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Tap Out Geeks

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  • Tap Out Geeks

    Did any one see the feature on those Tapout idiots in the last issue of Grappling Magazine? All I can say is what a bunch of homos. I think it's insult that Grappling Magazine publishes such crap for grappling fans to read and gives out this free advertisement space to a guy that is doing nothing more than making money off of grapplers like you and me. First Grappling magazine protrays these retards as this great enitiy to no holds barred. The magazine states "When the networks, the Fox Televisions, and the ESPNs of the world finally open their eyes and realize that MMA is bigger than they ever dreamed of, much credit will go to the Charles Lewis' and the Tapout Crews of the world" All I can say is Bull Shit. First, these guys don't do any thing for MMA except make money off it for themselves. That's the truth all Tapout is, is a bunch of pussy ass white belts making bigg bucks off of athletes who work and train hard to go fight in the ring. The spokes man for Tap Out who calls himself the Mask states "I'm not here to change anything. That's not my mindset, goal or objective. Tapout is here to help bring this sport to a state of world domination." That's the biggest bunch of probaganda I've read this year. Tapout isn't here to promote MMA it's here to make money and thats it. Why would this company want MMA to be in the mainstream of sports? Because then he'll be able to make more money off all those wimpy ass pozers who buy his clothes. The only people who even buy Tapout are wannabes. It's true every gym I've been too all across the west has guys come into train, they are the same dorks you see every where. These guys come in with their entire Tapout ensamble on looking all hard core and bad ass. Then they change clothes and get on the mat. They spend the majority of their class time talking about No Holds Barred events and recent happening in MMA instead of training and then while drilling techniques they will pretend to be different characters from the UFC, Pride and other similar events. I saw one guy drilling moves onces (who showed up in all Tapout appearl) and as he's drilling the guard pass he's says stuff like "and then Minatarou passes Frank Shamrocks guard and goes for the finish." People that wear Tapout aren't into Jui-Jitsu, submission wrestling, Grappling, MMA or what ever you want to call it to be come good athletes and fighters they are there for the image and thats it. I've seen a billion of these types of guys if you buy and wear Tapout Clothes all you're saying is that "I'm into this stuff for the image I want people to think I'm bad ass," the trueth is when it comes to actual performance these guys always suck ass. Think about who wipes ass at your school? It's always the guy that just comes into train with a regular T-shirt changes into his training clothes doesn't say much and then wipes his ass off on every ones face when it comes time to roll. This Mask guy is such a geek that he totally contradicts himself throughout the articule with all his meaningless hype. First the interviewer askes him "The Tapout crew has been called the X-Men of MMA. What does each of you represent in the comic book sense?" Then Mask repondes "Cartoon or comic are not words I would use. It implies that what we do is for children and that's completely wrong." Then later in the articule when hyping up his crew he says "We're NHB's X-Men. When you see us, you know what we're about!" Yea the guy is about image, he's about being a pozer this guy is such a geek he first he says he would not be appropratie to refer to him as a comic book then he complete contradicts himself saying he's the X-Men (which is a comic book) of NHB. I bet he couldn't even name all the X-Men and he's probably only seen the movie. Another stupid statement this guy makes is "We are here to promote mixed martial arts to the highest degree. I am not afraid to get out there and represent a sport that needs a hero -- someone who doesn't care about getting out there and believing, even if its not the popular thing to do.'"what a bunch of bull crap if he's not afraid why doesn't he get out there and fight? Dude he hasn't put anything at risk by promoting his little clothing company through MMA events. Guys like Randy Couture and Mark Shultz have put a lot more at risk than this idiot. How? because both of them are respected well known olympic level and world class wrestlers already respected internationally as athletes. By competeing in MMA events they put that reputaion on the line and take the risk of being judged as disreputable for a sport they already represented (wrestling). Take Mark Shultz for example at the time he fought in UFC number 8 he was the head coach for BYU's wrestling team before the program was cut thanks to Title IX. Do you think he took a risk entering the UFC. Hell yea infact Brigham Young University was very upset about it because they did not want their University to be connected with a No Holds Barred event and Mark Shultz was well known not only as an olympic gold medalist but also the head coach of the Universities wrestling team. The Gracies have put a lot on the line by competeing every time they compete they put the family name and reputation at risk and give some one the chance to be able claim that he "beat a gracie." Basically all you have with Tapout is a bunch of crappy ass grapplers and fans of the sport making a load of cash off the sport. Even look at the fighters Tapout sponsors Tap out hasn't made these fighters these fighters made Tapout. ChuckLiddle for example would be where he is to day with or with out Tapout same with any of the other fighters on their list. It's the same thing with Kip Kollar and his NAGA organization. Kip is a crappy ass grappler that's put a huge tournament ciruit together and now he's making the big bucks off black belts, brown belts and hundreds of other skilled athletes of all levels who have worked hard and paid their dues to the sport. The most ridecouls thing I've seen is that Kip and his group of tournament directors actually referee most of the matches at their tournaments. I'm seriousl you've got like white and blue belt level grapplers referring black belt matches and declaring who wins and loses plus making money off of them at the same time. What am I saying? I'm saying that the credit of any success of NHB MMA and Grappling should not go to the Tapout guys or the Kip Kollars of the sport or any of these other types who have figured out a way to cash into the market but the credit should go to the athletes that particapate in the events and train in the sports world wide. It is the athletes that make the sport happen without them there would be nothing, without people training all over the country there would be no market for MMA and it will be the athletes who will be responsable for MMA to gain recognition as a reputable and widely recognized sport across the world.

