Originally posted by Thai Bri
Yes. A decade ago.
Anyway, as I understood the thread, they're all in the arena togather. The BJJ guy would get kicked to death whilst he's rolling around the floor with one opponent.
Yes. A decade ago.
Anyway, as I understood the thread, they're all in the arena togather. The BJJ guy would get kicked to death whilst he's rolling around the floor with one opponent.
That is the one thing I don't like about BJJ. When I am positioning myself on the floor grappling I try not to leave me head open even though we don't hit each other because I don't want to develop bad habits of leaving myself open in a street fight. Alot of times I will tell the person that I am rolling with to cover up and inform them that if we were in a street fight I would be pounding the crap out of them. Most guys that are strict into BJJ and don't do any fighting with striking don't think about the strikes and then when they finally get in the situation they tend to get hit a good bit for lack of protecting themselves.