Hey I was just wondering if anyone else has the same "problem" I have. Well its like this, here for about the past 6 months I have had this undying urge to just start a fight for no reason other than to see how good I am. Im a senior in a high school of about 200 people (small hill billy ville) and I am pretty sure I can pretty much whip the shit out of anyone I please. I know this because in a class of 30 people around 12 or 13 being guys (just enough for our football team) when it comes time to pick up backyard sparring partners its everyone or no one. So the only guys that I would actually have for any competiton I already know I can beat them. So I can walk into the mall and throw down and end up with charges pressed on me or just walk around with this uncertainty about my abilitys. Well maybe Im just ****ed up in the head I dont know. I go to tournys and stuff but thats just not enough, I have even done bare knuckle full contact sparring with my friends (who now always seem to be cleaning house or some shit every time I call them up to come over for a saturday sparring practice session) but even thats not the same because I wont hurt them because they are my friends, I want to fell flesh bruise instantly under my knuckles and bones crunch from a well delivered side kick to a sternum. Well, I was just wondering if this was something Im just experiencing.
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Fighters Impulse
well you could take a little trip to houston and go to the school of the person who runs this board spit in his face and try to take him on.
Then you will most likely find out what what kind of fighter you are. If you live through it give us a post just to see how well you are healing.
or you could go to the closest major college and go to the gym and find the big line backers and ask them for a date. I'm sure you'd get a good test there as well.
In either event I think you will get broken flesh and crushed bones.
fighting with your friends is a far cry from a real life or death altercation. Your friends won't whip out a knife and carve you up like a turkey or try to take a bite out of your neck or rip your ear off etc. Be happy with the idea that you can take care of yourself. Confidence is good even if unwarranted. The only thing going around trying to pick fights will do is give you a chance to run into the wrong person who will gladly try and take your life from you.
You fall into the group:
Young buck or young dumb and full of cum.
Every see young pups play out fighting and the old dog annoyed by there testing him?
It will finally cache up to you sooner or later
Direct your energy another way and save your self from the reality of defeat.
Seminars over
Yet another problem with the art of Tae Kwon Do....many of the students aren't influenced on the philosophy part of it. That is what I follow which is why I haven't gotten into any fights this school year. And no actually what you have I think is pretty normal....you just have no fear what so ever and your a blood thirsty maniac
I ought to let this drop, but this is just too ridiculous. This high school senior from a small town thinks he's tough sh!t and a real warrior after two years of martial arts training (traditional TKD no less) and no real fighting experience. I hope for his sake that he learns to keep the 'ol ego in check.
I want to fell flesh bruise instantly under my knuckles and bones crunch from a well delivered side kick to a sternum. Seen too many Jet Li movies, methinks.
Go easy on GOGATO
heh iv noticed that COGATO is getting seriously flamed, on this post, and some others lately.
you guys have to keep in mind what life is like for a highschool senior.
I myself am a highschool senior, one year older because of the ontario school system.
At this age there's not many "street" fights, mostly just school yard shit, or stuff that happens at parties. Note that the people that he/i most likely will get into a fight with, are iether the same age or younger, with no MA training, and most likely very little fighting experience. (then again i live in Canada, were very friendly)
Highschool seniors are at the top of the pyramid, everyday they see little anoying grade 9 kids runing around acting tough, its all I can do not to smack em on the back of the head.
The vast majority of anger (in my experience) at this age, is directed to people of same age or younger...I mite be wishing those little grade 9's, or 10's would give me a reason "make my day". but i aint gunna go up to some 240 lb college line backer and have the same attitude.
He also comes from a small town, most people know most other people, theres not that mysterious, and dreaded "street fighter" who will jump out of the shadows and ruin all who train in MA's without major focus on "street" effectiveness.
I personaly think could take "most" of the people in my school, then again i have 2500 kids attending it.... in a small town if you can beat 20 kids you got half the town downlol
Just remember, Highschool aint real life.....
oh ya
one other thing, the teenage brain is under the same type of growth/development that an infant is going under, this stops around 18 years old COGATO is 17.... The emotional part of a teenagers brain develops first, the "logic" part develops last, so you get these supper emotional people who have very bad judgement.
thats why most teenagers seem like dumb shits.
COGATO really FEELS the need to crush some bones, he may or may not understand why thats so bad yet...lol (im sure he does..)
Most likely the strongest emotions youlll ever feel are going to be in highschool. wether its hating your parents, your first love, hating the bully in school. they get the same intensity of emotions that adults have, but without the reasoning capacity to sort them out.....Its a very confusing time....lol
Go pick a fight with someone that has some real skill. Get beat down a couple times. Take on some skilled grapplers. I promise it'll settle you down real fast.
How much experience is required for a purple belt in TKD? Or is any experience required? I've heard of people getting higher rank in TKD just for showing up and paying the instructor on time.
Whether it sucks or not is not the point. It depends what you want out of it. If you want exercise or fun, then it's great. If you want realistic self defense, look elsewhere. It and every other traditional martial (or MMA) art do not adequately prepare one for a real life violent confrontation (not a drunk fight).
lol this is funny
I can undertsand some of what Kingston is saying. You wanna see how well you could or couldnt do - you wanna see if half the stuff you work on you can pull off, what would work, what doesnt etc.
Unfortunately it's not a game. On the street you'd be dead. Actually saying that, I'd like to have somewhere to test my skills etc. However there can never be a touch on actaul reality, unless it is reality. No tourney sparring etc can build you up - which is why you wont know - because there is no safe way of finding out. Cogato kindly come down to my manor, flash a nice mobile around at a certain time and im sure you'll have no small number of people your age with knives that would love to try and slice your guts out... Grow up.