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If one representative from each MA fought, who would win?

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  • If one representative from each MA fought, who would win?

    Just what the subject says, if a representative from each MA were to fight in an arena who do you think would win?

  • #2
    Your guess is as good as mine

    There are alot of fighters who are at the top of their game, I guess it would depend on the rules.

    Whatdya think?


    • #3
      I know everyone is dying to say BJJ or Muay Thai, but I would have to say it all depends on different matchups and probably more on the individual fighters themselves. It's basically the luck of the draw.


      • #4
        Who ever trains with projectile weapons


        • #5
          Then its a shoot out, not an NHB fight


          • #6
            While we're at it we can invite some maffia guys from Olive Garden to hel pwith the shoot out.


            • #7
              The guy with the biggest heart and the most luck will win, as long as his training has been reasonably realistic.


              • #8
                What are you guys even talking about??? You should all know the TKD guy would beat everyone to a pulp in no time short......LOL.......just kiddin'


                • #9
                  waiting for the day a TKD guy knocks out a cross trained nhb guy with some fancy spinning kick.....


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Bau13
                    waiting for the day a TKD guy knocks out a cross trained nhb guy with some fancy spinning kick.....
                    something tells me you should not hold your breath on that one


                    • #11
                      Holding breath... Currently turning a nice shade of blue...


                      • #12
                        in a streetfight? Jeet kune do for sure !


                        • #13
                          Let's introduce NHB Battle Royal

                          BJJ would win, it is geared to facing other martial arts
                          where others spend there time on facing either untrained fighters or streetfighters

                          hea wasn't that what happened in the first couple of UFC's?


                          • #14
                            In a street fight I would like anyone who has been through the SF h2h combat course. They teach you moves from various martial arts including BJJ, Karate, JKD, shoot fighting, and many other martial arts mixed together. The only difference (and it's very subtle) is that they take all the moves and turn them into something that ends the fight in about 2 seconds.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Toudiyama[NL]
                              Let's introduce NHB Battle Royal

                              BJJ would win, it is geared to facing other martial arts
                              where others spend there time on facing either untrained fighters or streetfighters

                              hea wasn't that what happened in the first couple of UFC's?
                              Yes. A decade ago.

                              Anyway, as I understood the thread, they're all in the arena togather. The BJJ guy would get kicked to death whilst he's rolling around the floor with one opponent.

