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MA and Firearms

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  • MA and Firearms

    Just curious,
    How many of y'all, particularly those who primarily train for self defense, also train with/own/carry, or are generally proficient with firearms or other "modern" weapons as well?

  • #2
    Can't carry guns in Canada no need


    • #3
      Ive got 12 firearms


      • #4
        Originally posted by Manufest
        Can't carry guns in Canada no need
        That apply to your criminal element as well? Ours can't carry guns either, according to the law.
        Last edited by BB Wolf; 07-26-2003, 12:35 AM.


        • #5
          Perhaps for your own safety, in the us u may need to carry a gun, but, i've never seen any need to here in Canada, and the laws are way more strict here about who owns guns, how they are kept, unloaded and locked unless you're at a shooting range etc.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Manufest
            Perhaps for your own safety, in the us u may need to carry a gun, but, i've never seen any need to here in Canada, and the laws are way more strict here about who owns guns, how they are kept, unloaded and locked unless you're at a shooting range etc.
            I think that when it comes down to it, Americans are just plain ol' violent. Violence has been a part of our culture since its inception. If you were to succesfully take guns away from American citizens, (and I think that would be impossible, especially from those who would use them for nefarious purposes) Americans, or at least some of them, would be going at it with knives, clubs, or anything else they could get their hands on. The willingness to settle disputes with violence is something that this country definitely needs to chill out with. I mean, most Swiss households are armed with weapons that the average US citizen could never own, and they don't go around killing each other near as much. However, living in the US, I do own, and at times, carry firearms for protection. Aside from it being a Constitutional right, I am the one ultimitely responsable for my own protection, not the government. The job of the police force is to enforce laws. Until they give me my own personal Secret Service detail, I am the one who must defend myself. Thats why I train in the types of martial arts I do, and that's why I own guns. That, and I really do enjoy shooting and hunting, when I can find time to go. I posed the question because I wanted to see how much crossover there was between the MA and Gun communities. Being involved in both, I find distain on both sides for the other among certain members, martial arts looking down on firearms as simple and mindless, and gun people with the "I don't need to know karate, I know .45" attitude. I find this peculiar, because we have a common goal: protecting ourselves.
            Last edited by BB Wolf; 07-26-2003, 05:53 PM.


            • #7
              It really goes to show that people kill people (in the US). Texas has a concealed hand gun law that people should utilize if they travel in rough areas, work in high crime areas or in general.

              Did you hear about the City Hall shooting in NYC? or the gentleman that opened fire at a manufacturing plant in Georgia? not long ago? These are examples of how people need to chill out and stop taking themselves too seriously.

              You could argue to the hilt with someone in Switzerland, but they will shrugg it off later and invite you over to their house for a beer the next week. Here, you get into an argument and someone goes nutz, pulls out a .45 caliber (or worse) and unloads.

              Then again we're a young country that has suddenly found itself in the top of the world. Its in our day to day mentaility that people have to be the best (fill in the blank) but we're not a one citizen nation and thus people have problems with rejection or competition and feel the need to use force or manipulation instead of good coping skills or humor.

              Can't we all jus' get along?


              • #8
                Can't we all jus' get along?

                The US is a boiling pot mixing different cultures, values, perceptions and attitudes. We are not some country isolated in the mountains with a small population and strong cultural ties.

                We are not a nation of beautiful and unique snowflakes.

                Flakes maybe, but not snowflakes...

                A gun is like alcohol. It gives someone with intent an 'excuse' or an 'easy avenue' to act on their wigged out mental state.

                People have been butchering each other for millennia, flowery words of peace and tranquility aren't going to overturn generations of the genetically driven will to survive at any cost.


                Have any of you folks who carry guns actually trained in a tactical situation where you had to pull the weapon and fire at a target intent on doing you bodily harm?

                Peyton Quinn runs the RMCAT training center in Colorado. Just because you carry doesn't mean you're safe.



                • #9
                  my own opinion about owning and knowing how to use gun /s,
                  I am also a martial artist since the year '60's in my beloved country...the Phillipines and still I am. As a martial artist in my own
                  opinion, owning and learning how to use it, dismantle and clean
                  them is I would say a part of the art and education, it is there and
                  ready when the need to use it or them arises.
                  I would say if you are a civilized and fully well educated and understand the consequences when you get in trouble then, that
                  is your option. Education in the martial arts, including the fire arms
                  is very important, I myself have numerous collections of fire arms and most of them are assault weapons they call them, I am just doing this a hobby, self defense if I needed to, part of my martial arts education and it keeps my self in the winning edge !!
                  have a nice day to you all, Salamat sa inyo,
                  al Lao - Lan Pilipino Martial Arts, Manila Philippines


                  • #10
                    Yeah, lots of flakes allright. When you say genetically driven to survive I assume you are referring also to genetic predispositions to destructive behavior, like the NYC council man that shot his competitor and then shot himself, the Columbine incident, or the recent manufacturing plant incident.

                    I've never taken a tactical hand gun course before, but would like to some day. Point taken.


                    • #11
                      I guess the big thing is that you never stop learning and always keep the 'active mind' mindset.

                      Best thing to do is to stay out of dangerous areas


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Szczepankiewicz

                        Best thing to do is to stay out of dangerous areas
                        So, basicly, just stay out of the U.S.


                        • #13
                          How is the US dangerous? yes there are dangerous places, however I dont think the whole country is dangerous. I hope your kidding.




                          • #14
                            So, basicly, just stay out of the U.S.
                            Indeed. Please stay out. Or is it 'oot' I can't remember exactly...

                            For your safety, of course.


                            • #15
                              I have a couple of firearms, for hunting, and a pistol for the range. But i never carry them around, and i don't see why i should.. i live in a peacefull and nice land!

