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MA and Firearms

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  • #16
    It is weird that U.S.A is so violent. It can´t be because of its history. There are numerous other countries with far more brutal past than U.S.A. For example: The United Kingdom, its history is full of wars, massmurders etc, etc. Or Germany, I don´t think I have to go trough this.
    Anyway. I don´t own a gun. I probably will have to learn to use one in a couple of years (the army is compulsary to us men here in Finland). Of course it is harder to posses guns here. You have to have a license for every gun and you really can´t get one for automatic weapons or things like that. I think it is good that we have so "strict" gunlaws.
    I´m thinking about starting hunting, not with fireweapons, but with a bow.


    • #17
      no sense of humour here


      • #18
        Oh, plenty of humor ol' chap.

        Send us the beer, but you don't have to deliver it yourself.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Szczepankiewicz


          The US is a boiling pot mixing different cultures, values, perceptions and attitudes. We are not some country isolated in the mountains with a small population and strong cultural ties.

          We are not a nation of beautiful and unique snowflakes.

          Flakes maybe, but not snowflakes...

          A gun is like alcohol. It gives someone with intent an 'excuse' or an 'easy avenue' to act on their wigged out mental state.

          People have been butchering each other for millennia, flowery words of peace and tranquility aren't going to overturn generations of the genetically driven will to survive at any cost.


          Have any of you folks who carry guns actually trained in a tactical situation where you had to pull the weapon and fire at a target intent on doing you bodily harm?

          Peyton Quinn runs the RMCAT training center in Colorado. Just because you carry doesn't mean you're safe.

          I agree with many things you say. Human nature overrides many of the civilities that society tries to indoctrinate. I was not trying to spout "flowery word of peace and tranquility", just express a societal problem that needs to be treated more deeply than passing laws that would disarm law abiding cititizens. For some people, a firearm equates power, and like alcohol, it intoxicates them. Personally, though I am not a man to go looking for trouble, if I am armed, I am even more likely to try to avoid it because of the possible consequences. The greater power dictates a greater responsablity to use it. I agree a gun does not make you safe, just better prepared to deal with the worst, should it confront you. And yes , I have had some tactical training and experience, though not as much as I'd like.


          • #20
            I was not trying to spout "flowery word of peace and tranquility",
            No sweat matey, that wasn't directed at you anyway. It was part of the overall statement.


            • #21
              I thought that America's gun laws were designed to prevent an invasion. The idea was that if anyone tried to invade, the civilians would be able to resist.

              If americans didn't own guns then the king of england could just walk into your house and start ordering you around. Is that what you want?


              • #22
                Where in the hell....? Did you just make that up?


                • #23
                  i've never heard bout that one.........


                  • #24
                    "death is only a temporary solution for existance is an external torment" Look what you've done!

