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TKD = tai kwon don't

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  • #16
    Any one notice that bjjmasters quote is :

    "Aryan and Proud"

    Interesting, disturbing?


    maybe he meant A Ryan and proud and his name is Ryan.

    I dunno.


    • #17
      Originally posted by BB Wolf
      I think the problem lies less with TKD than with the McDojos (though, since they are Korean, shouldn't they be McDojangs?).

      THis is a wise men boyz pay attention


      • #18
        Originally posted by BB Wolf
        I think the problem lies less with TKD than with the McDojos (though, since they are Korean, shouldn't they be McDojangs?).
        I started off in TKD when I was 8 and studied for a number of years. My first instructor was an ex-ROK Tiger Division soldier (South Korean SF, who, from what I have read, place a higher degree of emphasis of on MA/H2H than many SF forces). He ran a good school, though it was mired in tradition and the need to get bodies in the door, as well as the limits of the martial art itself. However, he was the best TKD guy I ever saw, and one of the few people I've known that could probably pull of some of the fancy TKD stuff on the streets and get away with it. I went to other schools and saw the increasing sport emphasis of it, as well as things like 12 year old Black Belts, who, frankly weren't that good. I eventually turned to Judo to fill in the gaps I felt that were missing in my MA curriculum, and went on from ther until I found MA's that were right for me. The fact of the matter is, there are problably more TKD dojos out there than any other style, and many of them are McDojos. While I am not a huge fan of TKD, I am less a fan of the McDojo. They are the Starbucks/Walmart of the MA world.

        No use in bragging but i am going to, i am proud to say that in the ITF black belts are not aloud to be distrubited to ppl under 14 and the 1st degree is a 30 minute test where you have to get over 90 % to pass and 80% to keep your belt anything else u r brought down a rank


        • #19
          My instructor said his black belt test was 3 hours. That's an intense test. I don't take TKD anymore, but I have to be slightly intimidated by him.

          (Well, he also knows Jiu-Jitsu, Hapkido, Aikido, Filipino Arnis, Kali, Boxing, yeah the list goes on....)


          • #20
            Originally posted by Acitic

            No use in bragging but i am going to, i am proud to say that in the ITF black belts are not aloud to be distrubited to ppl under 14 and the 1st degree is a 30 minute test where you have to get over 90 % to pass and 80% to keep your belt anything else u r brought down a rank
            Yea, there is no use in bragging. Someone in bjj would probably never get to test at that age in the first place because it takes around 10yrs. at least to get there.

            You have to get over 90%???? our BJJ class if you take a test and miss one thing you are not promoted. If you fail the test you have to wait another year to test. No offense kid but I have seen alot of TKD belt test and I was not impressed. See in BJJ we have to fight for our belts and that is the way it should be done everywhere in every martial art. It doesn't matter if you know the techniques, if you can't apply them and use them against a resisting opponent then you fail.

            If you are going to brag about something brag about your ability to sew, jerk-off, or suck c#%k. Don't come bragging about friggin' TKD. Why is it that TKD people brag more about there martial art than any other style yet they have the worst? Most of the time you can just talk to someone and tell what martial art they do and your TKD background is showing through.


            • #21
              holy crap calm down..... someone was talking about how in tkd you could get a black belt at 12 i was simple saying that my club was different, than other tkd clubs and stands out


              • #22
                That is what everyone says about there TKD club when it comes down to the last stage of realization that your art's a nasty thing and we all have to go through it one time or another but just learn to accept it and move on to bigger and better things.


                • #23
                  Holy shit....12 years to get a Black belt that is sad..must be based on how much money you have? the more money you have the faster you get a BB? If you take a true Kung-Fu style, that is not a bunch of clowns teaching, and is recognized by the organization it could take 25 years to get a BB, then to move up in the belts say from 1st to second good 5 years. You do not ask when you can take the test for moving up in ranks otherwise they will throw you out. They tell you when you are ready and, if you fail you had better not ask why you failed otherwise you will be thrown out.
                  I am sure most of you are use to the "Americanized" martial arts, which this is totally different. And you wonder why the Chinese bastardize us....we get BB's in 12 years lol


                  • #24
                    Magot, which Chinese MA takes 25 years to reach black sash? Xing yi?? Ba gua?


                    • #25
                      Great, another kung fu guy. What is it this time are you going to mystify us with your chi, or are you going to kill us all with your majic touch of death? So many decisions, so many decisions. What good is it to take 25yrs. to get a black belt? By the time you get it your to old to show it off. And besides if some chinese guy comes and laughs at a MT boxer or a MMA for getting a belt in 12yrs. they are probably just going to pumel them.

                      I really do love you Kung Fu cats though. What I really like is after a little while when you are .


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Mag0t
                        Holy shit....12 years to get a Black belt that is sad..must be based on how much money you have? the more money you have the faster you get a BB? If you take a true Kung-Fu style, that is not a bunch of clowns teaching, and is recognized by the organization it could take 25 years to get a BB, then to move up in the belts say from 1st to second good 5 years. You do not ask when you can take the test for moving up in ranks otherwise they will throw you out. They tell you when you are ready and, if you fail you had better not ask why you failed otherwise you will be thrown out.
                        I am sure most of you are use to the "Americanized" martial arts, which this is totally different. And you wonder why the Chinese bastardize us....we get BB's in 12 years lol
                        Nothing against Chinese styles, but which style do you practice? You posted a shuai-jiao thread, but didn't answer my questions there. I think Chinese systems, if modernized, can be combat effective. Can you tell me why getting into a deep horse stance and practicing hand strikes transfers into realistic self-defense whether I do it for 1 year or 25 years? I think Americans get caught up into the mental mysticism of traditional arts and forget that one of the purpose of such training is effective empty-handed fighting/self-defense.

                        You should train the way you fight and many traditional systems have adapted effectively, like the Tukong organization (which teaches a shao-lin based system proven by Korean spec-ops) or Boztepe's Wing Tsun.

                        Do you think someone is going to attack you with their other hand by their hip in a horse stance and yell "Kiai!" Do you think your attacker is going to give you a telegraphed lunge at you from 4 feet away with their weapon?

                        Unless you start sharing some technical knowledge about your art, you're going to get punked out as a troll.
                        Last edited by Tom Yum; 08-17-2003, 12:06 PM.


                        • #27
                          He wouldn't do any of that Tom. Don't you see by now that all these trolls will simple kill you from across the room with their Dim Mak or the infamous "death touch".


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by falcon3624
                            their Dim Mak or the infamous "death touch".
                            you mean his infamous bad breath kiai and stank @ss gas.


                            • #29
                              Or they could do like that little 14yrs. old from Virginia that said he went to China and trained with Shaolin monks and make us laugh ourselves to death.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Acitic

                                THis is a wise men boyz pay attention
                                Thank you.

