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martial arts for cristians

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  • martial arts for cristians

    keith A. Morse

    The very terms "martial arts" and "self-defense" should tip off the Christian that something is wrong. Nowhere in the Bible are Christians told to resort to violence in defense of themselves.2 Jesus, in His Sermon on the Mount, said about self-defense:

    "You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.' But I say to you, do not resist him who is evil; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if anyone wants to sue you, and take your shirt, let him have your coat also. And whoever shall force you to go one mile, go with him two... love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." (Matthew 5:38-44)

    The Martial Arts are Man-Centered

    When Christians take up the martial arts for self-defense, they are saying to God, "I don't trust You to protect me." Christians are to depend on God for protection. Even death itself should not scare the Christian. In Matthew 10:28, Jesus said, "Do not fear those who kill the body, but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell." The Apostle Paul says in Philippians 1:21, "For me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain." It is best to leave the matter up to God, for as Jesus said in Matthew 6:29, "Which of you by being anxious can add a single cubit to his life's span?"

    Many, though not all, martial arts students are taught to revere their teachers to the point of worshiping them. There is nothing unbiblical about respect for authority, but within the martial arts, this veneration can reach levels that violate the First Commandment. (Exodus 20:3)

    The Martial Arts are rooted in Eastern religion

    Some martial artists may never have to defend themselves. Reputation or prudence may get them out of every potentially violent situation and the only blows they ever strike are in the practice studio. It is true that most martial artists do not go around looking for a fight. Joe Hyams, in his book, Zen in the Martial Arts, describes an experience in which he used his expertise to avoid a battle he probably could have won.

    But even the Christian who never uses martial arts to purposely injure another and trusts the Lord to protect him is getting involved in a religion that contradicts the teaching of the Bible.

    Masutatsu Oyama, in his book, This is Karate, says:

    "In many countries around the world, the question, 'What is Zen' often turns up. Usually we answer that Zen is karate and that karate is Zen."

    By "Zen," Oyama is referring to Zen Buddhism. In describing Zen Buddhism, Oyama says:

    "Concentrate on sincerity and on unifying your spirit. Forget yourself, forget your enemies, forget winning and losing, and when you have done so, you will be in the spiritually unified state that is called mu, or nothingness, in Zen. When you have spiritually reached the state of impassivity you will have entered a corner of the Zen world of mu."

    This impassive, "spiritually unified" mental state is identical to that achieved in yoga or other meditation-relaxation techniques, hypnosis (see related book review in this issue) or trance mediumship. The Bible forbids such emptying of the mind (Deuteronomy 18:11), calling it one of the "works of the flesh." (Galatians 5:20)

  • #2
    The mental state brought about by such meditation gradually conditions one to adopt a different world view from what a Christian should have. The emptying of the mind brings about a feeling of union with the universe. The word "yoga" means "yoking" or "union." After this experience, the subject can come to believe that he is at one with God or is God, because God is in everything. Arrival at this pantheistic conclusion is the goal of Eastern religions, which teach that man can solve all his problems if only he will realize that he is divine.

    It is not surprising that people in this mental state open themselves up to possible demonic influence. The lie they come to believe is almost identical to one Satan told Eve in the Garden of Eden: "You will be like God." Even Christians, who have protection from outright Satanic possession, are wise not to court the spiritual oppression this kind of mental state can invite. Yoga is not for Christians. The only "yoke" we should ever take up is Christ's. (Matthew 10:29-30)

    Most martial arts teachers include meditation as part of their instruction. The mental conditioning that meditation brings is largely responsible for the amazing physical feats that advanced martial artists do. Focusing the attention on the single task, such as breaking many boards with a bare hand, is brought about by achieving the impassive Zen mental state.

    Christians have no business being involved in the martial arts, even at the most elementary level. The one benefit that can be derived from the martial arts -- exercise -- is available in so many other spiritually harmless activities that there is no reason to open oneself up to the spiritual hazards or commission of sin that these techniques lead to.


    • #3
      what made me think about this post is that one thread about bushes creationist beliefs.

      i disagree with this article but before i state why i would like to see some others opinions on this.


      • #4
        I've read this article rehashed so many times on so many forums that it's beginning to put me to sleep.

        My response? Any scholaristic person who has studied any of the real Christian traditions (namely Orthodoxy, Catholicism, and the writings of well-known authorities of the church, etc.) will understand that these kinds of "interpretations" of the Bible are simply unrealistic, not a part of the Church's teachings, and most of the time just downright silly.

        But, heck, maybe I should tell you how I really feel.

