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Tank Abbott the all time greatest UFC fighter?

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  • #31
    this is a retarded thread.

    and no, i haven't read every post


    • #32

      LOL, houndog.


      • #33


        • #34
          Shimora- You better get off that tae stick your smoking..
          Abbott was a collegiate level wrestler. He also boxed. Igor Vovchanchin is what Tank should have been- had he discipline.He was and will always be a tough guy. But the best? No way.


          • #35
            To tell you the truth, I don't even think Tank's that tough. He beat up scrubs and when the time came to fight a decent fighter, he had his ass handed to him on a silver platter. He got KO'ed by Belfort and Rizzo, two punchers who don't hit harder than amateur level boxers. He obviously has no chin, and don't even talk about his stamina. Imagine if Tank fought a REAL boxer instead of these wannabe boxers.


            • #36
              I love these mythical accounts of Tanks background.

              Collegiate wrestling?.... OK Where & When?

              A Boxer?......OK Where & When?

              Most boxers I know use footwork. Tank is as flat footed as a British Policeman.

              If ANY UFC fighter came up against a world class boxer they would get their ass whupped. Not just Tank. Tank is proof of this as he gave most top UFC fighters a run for their money with just a hard punch. Imagine what Tyson would do to a UFC fighter.


              • #37
                "Mythical accounts" ?! Thats the pot(head) calling the kettle Black.. Your mythical accounts of Tanks fights are right up there with Eddie Antars accounting records.
                Tank is a semi skilled bomber - and yes- he did wrestle college level- and yes - he did box. What school?What gym? I dont know -or care- for that matter.If you want to put a little green on it- Ill spend the time to get the stats on your hero. I was impressed that he did GET to college at all.- Which was why I remembered that tidbit of info the first time i heard it. Fred Ettish is the best of all time- His fetal techniques would hav left Tank at a loss./


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Shimora

                  Imagine what Tyson would do to a UFC fighter.

                  Oh no not Tyson again!lol...Why is Tyson always brought into NHB discussion?IMO Tyson would get his ass handed to him in a NHB fight against a good grappler.Case closed,I'm tired of hearing about Tyson this tyson that,no more Tyson


                  • #39
                    I really love all you people who say Tyson would get his ass whooped in NHB, yet you same people consider Vitor Belfort a "phenom". Some people's knowledge of fighting on this board truly astounds me.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by The Colonie Crusher
                      I really love all you people who say Tyson would get his ass whooped in NHB, yet you same people consider Vitor Belfort a "phenom". Some people's knowledge of fighting on this board truly astounds me.
                      I do not consider Belfort a phenom.But I also don't consider Tyson a phenom either.Tyson is an awesome boxer but there are plenty of NHB fighters that could beat him.I know every two bit boxer worships Tyson and thats cool.I personally like Tyson as a BOXER.I'll also admit that a lot of the NHB fighters would lose to Tyson if they tried to stand up fight Tyson,but its completely different on the ground.


                      • #41
                        "I really love all you people who say Tyson would get his ass whooped in NHB, yet you same people consider Vitor Belfort a "phenom"."

                        Umm, but you forget Belfort can grapple, and don't give me that "Tyson has been in a million street fight so he would know how to grapple" shit. He has no training and would be taken to the ground like a baby.


                        • #42
                          Yeah, Vitor's a great grappler. He really showed it against Couture.


                          • #43
                            Oh, and by the way Robbie, I don't worship anybody, especially Tyson. I just think he has the potential to murder most NHB fighters. And as for me being a "two bit boxer", if you're ever in Albany NY, we should spar...


                            • #44
                              Keep dreaming

                              Originally posted by The Colonie Crusher
                              Oh, and by the way Robbie, I don't worship anybody, especially Tyson. I just think he has the potential to murder most NHB fighters. And as for me being a "two bit boxer", if you're ever in Albany NY, we should spar...
                              The only person Tyson would murder is some woman before he rapes her.Look how easy it was for some of the fighters to lock up the other guys arms so they couldn't throw full power punches.The thing is you are not using your brain and actually giving it some thought.Tyson would be nothing in NHB.


                              • #45
                                Re: Keep dreaming

                                [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Robbie
                                Tyson would be nothing in NHB.
                                Now that is funny.

                                [Edited by The Colonie Crusher on 11-18-2000 at 02:28 PM]

