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Kung-fu Anyone?

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  • #31

    well to start with ......

    ah i cant be arsed right now but maybe tomorrow.

    You get crap Kung Fu Schools just like you get crap MT ones.

    I think that will do for now.


    • #32
      Originally posted by tsefreeflow
      At this moment
      there is nothing to do
      but have a good laugh


      • #33
        Originally posted by tsefreeflow
        The fool who knows he is a fool is for that very reason wise.
        The fool who thinks himself wise is the greatest fool of all

        If you wish to drown,
        do not torture yourself with shallow water, and remember this for yourself: A weak man can always develop into a strong man,
        but a woman can never be a man.
        try this one:

        the monkey who swings on the ground will get eaten. but the monkey who swings in the trees prospers.

        or this one

        be the bamboo for the bamboo is flexible and strong.

        if you have a small bamboo,
        do not wish for a bigger bamboo, instead utilize that smaller bamboo to your advantige: or just take some V


        • #34
          Ahhh, Platinum Girlfriend

          You very wise.

          You make sense without making sense...

          You have the art of fighting without fighting....


          In other words, you do not disagree with the fact that you are full of shit?



          • #35
            What ever you think I am or want me to be I am!

            Until you visit me without your mouth.


            • #36
              I have to admir the aggression of the individuals on this thread.....even the defensive ones. I just started training wing chung about two months the way I love it, its nice and direct and to the point;not alot of fancy,unneed movements......but my sifu has told me that I need to be more aggressive. I guess aggression comes with experience.


              • #37
                Its a good attribute, but on these forums dont mistake aggression with ignorance. Many can talk using words only, in which nothing is really said. Good luck with your training, Wing Chun is a very effective art and good choice.


                • #38
                  Many can talk using words only
                  How else is someone supposed to talk?

                  Until you visit me without your mouth.
                  That would indeed be a trick.

                  So you want me to visit? THEN will you tell me whether you're full of shit or not?

                  Greyhound offers rides nationwide for $15. But I'm cheap and don't want to pay for what you can tell me, here, online.

                  The statement is that you can guarantee certain results between 'traditional arts' versus 'mixed martial arts' training.

                  My response is 'you're full of shit'.

                  All I wanna know is whether you agree with my assertion or not?

                  AND I said I'd take that bet. But I'm not sure how we're going to work out the logistics of that whole ordeal...



                  • #39
                    All I say is that mixed art like JKD are watered down figments of the real stuff. JKD is completely blown out of proportion and if I had to bet I would say that Bruce has rolled over in his grave at the sight of what his art has become. You see, clear enough for you?


                    • #40

                      As you have once again totally circumvented the question.

                      Oh, you're good. Really good.

                      But apparently, still full of shit.


                      • #41
                        Well, you say it, so it must be true. Right?


                        • #42
                          I think Chinese systems have a lot to offer and are less one dimensional. I don't have alot of experience in them but am certainly interested.

                          Are they the best at fighting or self-defense? Can't say, except that I've heard alot of good things about certain styles and their instructors. Take Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming's work for instance. Also check out "Chin Na for ground fighting" written by a police officer.

                          The author who is familar with judo and ju jitsu, integrates chin na into alot of japanese based grappling and ground fighting.

                          If you're more into athletic ring fighting, you can compete in shuai jiao (wrestling) or San Shou (kickboxing with takedowns).

                          Likewise if you just want good conditioning, decent self defense, meditation, health and culture you can go into wing chun, choy lay fut, hsing yi (as Chris Davis recommends) ba gua, seven star praying mantis etc.

                          If I'm going to learn forms though, I don't want to practice locking out punches - BAD HABIT!!!
                          Last edited by Tom Yum; 08-07-2003, 07:34 PM.


                          • #43
                            Question for Chris

                            What should people look for in a good Chinese martial arts school?


                            • #44
                              The exit.


                              • #45
                                Well, you say it, so it must be true. Right?
                                Are you rescinding your guarantee?

