Originally posted by ryanhall
Aikido MIGHT work if only it was trained realistically. Since it's not, it won't. If boxers point sparred, they would suck too. Having you attacker hand you his arm or wrist is the antithesis of realism. For God's sake, guys, this is ridiculous. Locks and restraining is not for balls to the wall survival. Period.
Aikido MIGHT work if only it was trained realistically. Since it's not, it won't. If boxers point sparred, they would suck too. Having you attacker hand you his arm or wrist is the antithesis of realism. For God's sake, guys, this is ridiculous. Locks and restraining is not for balls to the wall survival. Period.
One question, when a person would train only one technique but trained that against any possible attack, would he profit from it in a real life situation? will he be able to apply the technique?