Much like cars, I wouldn't buy anything from Korea. They try very hard to outdo Japan and they seem to have succeeded, in marketing at least.
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TKD = tai kwon don't
Ok I understand that there are thousands of mcdojangs out there and they make me so sick. What sucks is there is so much corperate takeover in martial arts that its causing the true masters of real arts to give in and become a mcdojang and start sucking and selling belts to make a living, otherwise they close their schools down. It makes me very sad.
The first school I went to that was TKD was very good at the start but I started to notive the selling of belts and it made me wonder what was up. All I know is I earned my black belt in Taekwondo because I worked hard and actually had good technique. I am not saying a black belt make syou an ultimate fighter but I did earn it. Afetr awhile we started cross training in ju jutsu and judo wich was awsome and even some kali a bit. Only the black belts were training like this. But eventually stuff happened and I moved to Kentucky. I recently joined a school here and I have found out that its way to soft on everyone and most of the students suck royally. I am not going to lie and say that TKD schools are great. There are some that are, but most really suck. Same for karate. I am now a 2nd degree black belt in TKD and again yes I earned it. I did not just pay money to get a belt. I mean of course I payed for the test but I did everything and passed everything. I know that instructors rip people off and get money and give them lame certificates that arnt even certified by the kukiwon, but luckily I am registered in kukiwon. That doesnt mean anything on the streets but at least it is official.
I have learned that TKD is a very effective striking art for self defense and there is a lot of good in it. If you can actually do the moves well then you can use them effectively. There are also joint locks, throws, elbows, knees that can be deadly too if you train in that way. If you train in TKD to its full extent and not the stupid BS way most amerian schools teach then you can be a good fighter for standing up. KNowing grappeling plus TKD will help you even more.
I think it is wrong to totally disrespect a martial art just because most schools are lame. Not one martial art is truly better then the other. I think its rediculous how most BJJ practitioners act like complete assholes full of arrogance. It shows what kind of teaching you recieved. You guys are like the Cobra Kai school from Karate Kid. Its funny.
BJJ in many cases isnt even realistic. Its sport oriented just like TKD. There are many moves you can do on the streets that UFC and vale tudo wont let you do. BJJ is not the ultimate art for self defense. You can get your asses kicked by 10 guys and you will grappel around and die on broken glass and rocks. Why would you do that? Also when yo are trying to show of fyour technical moves people can gouge out your eye and you will stop instantly and then be killed. There is also biting and pinching that people can do to stop BJJ in its tracks. There are also anti grappeling techniques so when you come in you are unsucsesful.
Also what if guys have weapons against you? What will you do?
It is stupid and ignorant to disrespect any martial art and say its pointless. You have no respect for anything but yourselves when you mock something that much.
I respect BJJ a lot but it pisses me off at how many of the people who practice it are assholes and totally arrogant and think you are the ultimate fighting art of the universe.
There are probably many TKD masters who could kick your ass any day. I would love to see that.
And I dont know if this is true but didnt a TKD guy beat one of the BJJ guys at the UFC one year? Correct be if I am wrong.
BJJ is not realistic? In case you did not know the style was pretty much developed on fighting.
What happens if you get jumped by 10 guys? I hate to tell you but I don't care what art you practice you are all going down the same when 10 guys jump on you.
What happens when someone gouges your eyes and bites and strikes you in the balls? What happens to a TKD guy when he is bit, eye gouged, and punched in the balls?
What happens if someone uses weapons against you? What happens when they use weapons against a TKD guy? The TKD guy probably has a better chance of living because he is more adapted to running.
I have 2 black belts and currently train in MT and BJJ, and I have practiced alot of different arts and have seen alot of different TKD schools. I live in south Louisiana and there is a guy down here by the name of master Lee who is suppose to be this great guru of TKD. He also is a grand master of Judo and Hapkido. I think his Judo and Hapkido is great but I still don't like TKD after watching him. He is suppose to be one of the best around and some of his really "good" students have come down to my BJJ class and got their asses handed to them.
Most of us base what we say on past experience in the martial arts. I myself started when I was 5 and have been doing martial arts for around 20yrs. and I base what I say on the effectiveness of all the arts I have seen or trained in.
I think there are good and crap fighters in every art. However, I think the probability of you being an effective fighter is dependent on the specific system(s) you study.
I actually went to a TKD/exercise type class yesterday at my local gym. The instructor seemed like a nice bloke and admitted it was just exercise movements based on TKD rather the full on martial art. It wasn't really my cup of tea, I can see why some people would do it. My mum went along too, and really enjoyed it. I don't normally do that much stretching, so I found that to be beneficial for my kicking, even though my kicks are based on what I learn in JKD. Oh well...absorb what is useful!!!
