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Jackie Chan, Jet Li, etc.

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  • Jackie Chan, Jet Li, etc.

    I would like to bring up a certain point. ACTORS, like Jackie Chan and Jet Li are fake. Let me put it this way:

    Jackie Chan- Hong Kong theater school

    Jet Li- Wushu

    THESE PEOPLE ARE NOT MARTIAL ARTS MASTERS. They are simply people who got lucky enough to get a movie contract. Sure, they are very acrobatic and have great kicks and punches, but they cannot FIGHT. It is that simple, they have the tools but no way to use them. Don't get me wrong I have nothing against it, infact, I used to idolize Jet Li, and I still watch his movies, but I am just sick and tired of people reffering to them as the best fighters, or "are you as good as Jackie Chan". Talking about a 350 lb. bodybuilder "I bet Jackie Chan could beat him up", at which point I punched him in the nose, lol.

  • #2
    On the other hand some actors are for real:

    Bruce Lee
    Brandon Lee
    Chuck Norris
    Steven Seagal
    Don "the dragon" Wilson

    It goes both ways.


    • #3
      True, and I fully understand that. I especially aprreciate those that go full depth into the art and do not give up Martial Arts simply because they are making money from acting careers. However, I would prefer it if they taught every once in a while (however that sentence is said from the perspective of a 14 year old eager to learn, possibly selfish, student)


      • #4
        I know that both Chuck Norris and Steven Seagal for sure have many school that are open to teach which they visit on occasion when there schedule permits.


        • #5
          Did you know chuck norris was a student of Royce gracie.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Bjjexpertise@be
            Did you know chuck norris was a student of Royce gracie.
            yes. He helped to make BJJ popular by making the statement "Anyone that has taken BJJ for 6 months can beat a black belt of any other martial art."

            Not sure if that's the exact quote, but close.


            • #7
              Wow, never knew that. Do you know if any of their schools are in the Va area?


              • #8
                Wasn't Jet Li a champion fighter well before he got into the movies


                • #9
                  No, he did Wushu, which was a Chinese art or "sport" that did not really involve any combat, but rather demonstration, etc.

                  However, you must give him and Jackie Chan credit because they apparently learn the forms of a particular style before they pretend to know it.


                  • #10
                    My friend told me that Wesley Snipes has a black belt in a MA. He didn't know what MA though... anyone know?


                    • #11

                      Jet Li and Jackie Chan can't fight at all? Really? I assumed they knew at least something about fighting.



                      • #12
                        yeah kley how the hell do you know jackie chan can't fight or jet li can't fight........ did you ever fight them..........


                        • #13
                          First off--Steven Segal used to teach in L.A. I don't believe his school is there anymore, but he had a Japanese guy teaching (5th Dan I believe) when I visited there, which was about, oh, 16 years ago. I don't think he teaches anymore since, well, a) he's 350 lbs., b) he is a reincarnated guitar playing Tibetan lama.

                          Jet Li is a real martial artists. Here you go, in his own words:
                          Now whether Wushu is effective or not is another question. But the guy has studied it for almost three decades, he obviously can move well and has great technique. You can debate all you want on whether some Pride/UFC fighter could beat him. Fine. But the guy trains hard.
                          Jackie has never actually claimed to be a serious martial artist so far as I'm aware. But he actually does have a black belt in hapkido.

                          As for Wesley Snipes, he is a serious student of the martial arts. He's supposedly done karate, various kung fu styles, and now is doing capoeira and silat styles. LINK

                          So there you go. These guys are not wannabes. They might not be the best martial artists in the world, but these guys have logged the hours and done the training. And made a living at it. You've got to give them credit.


                          • #14
                            Wesley snipes has a 5th degree in Karate

                            Chuck Norris's first martial arts lessons were in TKD under Grandmaster H. U. Lee founder of the American Taekwondo Association. I read the Letter he sent when the ATA had their silver aniversary.

                            Steven Segal still has an Aikido school in St. Louis. Some of my students visited it and were told Segal comes to the school once a year.


                            • #15
                              I stand corrected, HOWEVER, Jet Li never did anything save Wushu, which is NOT a fighting style. Wushu was formed when the Chinese government banned the practice of Kung Fu, so the populus created Wushu as a way of keeping their skills sharp without ever testing them on an opponent (until a real conflict occured). So basically, while Jet Li is extremely versatile due to year of Wushu, he cannot actually USE his skills, or at least not to my knowledge, because he has not actually learned a fighting style.

