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Flexibility tips?

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  • Flexibility tips?

    Does anyone have any good techniques/regimines for gaining flexibility?

  • #2
    do all the flexibility excercises you've learned back in school. just do those, each hold being at least 30 seconds, i usually do a minute each. Do the exercises twice a day and you'll get flexible in no time.


    • #3
      Hey Pat, unlike BJJ expertise it takes me a longer time to work up flexibility. If you're an 18 year old female, you could drastically improve your flexbility in one week. If you're a 30+ male, it might take you one month for the same results.

      Regardless, take your time to do the stretches right and challenge yourself to reach a little further each time.


      • #4
        I'm in my mid 40s. It seems a lot tougher to get flexibility when you get older.


        • #5
          I second that. Just be consistent Pat, its not going to happen over night but it will happen.


          • #6
            Flexibility tips?

            Hia rat.
            what i do before a comp is spend a couple of hours in my hot tub.I do my stretches in the tub and i tell you what,you become flexible ten times quicker when the body is relaxed and the muscles are warm.The bath works just as well.just remember to not over stretch.I also use a leg stretcher after.Just be careful when it comes to working out with weight,as it can reduce your flexibility very quickly(body building).I hope it helps.I almost forgot the hotter the water the better the stretch.


            • #7
              Use a leg stretcher and tear the tendons on the inside of you groin. Hurts like hell but it works.


              • #8
                I hope you're joking. I would NOT try to "tear the tendons". I don't think it will help with flexibility - it will give you groin pulls that take years to heal!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by PatTheRat
                  I hope you're joking. I would NOT try to "tear the tendons". I don't think it will help with flexibility - it will give you groin pulls that take years to heal!
                  Get on that stretcher and got til you feel a strong burning sensation going down you leg and then go about 10 more degrees. Hold that for 10min. then let loose. Then go back and go 10 more degress. Keep doing that til you hit a full split and then go past that.


                  • #10
                    Pain is bad in stretching. Pat, flexibility exercises should be done after your muscles have done some work. So, slight warm up, stretch, do your workout, and then go to the flexibilty exercises. One thing I've noticed a lot of people doing is bouncing during the stretch. This is a bad idea. Try to keep your movements as smooth as possible and hold the stretch for at least 12-15 seconds.


                    • #12
                      unlike Bjj it takes me some time to work up my flexibility
                      The reason i could get flexible easier is because i am 15 years old
                      flexibility exercises should be done before a workout.
                      IMO i believe that those exercises should be done not just after a routine but before as well.


                      • #13
                        I usually do quick warmup, like a 15 minute jog or 15 -30 minute bike ride before i stretch, but i'm 16 years old and i've been in dance for 10 years so i am really flexible as is, just got to do all my splits to keep them up


                        • #14
                          I've noticed that after doing weight training with the legs is a great time to do flexibility work. The muscles are already warm. I guess any moderate leg exercises would help. I hate stretching out cold!


                          • #15

                            Static stretching is another part of stretching which can be done cold as long as you limber up and build yourself up to the full stretch which can take up to an hour to acheive.

                            This done 1 hr a day can have massive benefits especially if you cant get to the gym every day & dont have a great deal of room at home to jump about warming up.

