty looking patches all over his gi. He was worse than a beginner. Everything I tried on this dude worked. I tapped him about 6 times in the first 5 minutes, then the guy stops and starts talking MMA with me as if he knows anything about it. I tapped him so many times after that, I lost count. What a f'n joke.


            • #21
              He was wearing a belt with his shorts?
              Just to be devils advocate, does that mean that because you supposedly had a run in with one squid that anyone who wears Tapout means that all are?
              Not trying to be too much of an antagonist but I am still trying to understand how what Tapout is doing is a bad thing. If there was no reward in building a business, no incentive, no one would do anything, create anything, make anything, sell anything.
              I keep asking because I have been around MMA for quite some time, and if there is no revenue, whether you like it or not, the sport will not succeed at all. Better to have some goofballs at least getting the word out, than no one at all.

              And even though they are goofballs, that it is the accepted norm in anything today. The more extreme, the more popular it is. And that is what sells, and I think that we can all agree that we need the word to get out about MMA.


              • #22
                Alright I'll give Tapout credit for taking a financal risk and starting a buisness that's fine and a good point I still think the fighters especally the ones who are already established and professional level athletes in other sports like Randy Couture for one example of many are taking greater risks and deserve more credit.

                I'll change my generalization from all people who wear Tapout are pozers too just most of the people who wear Tapout are pozers because most people who do wear Tapout are pozers but yes like you pointed out there are a few guys who actually can kick ass who wear the stuff. The guy Mr. Poopy described is exactly the type of guy I'm used to seeing in Tapout appearl. That post was funny. The gangster stripper look that Tapout seems to try to grasp is lame, that's my opion. I'm not saying it's lame if you like the gangster thing but if you think you're gangster because you wear tapout your a dork.

                I irritated by the articule on those guys in that last grappling mag that's why I posted this thread.


                • #23
                  Mista Grab, I'll have to admit that the article got on my nerves too! I am just looking at it from the stand point that I wish that I had the time, and notion to stop what I am doing and do something for the sport like that.

                  Having said that, I have seen my own fair amount of people that seem to enjoy wearing the sport and not training in it.

                  How would you recommend a company conduct itself, make a profit, and promote the sport?

                  I personally would not mind some serious bidness partners!

                  I think that someone could learn a lot in how not to do business and promote the sport from the TapOut crew. And I personally would entertain anyone that would be interested in doing something.

                  But until that happens, I want them to keep doing what they are doing.


                  • #24
                    No, ov1. He also had a gi.

                    That is not the first time I've ran into someone like that. There was a guy that came into my bjj class probly six months ago wearing headgear, tight tapout fag shorts, and all kinds of padding. He was obviously there to kick someones ass but couldn't beat the least experienced people. All he knew was some decent pins and a couple lower body subs and he couldn't even get those to work. And this fool had already been in a MMA fight! But he was not successful. He got his teeth kicked in trying to apply one of his sorry subs.
                    Last edited by MrPoopy; 12-31-2002, 12:04 AM.


                    • #25
                      That's hilareous. Mr. Poopy. Dude there was a guy who came into my school once he had on a BJJ Top Team T-shirt, Tapout shorts and Atama socks! I didn't even know Atama made socks but he had some on. The the guy pulls out his gi it is a Mario Sperry signiture gi with the Brazilian and American flags. He takes off all his clothes before putting on his gi except for his little Tapout spandex vale tudo shorts. This guy is like covered with tattoos man he's got the Brazilian flag on one side of his back the american flag on the other side of his back, he's got like japanese writing down the middle of his back and big tat across his stomach that says DESTROY. Then he puts his gi on he's got Tapout and Red Nose patches all over his pants and Minataro Patch on the back of his gi. Next he starts warming up like he's going into a boxing match or something I mean he's like doing the Ali foot work and every thing then he starts shadow boxing in the air a bit moving his head side to side and stuff. Every body is looking at this dude like whoa I better be careful or he might kick my ass. Then we start drilling moves. Of course no body partners up with this guy so my teacher pairs me up with him to practice the drill. I'm thiking oh great why does it have to be me. After a couple trials of doing the guard passing drill this guy starts saying stuff like "and then Mario Sperry passes Frank Shamrocks guard and goes for the finish oh but wait Shamrock tries an escape no failed Sperry finishes the fight." Like for every guard pass he drilled after that he had a different fighter passing the guard now I'm thinking when is this guy going to shut up. Finally drill time ends and we start training this guy (he's a blue belt) goes ape wire he like completely spazes trying to pass my guard I mean balls to the wall trying to kill me then after about literally less than two minutes he completely gases out I submitt him with and armbar then he goes out side to get a drink and then sits on the side of the mat the rest of the night.


                      • #26
                        I totally agree. This image with the scantily clad females has got to go. It cheapens the image of the sport. I love grappling to death but there also needs to be more honor and respect shown by grappling competitors. I don't see too much humility. Also, get rid of the tramps at the grappling events.


                        • #27
                          Sounds like me. I was putting on my pants yesterday, tripped and busted up my hand on the wall as I yelled like a little girl falling to the mat.

                          I submitted myself before anyone even got to class. Didn't matter though. Bubba Dummy was there and he couldn't stop laughing.


                          • #28
                            It is not the look or the clothes that make a martial artist good or bad it is there experience or lack off that decides that factor.

