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martial arts for cristians

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  • lol just shutup

    lol do me a favor and shutup. YOU FUNDIES... lol and more... but i refuse to get into depth on your ignorance. Noah's Ark is a true story. Creationist... are Christians... I'm not sure you know what you're talking about... if you're a true Christian creationist... then you know your mission in life is to worship you lord God and to serve his people... and who said the flood caused the Grand Canyon lol... ever heard of glaciers?? They are amazing landscapers... lol


    • also..

      Koala bears developed a taste for ... ehh im not sure how to spell it... But that in no way discounts... the Ark? lol. And Im not sure of the details of koala bears... but ill look it up. And I think its their choice to eat them right, I heard on discovery channel and national geographic the dont actually have a reaction with any other foods... its just their choice.


      • Originally posted by J-Luck
        lol do me a favor and shutup. ..... lol

        Your love is overflowing....


        • Koala "bear"???

          Originally posted by J-Luck
          Koala bears developed a taste for ........

          Phascolarctos cinereus (Koala) is not related to any bear species, they are herbivorous marsupials...Not bears.


          • lol

            I can appreciate that. But glaciers did create the grand canyon... ancient sediment layers came after even more ancient glaciers? Or so I'm taught in school and Discovery Channel lol... I could be wrong though I'm no scientist. Ummm... as far as the flood creating it... I'm a creationist, and have seen many theories I dont like and do like... one being that the flood covered the earth. The flood covered mesopotamia... most of which is like a basin... a global flood is not plausible, nor is there geological evidence supporting one... thogh there is one supporting a local flood(people had not yet spread that far.. and mesopotamia is where life began for humans, hopefully you do not dispute all this GOOD SCIENCE lol just kiddin) and the herbrew words describing the animals brought aboard the ship do not say every living thing in their world(mesopatamia) rather, it specifies which ones, narrowing it down greatly. And like the 7 day issue, im not making up bullshit lol, translators have known this, but it is common misconception.


            • And no, the Earth is not 6,000 years old... Those people are nuts lol. The 7 day translation, (the one i previously stated) supports dinosaurs being millions of years old, it covers periods of time in between the earth being created(such as the earth first being formless) molten lava earth had no real form... though it was spherelike. Then the oceans(which was the next step through the cooling off and ice from comets and meteorites) which is also... not disputed by science. And the land( also supported by sciene). Honestly, I dont mean to be a jerk, but I love a good debate. And I feel, science progressivly proves, not disproves the bible. First it was the apostles never wrote any of the books of the Gospels, they were written 200 years later(oh wait... archeology later proves some were written withing 30 years... HUH... stupid Christians... must have gotten lucky with that one ) Then I watched a video about how the earth formed lol. And as I stated earlier in this reply, it sounded to me like ... the bible lol. Who woulda guessed lol. I find it funny how many people who have set out to disprove Christianity end up being Christians, I find it to be no coincidence. Example: read the Case For Christ.


              • Check it out

                Biochemist's book on evolution... good read. "Darwin's Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution"


                • lol

                  lol thats fine. umm... It was an interesting read, didn't really adress much, but uhhh... it was ok? Whoever wrote it just wasted his time, but like I said... it was ok?


                  • Water returns to the heavens...

                    Originally posted by Mr. Arieson

                    J-luck, as I said, this was not entirely directed at you. But, check out the link above anyway.

                    The water cycle is used illustrativly to decsribe the purpose of God's words in Isaiah 55:10,11....

                    The scientific understanding of that cycle came MUCH later...


                    • Originally posted by J-Luck
                      And no, the Earth is not 6,000 years old... Those people are nuts lol. The 7 day translation, (the one i previously stated) supports dinosaurs being millions of years old, it covers periods of time in between the earth being created(such as the earth first being formless) molten lava earth had no real form... though it was spherelike. Then the oceans(which was the next step through the cooling off and ice from comets and meteorites) which is also... not disputed by science. And the land( also supported by sciene). Honestly, I dont mean to be a jerk, but I love a good debate. And I feel, science progressivly proves, not disproves the bible.

