Originally posted by J-Luck
Ok, there seem to be a few questionable posts here I'd like to adress, but I think there are too many so I'll try to cover them broadly. First off, sweeping generalizations make only the user of them look ignorant, not the group targeted by them.
Whoever said that fundamentalists don't help the poor is mistaken. There are some who do, and some who don't. Any one who truly has their heart changed by Christ will help those in need like they should. It won't even be a challenge.
Someone said Christ didn't address abortion, evolution, and homosexuality in any depth. And this is true. Reason being, he felt his stances were directly implied on such isssues. Though abortion didn't exist like it does now, and evolution wasn't even a hypothesis, his views are both specific and general, allowing him to encompass these issues that would later arise. And, Genisis does have a practical application when speaking of Christ's words, you forget that he was raised an orthodox Jew, meaning he held every word in the Torah with great reverance as the written word of his father, and therefore was influenced by them. Murder is wrong, ruling out abortion... I'm sure Jesus felt this way lol. Evolution, besides being scientifically unsound and unfounded, discredits God, and as the son of God, why would Jesus give credit to evolution, even if it didn't exist back then. And homosexuality is covered enough in the Torah(which again he found sacred). And, as for the 9/11 being our fault or whatever some people beilive, it's crazy. Jesus' biggest change from orthodox Judaism is gracy and mercy as opposed to wrath and destruction. And the reason he talked the poor and sick so much was because of the same reason, he was breaking the "it's your fault bad things are happening to you" mindest and trying to usher in the grace and mercy.
Evolution is a flawed theory... if one can call it a theory. Evolution, from the onset, did not employ sound scientific theory. Porponents of it routinely try to prove it... instead of trying to disprove a hypothesis, and in the inability to do so you begin to formulate your theory. Also, scientists are aknowleding now that it is flawed, thus the transfer of though to Intelligent Design as of late, which scientists will still not attribute to God
. The only reason evolution stuck around so long was because of sciences' inability to attribute ANYTHING AT ALL to supernatural causes.
I also heard that someone's relative didn't go to church because of the whole 7 days thing. The Hebrew word used to describe day in that passage was a word that had multipple meanings. A. a 12 hour period, B. a 24 hour period, C. a period of time defined by 2 significant events, a beggining event, and and ending event. This could account for thousands, millions, or even billions of years. Could even help explain the dinosaurs lol. I'll leave that up to science.(they don't screw up so bad when there is no bias)
In the last post, I think there was something to the degree of... all paths lead to the devine and therefore suggesting all religions are equal. That is in and of itself contradictory. I don't see many established religions prescribing to that belief. Also, it is an illogical way of thinking. The goal of religion is to attain salvation... and each has its truth, and that is the way it goes about attaining this salvation. What is implied by saying they are all equally valid, is that all truths are also equally valid. Truth is in and of itself is final, and not flexible. Truth is defined as "That which is considered to be the supreme reality and to have the ultimate meaning and value of existence." There can only be one truth to attaining salvation, and therefore only one religion can be right.
So I guess that's it. I'm open to defending my statements so long as it's debate, not senseless bashing and ignorant argument.
Oh, since this is a mma site, what are you guys thinking of the Gracie-Hughes fighting coming up. I think if Hughes can keep it standing up he's got a good shot(though I heard Royce has been training heavily with boxing and muay thai) but on the ground I'm not sure Hughes can last long. I'm saying Gracie... submission 3rd round... but close fight.
Whoever said that fundamentalists don't help the poor is mistaken. There are some who do, and some who don't. Any one who truly has their heart changed by Christ will help those in need like they should. It won't even be a challenge.
Someone said Christ didn't address abortion, evolution, and homosexuality in any depth. And this is true. Reason being, he felt his stances were directly implied on such isssues. Though abortion didn't exist like it does now, and evolution wasn't even a hypothesis, his views are both specific and general, allowing him to encompass these issues that would later arise. And, Genisis does have a practical application when speaking of Christ's words, you forget that he was raised an orthodox Jew, meaning he held every word in the Torah with great reverance as the written word of his father, and therefore was influenced by them. Murder is wrong, ruling out abortion... I'm sure Jesus felt this way lol. Evolution, besides being scientifically unsound and unfounded, discredits God, and as the son of God, why would Jesus give credit to evolution, even if it didn't exist back then. And homosexuality is covered enough in the Torah(which again he found sacred). And, as for the 9/11 being our fault or whatever some people beilive, it's crazy. Jesus' biggest change from orthodox Judaism is gracy and mercy as opposed to wrath and destruction. And the reason he talked the poor and sick so much was because of the same reason, he was breaking the "it's your fault bad things are happening to you" mindest and trying to usher in the grace and mercy.
Evolution is a flawed theory... if one can call it a theory. Evolution, from the onset, did not employ sound scientific theory. Porponents of it routinely try to prove it... instead of trying to disprove a hypothesis, and in the inability to do so you begin to formulate your theory. Also, scientists are aknowleding now that it is flawed, thus the transfer of though to Intelligent Design as of late, which scientists will still not attribute to God

I also heard that someone's relative didn't go to church because of the whole 7 days thing. The Hebrew word used to describe day in that passage was a word that had multipple meanings. A. a 12 hour period, B. a 24 hour period, C. a period of time defined by 2 significant events, a beggining event, and and ending event. This could account for thousands, millions, or even billions of years. Could even help explain the dinosaurs lol. I'll leave that up to science.(they don't screw up so bad when there is no bias)
In the last post, I think there was something to the degree of... all paths lead to the devine and therefore suggesting all religions are equal. That is in and of itself contradictory. I don't see many established religions prescribing to that belief. Also, it is an illogical way of thinking. The goal of religion is to attain salvation... and each has its truth, and that is the way it goes about attaining this salvation. What is implied by saying they are all equally valid, is that all truths are also equally valid. Truth is in and of itself is final, and not flexible. Truth is defined as "That which is considered to be the supreme reality and to have the ultimate meaning and value of existence." There can only be one truth to attaining salvation, and therefore only one religion can be right.
So I guess that's it. I'm open to defending my statements so long as it's debate, not senseless bashing and ignorant argument.
Oh, since this is a mma site, what are you guys thinking of the Gracie-Hughes fighting coming up. I think if Hughes can keep it standing up he's got a good shot(though I heard Royce has been training heavily with boxing and muay thai) but on the ground I'm not sure Hughes can last long. I'm saying Gracie... submission 3rd round... but close fight.