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I see alot of advice, or break down of styles.. this and that .. that and this...

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  • I see alot of advice, or break down of styles.. this and that .. that and this...

    but really you have done nothing. all this talk.. burning me out. "you must feel his physical aspects of his criteria and retrospect the situation then strike"..



    On the real, that's how some of you chumps sound. I would'nt take your advice if my dick depended on it.

    now you are purposely not getting the point
    it being that there are situations where you can use aikido's principles
    In my country the amount of force used against an attacker should be relational to the attack, you can not kick the shit out of some-one just grabs you

    no disrespect to the guy who made the comment but.. aikido is crap. first of you you dont mention any situation with you in it. you dont give any examples to where.. you used the shit...
    maybe he has used it but no examples of the situation.. get it?

    i want a muthafu**a to move me when they talk.. come on now..
    this is outta hand...

    everyone questioning.. muay thai and bjj.. but those techniques have been proven to work. i have used them

    Aki, karate, hapkido, .. and the list is long.. tdk..

    they have something to prove...

    let's say .. when you use an example.. dont use it unless you've used the shit.. ok people!

  • #2
    joe ain't so crazy . . .

    I agree - and I have been guilty of the "this guy I know . . ." or "I heard about someone . . ." before!

    If everyone restricted their examples to actual firsthand, personal experience, we could cut through alot of the BS and actually get some AUTHENTIC discussion going.

    Let's cut out the "urban martial arts legend" stuff!


    • #3
      I'm a novice , and a bad one at that

      but I was mugged at knife point and remembered something from when I was in TKD class when I was 8. I did a High round kick square to the guy's jaw with my steel-toed boots. He dropped.

      I reckon suprise had an element in my success though since I'm a pretty flabby 300 lbs currently (but training hard now, it inspired me to get back into MA). For some reason though, the flexibility I got in tkd stuck with me and it's helped me a lot in Eskrima & Tai Chi.


      • #4
        I don’t know who said Aikido was crap but I did say Aikido demonstrations were some of the best I’ve seen and that they were crap. Meaning that to see a demonstration (any martial art) and thinking wow that MA must be the best because look what they can do. That’s crap. A demonstration does not represent what a practitioner of that art can do. Just what the demonstrator can do in a controlled environment. Demonstrations are shows, publicity stunts nothing more. I don’t think aikido is crap.


        • #5
          but I was mugged at knife point and remembered something from when I was in TKD class when I was 8. I did a High round kick square to the guy's jaw with my steel-toed boots. He dropped.
          Holy sh!t, you are one lucky dude. Glad you're still with us.


          • #6
            It was all skill

            (or maybe it was the fact that my legs are really long and flexible and he was out of knife range at the moment.)

            I was more afraid of the police afterwards (I broke his jaw in two places), but they were pretty cool. Self defense and all that.


            • #7

              Karate still has to prove something? why because a KyokushinKarateka (Gerard Cordeau) lost the finals from UFC1 from Gracie?

              80's Kickboxing champion Fred Royers made an easy switch from Wado karate, well actually between karate and kickboxing, he didn't stop karate
              so some karate styles have a close resemblance to kickboxing (kyokushin in particular since it is full contact and involves a lot of hardening the shins)

              Are we discarding arts now just because no-one from the arts enter NHB events anymore and are others doing it the other way around, namely discarding it because it is competition based?

              I won't diss any art that can survive because it must have some validity
              But some arts, when it comes to real fighting, are like a scenic route, it's long and fancy but in the end will take you there

              Other arts are quick and simple, like a shortcut which you might be able to take with your car but not with a truck (or with a bus but not a car)
              Lastly the arts that combine both "quick and simple" and fancy

              Non valid arts are those started only for the money, because they do not really attribute anything

              As for first hand experience, soory that's hard, I'm 41 years old and +25 years of MA but haven't had more than 5 real fights, of which all but one were before my MA days
              It's hard to pick a fight with me because other than for fun(sparring) I do not like to fight and will aviod it if at all possible


              • #8
                but I was mugged at knife point and remembered something from when I was in TKD class when I was 8. I did a High round kick square to the guy's jaw with my steel-toed boots. He dropped.
                lol thats a little hard for me to believe. this 300 pound fat ass getting mugged with this guy with a knife. and the fat guy has long legs so he chooses to risk his life by doin something stupid........ he gives him a round house kick to the head. and just because he steel toes it knockes him out.

