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All Styles Are Not Created Equally

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  • All Styles Are Not Created Equally

    I dont believe that all styles are created equally.

    For different purposes some are better than others.

    Some are better for dicipline, some are better for street fighting, some are just rubbish altogether....but i want to leave TKD out for now. At least until the third page of this thread.

    Seriously though TKD is crap, no i mean all styles are not equal, something i read here alot is that all styles are equal and its the fighter that makes a difference.

    Now for all you half wits reading this i would like to talk about systems being NOT equal OR EQUAL based on TECHNIQUE alone.

    I dont want to talk about spirit and all that, simply technique, that after all is all the art is.

    I want to remove the humkan aspect and examine the different systems as if they were a tool kit. If this is possible.


    Thankyou for replies in advance.
    End of glorious post.

  • #2
    Personally I think that all forms of Martial Arts have their purpose. I think that each is desinged for certain situations. If you had a situation in mind then yes, you could probally say one is better..or atleast better suited. But I am a firm beliver in no one Martial art to rule them all. I honestly belive that your best bet is to study diffrent styles and take from each combining in to a style that fits you.

    Just me thought.


    • #3
      styles arent created equally, they are created symmetrically( that how you spell it?)(its a joke by the way before anyone goes you fool!)

      yes different martial arts are good for different things so they are all good in their own way. also some martial arts arent that good for self defence, but most folk dont ever get into fights anyway so you might as well be doing something that you find well fun, keep you fit whatever remember not everyone does ma to enter the ufc. one example is tae kwon do. i LOVE tae kwon do, in my opinion its one of the funnest styles around, its very atheletic and keeps me fit and supple. tae kwon do sparring is also really fun, if i wanted painful sparring id go back to my boxing gym. i think tae kwon do is a great sport and pastime, and gives loads of kids a positive sport to do. also you should not underestimate all tkd fighters as alot of them i know also train in muay thai, boxing etc.
      however tkd has bad points like when you occasionally practice karate type blocks which are sooo boring and when anyone tries them at sparring if you feint it catches them out so often as they emphasize the block to much and leave everywhere open. its also not good for mma, self defence or fighting other arts. but i dont care, i do it for fun and i dont buy a belt or suit so im hardly contributing to any mcdojo, i pay bugger all anyway.


      • #4
        Originally posted by proud chinaman
        also you should not underestimate all tkd fighters as alot of them i know also train in muay thai, boxing etc.
        Thats funny, now why would they do that.

        Let me see.......


        • #5
          Proud chinaman is correct in saying that not everyone wants to learn how to fight or self defense. I do MT because I enjoy it and it is good excersise. Not for slef defense (the sparringat my place is crap and we don't do much of it).

          I've tried to make this point several times.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Lizard
            Proud chinaman is correct in saying that not everyone wants to learn how to fight or self defense. I do MT because I enjoy it and it is good excersise. Not for slef defense (the sparringat my place is crap and we don't do much of it).

            I've tried to make this point several times.
            Sorry, i dont get it.

            WHat are you trying to say.


            • #7
              TKD is not to be trashed until the THIRD PAGE.

              Stick to it please and just answer the question.


              • #8
                i have done a few styles i think i would say that they have different purposes. When i study ninja it has a different use to tae kwon do. They were designed for different purposes they do things different ways. They arn't equally good in one particular field however they have their strengths. Their strengths may not be their use in a fight they may be as mentioned above that they are good for keeping you fit or u may do it for a sport. I don't think i have heard of a martial art that has NO purpose its just what suits what you are trying to achieve...

                But this is a good topic it will be interesting to hear peoples thoughts...


                • #9
                  There is one art that was developed for no purpose but we will come onto this on page 3.

                  So your a Ninja HalfAsleep.

                  Tell me about that. Sounds..............interesting.


                  • #10
                    hahaha yeah well i think it had its purpose in its time even if it was only for the amusment of those watching practitioners attempt to use it

                    umm yeah i am a ninja but if i tell u about it i will need to kill u umm what i study is ninpo which is the higher order of ninjitsu otherwise known as ninjutsu as i keep saying to many damm names lol umm u are trained in a variety of weapons and hand to hand skills. There is a not exactly a small amount of grappling involved although the normal strikes are rather powerful. The idea behind it is pretty much to stop and orkill the opponent in as few movements as possible.


                    • #11
                      I dont believe that all styles are created equally.

                      For different purposes some are better than others.
                      Correction; all styles have not evolved equally. A style exists because it used to work in real life. Now how has it evolved is a whole differnt story.


                      • #12
                        Dont try and correct me you muppet, i got it right now answer the damn question.


                        • #13
                          It's true though. I won't argue with you that 99.9999% of TKD is crap. BTW what is the question


                          • #14
                            The question is at the beggining


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by jules

                              A style exists because it used to work in real life.
                              No you are wrong. Sorry.

                              So when were aikido, TKD and wushu useful.

                              Sorry but high kicks are a bad idea in a real fight. Were they a bad idea when TKD was started? Yes, Unless grazity has got stronger or we used to have extra legs back then.