  • #2
    Don't hold back. Tell us how you really feel.


    • #3
      All I can say is what a bunch of homos
      THEY'RE homos? What's your name again? Peni...I mean...groin grab. Heh heh heh. What a fruit


      • #4
        Those tapout guys are queers. Does any of them even participate in MMA?


        • #5
          Are you talking about the TAPOUT crew? Mask, El Joker, etc..? WTF is wrong with you? They're trying to promote the entire sport, I bet if you seen them in person you'd shit all over your self. (thats if your talking about the same people, newbie)


          • #6
            yea you are talking about them!


            • #7
              Did you even read my entire post previously? Of course I'm talking about the Tapout Crew. They're trying to promote the sport?! Are you serious?! The only thing those guys are promoting is the size of their wallets. Come on man you can't be serious. You really thinka crew of idiots like them actuallydo good from MMA. That the sport is suddenly going to be internationally respected because a group of five guys dressed up in costumes selling clothes over the internet. Oh wait I forgot Tapout is going to bring the sport into "World Domination!" All because of some guy who paints his face in camo every day and says stupid stuff like "Pure Adrenaline, baby!" and "Welcome to my world. It now begins!" That's right all of a sudden Americans every where are going to stop playing Baseball, Football, Basketball, Hockey, Tennis and every other main stream sport and they are going to start flooding all the local boxing gyms and Jui-Jitsu schools all across the country so they can compete in MMA and be as cool as the Tapout crew. Don't tell me your serious all Tapout does is cash in on the MMA market. Tapout doesn't make MMA the Athletes do until the MMA promoters relize this the sport will never go any where. Especally in a country like the United States that already religously plays, practices, markets and follows an unbelievably huge number of sports.


              • #8
                GroinGrab, you make some good points, but please use paragraphs.


                • #9
                  IwouldhavetoagreewithJaredExtremethatitismucheasierforpeopletoreadwhatyouhavetosaywhenyouaddinabunch ofwhitespacebetweenthewordsthatyouuseandyoutrytoorganizeyourpointsinagoodliterarymanner.


                  • #10
                    Oh yea If I saw the Tapout guys in real life I would have to slip on my Magnito out fit then I would say, "bring it on X-Men of MMA!" and then I'd use my magnetic powers to crush them with the steel fence that surrounds the octagon but you probably didn't know that Big John McCarthy is really Professor Xavier in disguise with out his wheel chair so I'd have to deal with him next but that wouldn't be a problem because Ken Shamrock is actually Sabertooth and his dojo is only called the Lions Den because he didn't want to give away his secret idenity by calling it the Sabertooth Tigers Den.


                    • #11
                      Well, Pulver, Fertita, Horn, The octagon, etc. all sport the logo and if you don't like it then just ignore it instead of practing your keyboard skills on them..


                      • #12
                        No man the whole point about having a forum is to be able to practice your key board skills.


                        • #13
                          True. Lets end this topic with this last reply of mine.


                          • #14
                            Man, it's been a long time since I've been to this forum! Szxpnkwtzxc......I'm glad to see you are still alive and kicking gramatical ass!!

                            I was interested in this post though so I wanted to dump my 2 cents into the well.
                            Of course TAPOUT is about making money! They wouldn't be in business if they weren't, but look at it like this. As long as it gets the sport out there, its good. It's no more than EVERLAST is out there promoting boxing but when people see EVERLAST they think of boxing. Hopefully, we will get to the point that people will see stuff like TAPOUT or HUNTER or PUNISHMENT and automatically think "oh yeah! That's MMA fighting gear! I saw that on PPV the other day."

                            and blah, blah, blah.....................


                            • #15
                              Well, I think that if MMA really wants to get taken seriously as a mainstream sport, it's got to lose all the "gangster" garbage and "nudie girl" crap I'm starting to see in all the magazines, etc. It's getting more and more like WWF all the time in terms of that type of thing. I really love the sport of MMA, and I want to see it really presented well. The way you present something to the public at large dictates a lot of how they view it. That's just reality. The more sensational and XXX it becomes, the less chance it will have of being seen by most as little more than a mockery.