                I won't diss any art that can survive because it must have some validity But some arts, when it comes to real fighting, are like a scenic route, it's long and fancy but in the end will take you there
                in this way i believe you are referring to kata. now let me tell you this would rather take this really long route or the a much shorter one to achieve the same goal.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by platinum_angel

                  in this way i believe you are referring to kata. now let me tell you this would rather take this really long route or the a much shorter one to achieve the same goal.
                  Not referring to kata or anything in particular nor do I have a preference, my goal has never been to learn how to fight, it was an added bonus, I just like martial arts in general
                  Boxing survived and doesn't have kata Thaiboxing survived same thing wrestling same thing

                  If you have ever seen a workshop/training from Patrick McCarthy you will understand that most karatekata have been ****ed up and the excercises that should accompany it (bunkai) have been tossed( now there are bunkai but done by reverse enginering) also Kyusho(pressure point strikes and manipulations have been taken out
                  Because of this kata has become no more than a fysical excersice to train things like balance and timing

                  Do I like Kata, shure, but only because most of the time I train alone not because it teaches me to fight though (nice warming up)


                  • #10
                    I tend to agree with Toudiyama big “D”. However I’ve always said it’s not the art it’s the practitioner of the art. Also the instructor and how he teaches has something to do with it too.

                    However Take karate for instance it evolved from real combat. The Okinawans took from the Chinese systems and did away with what didn’t work streamed lined it to make something that was very effective. They proved this by using it against the Chinese occupiers then later against the Japanese occupiers. So Karate has proven itself in real combat. After Okinawa was assimilated by Japan and karate came out of the closet so to speak... There were some basic fundamental changes. First the do (spiritual way) and sport and fitness. Karate was no more for combat. They did it in elementary schools in Okinawa just like we do dodge ball in P.E. class. Karate became popular as a sport in the universities in Tokyo. Karate changed to meet these requirements. So today we take a children’s exercise and a competition sport and say its self defense, it’s a combat art. Maybe once but not now.

                    Same thing happened with many other martial arts like aikido. In Its beginning it was very hard core practical, and effective. Now it’s soft and to embedded in abstract philosophies and unwilling to change and taught differently. I think the martial arts has to re-prove it’s self and make the necessary changes it needs to make to reclaim it’s once thought of place in combat effectiveness.


                    • #11
                      Actually, Mac, it was total luck, not skill. If any shred of your story is true, you are lucky that you were not gutted from throat to groin. Just a note, flexibility doesn't 'stick' with you. You stretch a lot or you lose it.


                      • #12
                        I think we should call him Big Mac.

                        But he doesn't half tell Whoppers.........

                        Now be fair. I know I piss some of you guys off. But that joke was class!!!!!!!


                        • #13
                          ignorance is bliss

                          yes, so it seems..


                          • #14
                            Yep. It was finger lickin' good!


                            • #15
                              It seems that whenever some does give firsthand experience of using trad MA that peron is being rediculed and almost dismissed as a liar

                              Also why do the pro people have to come with firsthand experiences and the cons just say it won't work, it's crap
                              Are they too macho to tell us that when they tried to use traditional MA, they got the shit kicked out of them? JK

                              Or because it is hard to prove a negative (example, the fact that no life has been found on other planets, doesn't prove it doesn't excist)

                              From where come the urge to put down others?

                              For firsthand experience, the few fights and skirmishes I had after I started MA I used karate and was victorious, but then again I am by no means an average Karateka ( If I could do one wish it would be to know and be able to do any martial arts there is in the world, I'm curious as h*l)