                      From time to time, I do meet Christians who believe that the Earth is 6,000 years old and that the earth was created in 7 days. When I question these numbers, I usually get attacked on the fallability of God's word, which is more or less an insult against my faith, fellowship etc. Seems like literal versus interpretation.

                      Genesis says "In the beginning..."

                      I take the beginning as time = 0, the absolute beginning perhaps some 10^200 years ago or some enormously large amount of time. I'm not the only Christian who thinks this way; I've heard other Pastors discuss this as well. Woo hoo!

                      Anyhow, we've got one helluva discussion going on. Let's keep it going....


                      • Originally posted by GQchris
                        Hey Jackass; here's a hint, if you don't like the subject, don't chime in. Now please Phuck Off, it's a free country for whoever we want to worship. Now I know that's not very Christian, but I'm tired of Phucks like you... we don't bother atheists, so leave us the phuck alone.

                        Youre a bible-thumping-uneducated-sleep-walking-through-life-mummy. Your whole existence borders on a fantasy world where death is a portal, where a God begot a son with a mortal woman (that was smart! LOL) and where you and the rest of the sheep take seriously the teachings of some fraudulent jew who had he lived past 27 would have recanted his teachings anyway.
                        Im an atheist? LOL, says who? Try existentialist, I worry about things that are knowable, not imaginary places where Im out grazing with the other sheep in the green pasture fantasy world of some sick christian world view. The entire bible promotes nothing but weakness, its stagnant and worships life hating values. Half the stories in there are stolen from older civilizations and the rest are just stories, yeah some guy lived in whales stomach and a buring bush talks LOLOLOLOLOL, say Hi to Donald Duck and the Tooth Fairy for me there Einstein LOLOLLOLOLOLOLO


                        • Originally posted by Mr. Arieson
                          However, because fundies say literally 7 working days, they use this to justify selling off U.S. Forest land to oil companies...think that is really a stretch? Anti-enviromentalists claim exactly that..that is is our right to destroy the enviroment because we have "dominion" over it, and besides, we are now living in end times, so why preserve the forests?
                          Were getting out of the original discussion and are getting into a political discussion.

                          We need crude oil. We need it to keep our economy running smoothly, just as we need it to keep our automobiles running smoothly (and our bodies ).

                          Until we can come up with feasable and alternative sources of fuel, we will seek oil.

                          The greatest thing about our country is that political need has become the driving force of great 20th and 21st century inventions! Apparently, we don't need an alternative badly enough, however Bush (through some crafty advisors) has seen the beginning of this need.


                          • Originally posted by OmaPlata
                            Youre a bible-thumping-uneducated-sleep-walking-through-life-mummy. Your whole existence borders on a fantasy world where death is a portal-
                            Well since no one has been able to document the death experience (allthough there are some cases of clinically dead and resurrected) how can you know?

                            PS - Chris was in the USMC...

                            Originally posted by OmaPlata
                            The entire bible promotes nothing but weakness, its stagnant and worships life hating values.-
                            Yeah, you just summed up the Bible...

                            There is strength, wisdom and love in the Bible. Its a hard standard to live by, but all it takes is one real experience one real testimony to change your life forever.

                            I think you've got great intentions J-omoplata and you're a funny guy............4 me to poop on!
                            Last edited by Tom Yum; 12-24-2006, 02:20 AM.


                            • PS - sorry 'bout that, but I kept the humor relatively clean and homoplata is a big boy (and a proficient grappler too).


                              • Originally posted by GQchris
                                Hey Jackass; here's a hint, if you don't like the subject, don't chime in. Now please Phuck Off, it's a free country for whoever we want to worship. Now I know that's not very Christian, but I'm tired of Phucks like you... we don't bother atheists, so leave us the phuck alone.
                                Christians dont bother athiests? idjits cant even get along with each other....please dont waste your breath telling us you dont bother athiests...