Yom Yum,
I keeping hearing alot of nocking on the horse stance. I too don't agree that when you start a fight you should look at the guy and automatically go into a horse stance. pritty vulnerable agreed. But I do believe it allows for learning proper hip rotation when blocking and punching. Now in my class we do practice drills in the horse stance, but for the second half we go into a regular combat position much like a boxer (except I like to stand strong side forward). But an example of when a horse stance would come into play in combat is that you and your apponent start off in a combat stance and you block while also stepping off to the side of your opponent, basically moving off of there center line and putting there side into your self center line. When you step of to the side during the block and you turn your hip to strike at the side of your opponent, you naturally end up in the horse stance. So I feel that the horse stance is good to practice your technique in, due to the mobility of what I an learning (wing chun) you could at any given time find yourself automatically in that position and you would want to learn how to be comfortable in it. But as I said we don't only practice in this position, alot of the time we practice in a more realistic combat position. Just my view on the stance.
Perhaps wing chun and wing tsun are different. I've seen a few clips of Boztepe demonstrate his brand of wing tsun self-defense and he doesn't go into a horse stance, rather takes somewhat of a boxing stance, a little more squared though.
exactly, you shouldn't start off in a horse, but in your mobility you may find yourself in one.............cause.........a horse is a horse a horse of course, you can't start a fight in a horse of course that is of couse you want your ass kicked...........sorry don't know where that came from.
Re: ok
Originally posted by Andrew WA
And I dont know if this is true but didnt a TKD guy beat one of the BJJ guys at the UFC one year? Correct be if I am wrong.
This happened in the EFC, not UFC.
Well guys,
I have read many of the post here,
There sure are a lot of words.
I still am not convinced.
So TKD now officially stands for Tae Kwon Do Not try this at home, you will probably get beaten with in an inch of your life by a guppy or a chihuahua, or a small girl about the age of 8 with a dress on, that is crying about her scraped knee.
I know it is a long name, so we will probably just say TKD, but now everyone will know what it stands for.
Glad to be able to help.
"Everyday spent training is one day closer to learning something."
Look there is no reason to disrespect a martial art because you dont like it. There is nothing wrong with TKD. AND IT IS TOO EFFECTIVE! It is very effective in self defense. Stop thinking about TKD excersize classes and mcdojangs. Open your mind up to the MARTIAL ART of TKD!! What it TRULY IS! Stop being so cocky. Does your instructor train you people to be total dicks to everyone who isnt in BJJ? It seems you dont train in anything but physial fighting and you dont care bout martial arts. You arnt learning anything to make you a better person.
In most martial arts you learn a lot of mental internal things that go hand in hand with your physical fighting. If you only have one you arnt going to think straight.
Anyway TKD has effective moves for a stand up striking art. There are a lot of different kicks. There are a lot of upper body techniqus as well. Stop thinking about TKD guys only kicking really high. That is ignorant. TKD has a lot of devastating low kicks that can damage good as well as crushing elbows and knees. There are joint locks, preasure point manipulation and throws learned as well.
Yes if you train strictly in TKD you will not have good ground skills. But if you train only in grappeling you will have sucky stand up skills. Plus going down in a fight is not always the best thing to do. Its ignorant to think the ultimate way to fight is to wrestle with the guy. Thats stupid. Most of the time in real life you do not want to go down in a fight. Your not going to be walking on a clean mat. You might be on the pavement or on rough ground with rocks, you might be on sand and breath it while grappeling and it will choke you. You might be rolling around on broken glass and nails or garbage. Plus if there are 3 guys attacking you you can take all 3 on the ground and do technical crap on them. You can only take one down and do whatever while the other 2 guys stomp on your neck and face.
Now with TKD you can kick and punch in many different directions. You learn to move quick around and take people out. And the best think to do in a fight with multiple people IS TO RUN! Your are right. TKD people are smarter then you BJJ elitist morons. (Notice I said BJJ elitist. Not everyone who practices BJJ is a moron. Infact I respect BJJ a lot). Only an idiot would stand and face them and try to grappel them all. Face it you need striking abilities and need to know them well. TKD has a lot of good moves for that.
And yeah when you are grappeling a guy and trying to get a submission or whatver there are many moves that the enemy can easily get out of by biting and pinching and clawing your eyes out. In UFC and other fighting organitations this is ILLIEGAL! Wchich means the UFC is not realistic fighting. Infact I think that the UFC was created as a marketing tool for the BJJ guys so they can boast about their art and tell everyone they are the ultimate. The rules are made so other types of fighters are unable to do realistic moves to get out of them and they will get disqualified. You know this is true.
You need to stop being so cocky. You may have had bad experiences in TKD or other types of arts, but that doesnt mean you have to take it out on the art itself. Why not ake it out on the fake idiot instructors that are being pumped out in the thousands from mctkd. This is not REAL Taekwondo. So stop being so close minded.
Horse stances are good for you to practice because it makes your stance stroner and yor legs will get way stronger and also more flexible. Only an idiot would fight someone standing in that way from the start. But there are moves that when done you end up in a horse stance but its not a deep one. So stop using that as an excuse.