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Tank Abbott the all time greatest UFC fighter?

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  • #16
    I think oleg t is one of the best ufc'ers ever!


    • #17
      From assface’s link.

      Though Belfort possessed fast hands, he was still a rookie. Abbott went in, confident as ever. What happened next was UFC history: it only 53 seconds for Belfort to pummel Tank down into the mat, prompting Big John McCarthy to stop the fight. Never had Abbott been dominated so quickly and ruthlessly. And in a rare display of respect, Tank bothered to shake Belfort's hand, later saying that he had indeed "rocked my world."

      I was beginning to think I was seeing things you bastards. (Not that uncommon of an occurrence mind you)


      • #18
        Mr Myagi I have never been to If Franks website does indeed have a similar account of Tanks success it proves that great minds think alike. It also proves that I am most likely correct in my analysis of this great warrior.

        Tank did not seek out submissions. The UFC organised for Tank to learn some because they felt it might prevent him from being submitted by groundfighters in the UFC. He couldnt really be bothered with them and gave it up.

        That profile at the wresting site backs up my statements. It said he had some amatuer high school wrestling but mainly learnt to fight in bars.

        This story that Tank said "You rocked my world" to Vitor is nothing but a myth. Just one of those urban legends that get around. If you take care to watch the fight properly Belfort was hitting Tank with Fairy taps to the back of the head. Tank has shown before that he has a thick skull. Once Belforts initial barrage was exhausted Tank would have gotten back to his feet and KO'd Belfort. Much in the way Ferrozo was going to do the same.

        You guys dont want to face the facts because it belittles your years of MA training. Get over it and accept the true peoples champion. Tank Abbott.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Shimora

          This story that Tank said "You rocked my world" to Vitor is nothing but a myth. Just one of those urban legends that get around.
          Uhh…. I believe that’s on the tape I saw of the fight Shim. Post fight interview. Of course I guess it could have been a computer-generated likeness of Tank making the statement.


          • #20
            Well the export version of that event must have it edited out. So are you now saying he said it in the post fight interview or did he say it to Belfort as he shook his hand?
            See, theres already conflicting versions of the story in this thread. I will watch the post fight interview again tonight. Im sure he has been taken out of context.

            The myth that Tank said "You rocked my world" to Vitor is not the only urban myth in MMA. The other example is when Coleman allegedly said "I got a family to feed" after his fight with Takada. The Coleman jock riders twisted this into meaning he threw the fight. Taking things out of context is a great way to spread misinformation.


            • #21
              Well,I think that Tank is a "bumb."Tank got his ass kicked by Smith and should have beat Rizzo like a drum but was to lazy to train.By the was,Rickson would have done choked Abbott out cold 10 times before Abbott could land a single punch.


              • #22
                My point exactly Martial Artist. Tank is a Bum that rocked the world of some of the worlds best MMAers. He is to lazy to train yet he still rocks them.

                Tank took the Smith fight on short notice. He was not in shape to fight but he still got in there. Smith knew he was in a war during that fight. Tank had in more pain than Coleman did on the ground. If Tank had been in shape asnd learnt to block kicks with his legs instead of with his arms he would have beaten Smith. When he fought Rizzo he just went to Brazil for the party. Sources close to SEG have said that Tank was actually drunk when he fought that night. Rizzo still knew he'd been in a fight.

                So you see Martial Artist. We really agree on this.

                As for Rickson choking him out, thats what Duartes supporters were saying before the fight also.

                [Edited by Shimora on 11-14-2000 at 04:45 PM]


                • #23
                  Oh,great.That adds alot to it.He was drunk when he fought Rizzo.He isnt a fighter if he doesnt take Rizzo seriously.Tank didnt do a damn thing to Rizzo.Watch the damn fight.The announcers said that the cut on his eye was from something else,not TANK! The UFC got tired of his crap and his losing streak.Thats why he is in good old WCW! LMSAO!!!


                  • #24
                    No actually the UFC wanted him back to fight Gary Goodridge.
                    Tank was offered more money from the WCW than he had ever dreamt about. Thats why he left the flailing low budget UFC and went where the money was. He is in a lot better shape now days and no doubt would beat all the MMA guys he's lost to in the past.

                    If Tank didnt give Rizzo a fight then why did it take Rizzo so long to launch an attack? He appeared to be having trouble with Tank in the first part of the fight.


                    • #25
                      "Vitor's win over Tank was a fluke, and an early stoppage."

                      Oh come off it! Vitor beat Tank around like a red headed step child, and remember that was the first time Tank EVER shook someone's hand after a fight, that alone shows that Vitor made tank respect him.

                      "Only god knows what would have happened to
                      Vitor if the fight lasted. "

                      He would have ran around with his arms raised in victory while the cleaning crew picked tanks shattered head up off the floor.

                      "If Tank didnt give Rizzo a fight then why did it take Rizzo so long to launch an attack? He appeared to be having trouble with Tank in the
                      first part of the fight."

                      Funny, I remember Pedro DROPPING Tank while running backwards as Tank tried his damnedest to KO Pedro not long after the fight began.

                      [Edited by Vitor29 on 11-14-2000 at 10:10 PM]


                      • #26
                        Yeah well it still took Rizzo at least 7 minutes before Tank voluntarily gave up. No knock out, no submission. Just Tanks lack of conditioning.

                        So if Tank shakes someones hand it means he concedes defeat?
                        Hmmm, interesting theory. I still say that the fight was stopped way too early. Vitor hits like a girl compared to Ferrozo and Tank had no problem in taking Ferrozos hardest punches flush on the nose. I guess we will never really know who would have won if the fight hadnt been prematurely stopped.

                        It was obvious that Belfort was being groomed as the UFC's next big star. Thats why BJM stopped both the Ferrozo and the Abbott fights way too early. BJM is responsible for changing the outcome of more fights than I care to remember.


                        • #27
                          I agree.

                          And I disagree.

                          Both fights (Vitor vs. Tank/Ferrozo) were stopped way too early. Especially in Ferrozo's case. He looked like he was ready to kill Vitor and almost picked Vitor up and slammed him. I still think he woulda lost eventually but you never know. However the outcome wouldn't change one bit for Tank. He was getting killed and if the fight went any longer, Tank woulda been hospitalized. That is a fact. You have to remember, Shimora, the longer a fight goes on the weaker Tank becomes (see the Severn and Mo Smith fights) and he loses aggresiveness and power (ala Tyson).


                          • #28

                            "Especially in Ferrozo's case. He looked like he was ready to kill Vitor and almost picked Vitor up and slammed him."

                            That is just because Ferrozo didn't realize that John McCarthy had stopped the fight at first and continued fighting while Belfort let him up.


                            • #29
                              Yes but Vitors fairy taps were doing nothing to Ferrozo. Ferrozo was just about to change position and destroy Vitor.
                              It was nearly the same thing that BJM did to Sak in his first fight with Conan.
                              BJM is not fit to be a UFC referee.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Shimora
                                Yes but Vitors fairy taps were doing nothing to Ferrozo. Ferrozo was just about to change position and destroy Vitor.

                                TROLL! Give me a break! I guess that why Ferrozo was knocked silly with that 2nd punch.And what the hell are you talking like Pedro didnt attack take as soon as the bell rang.Tank came after him!With no success!Even when tank got Rizzo down,he was still getting punched in the face.Followed up by Knocking Tank out.And when tank hit the mat and dint get up,thats saying "I give up.He is better than me."Tank is not as good as you say,now stop trolling.

