*sigh* and still, get more imaginative.. some tkd-schools train for selfdefence, some train for sports.. most train for making money for the instructor.. but still.. some != all.. so get a grip, end this ****ing retarded rant..
No announcement yet.
TKD = tai kwon don't
:P seriously, that boss reminds me of a guy i worked under last year.. IT IS SO VERY VERY IRRITATING..If I forgot something.. something i KNEW was being done like this/that.. he still made a point out of coming around and stating something like.. "i don't know if you know this, but the rest of us, we use this system for mail-sending.. could you adapt to it?"
and I USE THAT SYSTEM usualy.. I just forgot:P
*letting all the frustration out*
TKD is a martial art and can teach you some decent stand up self defense techniques. A lot of schools train for sport for the olypics, TONS train kids so they can rip them off and sell them belts.
TKD itself is a martial art.
END OF THREAD. If you post one more negative thing about TKD it means your gay.
If you post one more negative thing about TKD it means your gay.. "circle circle dot dot now i got my cootie shot" you can't get me back now.
Originally posted by Bjjexpertise@be
LOL HAHAHHA oh the immaturity in this line alone made me burst out laughing. -pokes adnrew in the ribs- you got the cooties now. OOOOOO. "circle circle dot dot now i got my cootie shot" you can't get me back now.
and here we see a typical example of maturity and the concept of being an adult.. thanks for showing us the way !
and here we see a typical example of maturity and the concept of being an adult.. thanks for showing us the way !