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If one representative from each MA fought, who would win?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Thai Bri

    Yes. A decade ago.

    Anyway, as I understood the thread, they're all in the arena togather. The BJJ guy would get kicked to death whilst he's rolling around the floor with one opponent.

    That is the one thing I don't like about BJJ. When I am positioning myself on the floor grappling I try not to leave me head open even though we don't hit each other because I don't want to develop bad habits of leaving myself open in a street fight. Alot of times I will tell the person that I am rolling with to cover up and inform them that if we were in a street fight I would be pounding the crap out of them. Most guys that are strict into BJJ and don't do any fighting with striking don't think about the strikes and then when they finally get in the situation they tend to get hit a good bit for lack of protecting themselves.


    • #17
      have we finally found something of woth for the traditional arts? Most of them train some kind of multiple attacker sequences ( no I do not mean Kata/forms) somewhere along the line


      • #18
        I'm not talking about strikes coming from other people. I am talking about strikes coming from the person you are on the ground with. I find alot of the time when I post on someone they don't try all that hard to get me back down and pretty much just let me sit there. I always tell them too that if we were on the street and I was in the mount and they allowed me to post I would knock the crap out of them.


        • #19
          One thing is for sure though, TKD won't win. I don't know why but i have fought with TKD that guys before that have high belts but they always seem to lose.


          • #20
            That's cuz TKD is for show. When they face off against a practical fighter they always do seem to You have to give them props though because all those fancy kicks and stuff that generally don't work in real life are the reason that made TKD one of the most well known MA out there. I think it's kinda funny cuz sometimes people come and ask me about MA and we get to talking and they tell me they want to go take TKD and learn all the fancy kicks and stuff......TKD has done a good job of marketing itself and getting the publicity, but that is about all I can say good about it.

            I think if the TKD guys would have worked as hard on the actual art as they did the marketing of it then they would have a pretty deadly MA.........


            • #21
              What about JKD?


              I wa under the impression that JKD was designed by Bruce Lee to overcome all styles of fighting, so I would have guessed the JKD guy would win.

              I'm not familliar with h2h combat or NHB. What do they stand for? I guess I would have lost?


              • #22
                Re: What about JKD?

                Originally posted by skinny

                I wa under the impression that JKD was designed by Bruce Lee to overcome all styles of fighting, so I would have guessed the JKD guy would win.

                I'm not familliar with h2h combat or NHB. What do they stand for? I guess I would have lost?
                Hand to hand
                No Holds Barred ( an old wrestling term)

                JKD wasn't designed to overcome, but to use what fits you steel borrow or copy from others, if that fits you


                • #23
                  I guess I sould have been able to figure those out! That makes sense about the JKD thing too.

                  Another question along that line might be, if you tried to rank the top five or ten styles how you rak them?



                  • #24
                    not at all, MA can't ranked, artist themself can be ranked
                    only way to really rank then is take more people per style say 25-100 and let those compete so big teams or multiple teams of the same style competing against multiple teams of other styles
                    Otherwise it's like taking a poll on 25 american people and say that the result represents the US
                    Problem is you won't find any fighters in MMA events that haven't agmented their training with the specialty of another art


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by eXcessiveForce
                      Who ever trains with projectile weapons
                      Good point, who said they weren't allowed weapons?

                      The guy in the tank would win. Tank-Do!


                      • #26
                        JKD ! JKD !


                        • #27
                          My two cents for what it’s worth.

                          Martial artists regardless of what art they represent vary rarely use any thing that resembles the art that they have trained in when fighting in a NHB venue. Most of these guys form and technique seem to go all to hell and they become brawlers. The guys that often keep there form and resemble the art they represent are often the grapplers. The exceptions are the Pro MMA guy’s cuz’ these types of venues are what they do.

                          I would like to see a contest in which the artist have to fight with the system they represent. If they are boxers then they have to box, karate has to use only karate and etc. etc. They should have judges from each art that is participating and if a contestant doesn’t use his system then he gets points deducted or gets disqualified.

                          I just think this would be interesting to see, more for novelty then anything else. I know this wouldn’t settle anything.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Lizard

                            Good point, who said they weren't allowed weapons?

                            The guy in the tank would win. Tank-Do!
                            Should have been Tank Kwon Do

                            Come on Lizard expect better from you.


                            • #29
                              I wa under the impression that JKD was designed by Bruce Lee to overcome all styles of fighting, so I would have guessed the JKD guy would win.
                              Even if it were designed to beat all other forms of MA, i believe BJJ came AFTER Bruces death, god rest his soul.


                              • #30
                                JKD is ever changing and is a principal rather than a system.

                                JKD now includes BJJ, at least some of it.

                                I would say there is one flaw with this system and that is that it is a jack of all trades and master of none.

                                On average a JKD guy will loose to a Thai Boxer of similar experience standing up and the same with BJJ on the ground.

                                I think most who have studied JKD (i have) would agree that it is better to have a base art such as MT or BJJ or something similar and it will make you a much more rounded MA.

                                One advantage it does have is that they will probably Know a bit of what ever system you do, certainly they are likely to know the best moves from your system so it will be harder to suprise them.

                                Its very good though, just i would say it needs a base first.

                                In this context i would say it would loose.

