I was watching one of them last night. The fighting of the bums is stupid, but they have some sessions of average street guys fighting (i.e. high school fights, street fights). It gives you a good sense of what people may do b/c the possibilities are endless. I could sit there and say to myself...."I would have kicked him" or "I would have choked him right there", but when you are in the real situation and everything is happening so fast ...... you forget all that.
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Ever watch the bum fights DVD series?
I've been trying to get my hands on one of those uncut Jerry Springer videos. One with all the fights, warts and all.
No, I am not a sicko (well, maybe a bit). But I do think studying how the untutored, yet ferocious, fighters act.
A lot of martial arts training is so "polite", and also suffers as you only attack each other in accordance with the rules of your art. You wait until somone wants to pull you by the head, or bite your nose off. Its a different story.
Those on Springer are there by choice. But those bumfights seem a little cruel. I would like to get a hold of the organisers, one by one, and dish out some retribution on behalf of our lesser fortunate frineds.
Everything on Jerry Springer now is totally fixed. I liked the old shows where they would really let them whoop each other. I can remember one show where this pimp had a really good front sleeve choke on another pimp and nearly choked him out.
Originally posted by Bri Thai
those bumfights seem a little cruel. I would like to get a hold of the organisers, one by one, and dish out some retribution on behalf of our lesser fortunate frineds.
Please take me with you so I can help. A little cruel is an understatement....
While were at it, leave me off at Hollywood too. There's some movie makers there I'd like to kick the shit out of too....
(no that's not sarcasm! That's true Ryu)
I enjoy watching fights...boxing, kickboxing, mma, bar/street fights, etc... They've got to be mutual fights though. I have a problem with fights in which one of the participants doesn't want to be fighting. When that situation occurs it's nothing other than a crime.
I've never seen bumfights but have read and heard enough about it to know that I don't want to see it. Exploiting illegal assault & battery is pretty disturbing. I know the guys that made the bumfight dvd have been having a lot of legal trouble over what they did. Sure would be nice to see them end up behind bars where they can see what it feels like to be a victim.
These are awful videos. At one point a bum drinks a beer halfway filled with the urine of one of the producers. They also have a copy of the croc hunter where they go up to bums sleeping and tie them up like animals and say stuff like: look at this one he has rough skin and halitosis. They even paint on some of these bums. Roofus the main bum is bribed to run head first into walls and even tatoo BUMFIGHTS on his head and across his fingers. I hope no wait......I PRAY the producers are jailed and get beat up and molested for what they subjected these people to. They made about 6 million dollars from the first bum fights and are planning a second set. The street fights were cool though. Ghetto brawls was pretty cool. Alot of bitch fights.
P.S. if anyone wants to see bum fights I got mine on Kazaa, but beware its pretty disturbing. I wouldnt watch it again
Watching two untutored loonies going at each other can be a very sobering experience. Whilst we are training to maintian a good fighting range, or pull guard etc etc they just go flying in with teeth, boots and anything they can get hold of.
Many martial artists are kidding themselves. This ferocity can overcome you at first and, before you get into your rhythm, you're dead meat.
Its a bit like a master chess player playing a beginner. The beginner is so unorthodox it throws the master off for a while. In chess thats ok. The master can soon make his skills count. But in a fight you might very easily end up with a knife in your gut and a steel toe capped boot in your brains.
We all need to keep this in mind. Thats where combatives come in. Whilst other arts are practising fancy footwork and drills, combative guys are practising exploding with rage and violence. I know which approach gets my best bet.
Originally posted by salamat po
These are awful videos. At one point a bum drinks a beer halfway filled with the urine of one of the producers. They also have a copy of the croc hunter where they go up to bums sleeping and tie them up like animals and say stuff like: look at this one he has rough skin and halitosis. They even paint on some of these bums. Roofus the main bum is bribed to run head first into walls and even tatoo BUMFIGHTS on his head and across his fingers. I hope no wait......I PRAY the producers are jailed and get beat up and molested for what they subjected these people to. They made about 6 million dollars from the first bum fights and are planning a second set. The street fights were cool though. Ghetto brawls was pretty cool. Alot of bitch fights.
P.S. if anyone wants to see bum fights I got mine on Kazaa, but beware its pretty disturbing. I wouldnt watch it again
Originally posted by kh_s
I am downloading this right now, I watched a preview and I am going to enjoy watching this whole hour of Bum Fights, WOOAhaHAHhAhA, and hopefully laugh my ass off
People who think the above are funny, need to be .......well killed off from our nice little planet. Hopefully someone will run you over tomorrow or the next day.
I don't usually advocate suicide for people, but don't keep those bullets waiting!
Originally posted by Thai Bri
Advocating suicide is a really really terrible thing to do with this guy. It would deprive a nice civilised human being the satisfaction of murdering him.
"You don't find it funny ? You can at least admit some of it were funny. Bumhunter was kinda cruel though... I saw the whole thing yesterday."
In all seriousness.....no. These people are not only hurting people for money, but they are literally kidnapping and humiliating living human beings who have close to nothing in this world.
I'm at least glad you seem to have some humanity in you when you say that "bumhunter" was "kinda" cruel.
The reality is that it is beyond cruel. I hope you can't honestly watch innocent homeless people being tied up, bound, AGAINST THEIR WILLS and think there is nothing wrong with it.
Not only is there something wrong with this....it is downright evil.
These "bums" are people's sons, fathers, and brothers. They're human beings, and face enough crap in their everyday lives...
I simply cannot believe something like this was made....it's a whole new low for our culture. And that's the truth.
I guess that's all I have to say about it.