        The bad thing about the internet is that everyone with an "opinion" is treated like that "opinion" is just as valid as facts that have been researched, studied, debated, and proven. Not the case at all.



        • #5
          Ryu is wise beyond his years!

          Every time I read his posts, I feel like I'm talking to the wise old sage on the mountain in the comic strip B.C.

          Ok, maybe not every time

          I'll post a new thread concerning the 'obscurity' factor of opinions on the internet.



          • #6
            I knew of a prist somewhere in Indiana (friend of the family but never meet him) was ranked 12th martial artist in the world, but choose to quite because people didnt like the sound of there prist/fighter. now he has his own Church. i know this is a little of topic but it just came into my head when i saw this thread....


            • #7
              Have a good friend that when he first began to be a preacher, he put the m/a up. He had to ask himself if this would be right in the eyes of god. 2 years later he deturmined that as long as you areuseing the m/a in a good way its right as god has used armies to spread and defend the word of god. But I do not wish to put the m/a with the point of religon. But as long as you are not useing the m/a in a bad way. Such as being the bully, I think it is helpful to being a better person also . Just a thought.


              • #8
                Not to get on a soap box and start preaching, but I due have few small comments on the subject.

                First, the Bible teaches us that we should glorify God in all things that we do. So, why limit that. Why can't an individual who is studying any Martial Arts discipline still glorify God in that. I can only speak for myself, but since I started training it has taught me a large amount of control in all of my life activities, the good ones and the bad ones. So it is only natural that the discipline I have learned from my training would flow over into my spritual growth.

                Second, you mention the reverence that students show for their instructors. I actually agree with you there, however, I think that is just human nature, because if you go into any of the mega-churches you will see the same type of thing happen with the pastor there or step totally away from that and go into politics or any arena where you have a strong leadership. People tend to put their leadership on a pedistal. The big problem comes when you do that and don't know who is leading your leader.

                Third, you mention the defense of oneself. Well, through out the Bible there are warriors that God called into his service to do his work. What if you instructor gives you the knowledge to save if not your own life but that of another. Is the knowledge you gained then wrong? I don't think so.

                Finally, I think if you only concentrate on the physical aspects of MA (like fighting) then you are missing the complete picture. In addition to the training I have received at this school I have also studied yoga and Tai Chi. For me personally it has made me alot calmer and made it easier to hear God once you have stripped away the noise of everyday life.


                By the way great post though.


                • #9
                  I wrote three paragraphs, but then my computer froze. Lets see if I can write it in 3 minutes.

                  Okay, so I was born into a religion called Jainism. I'm currtently an Athiest, and 16. My religion preaches non-violence. This means that we're vegetarians, we can't eat anything that grows under ground, because we may be killing microscopic animals and insects when they are pulled out, we can't step on grass, we can't drink cows milk, and we can't talk excessively.
                  There are so many rules, than after two years of religion class, I still don't know them.

                  S o I said, screw it, this can't be what religion is about. Why would you want to do all this, when you want to find inner peace. I said, but how do you know if there truly is a God.

                  Shit times up.Okay, I got to go, no one post anything until tomorrow, because I have to finish this up.


                  • #10
                    That's just like saying Christians can't be Police Officers; they carry pistols(do they not trust God for protection because of this).


                    • #11
                      Resurecting old topics?

                      So what does a christian have to do with martial arts? Worshipers should know the name of god should they not? The Jews have the tradition of not speaking the most holy name... Martial means of or pertaining to the Roman god of war, Mars...

                      They are not the same. Who is your god?

                      Ps. 83:18 KJV...


                      • #12
                        Plat angel's post is right on the money believe it or not.. "True" Christians should not be in martial arts.. i'm am not a baptized christian i'm still learning.. so i stopped muay thai and boxing and just grapple w/ no strikes.. for now..

                        see where my conscience takes me..


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by crazyjoe380
                          Plat angel's post is right on the money believe it or not.. "True" Christians should not be in martial arts.. i'm am not a baptized christian i'm still learning.. so i stopped muay thai and boxing and just grapple w/ no strikes.. for now.. see where my conscience takes me..
                          That's pretty good symbolism, crazyjoe. I think Jacob was a wrestler. He tried to wrestle God. God made him tap.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Tom Yum
                            That's pretty good symbolism, crazyjoe. I think Jacob was a wrestler. He tried to wrestle God. God made him tap.
                            By "touching his hip" and paralyzing it!! God is an Kung fu guy ...dimmak if i ever heard it...


                            • #15
                              That was Jesus, he was definitely BJJ.(Genesis 32 I think)

