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Conditioning for BJJ

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  • Conditioning for BJJ

    What is the best conditioning for BJJ? I'm talking about exercises in addition to the obvious mat time.

    Is weight training a plus or does it actually hurt your technical game? What about cardio? What is the best supplementary exercises for BJJ?


  • #2
    weight training is a plus, but make sure to do flexibility training every day so your joints dont get tight with the extra muscle

    Improve your endurance, do 15 minutes of straight running until you can run atleast 2 miles in that time without stopping, then start sprinting. I see a lot of bjj fighters with no endurance, they look spent after sparring for 5 minutes. After that, do some explosive training maybe like polymetrics but talk to your instructor.


    • #3
      Remember for endurance we do higher reps with less weights.

      Circuit Training 1
      Hammer Curls 25 reps
      Dips 15
      One legged squats (r) 10
      One legged squats (l) 10
      Do five circuits 45 second rest after each exercise.

      Cardio Training 2
      1.Warm up
      2.10x40 yard sprints- 35 to 45 second rest
      3.6x100 yard sprints- 50 to 60 second rest
      4.Bodyweight Squats to failure
      5.Push ups to failure

      Sprinting is actualy better for enturance than long distance running when it comes to a BJJ format, my friend.


      • #4
        I agree with more reps/less weight for bjj conditioning. It's hard to train anyway, if you're also trying to pack on muscle mass by doing high weight/low reps. I also think you should do the reps faster than normal to keep the fast muscle fibers involved, at least that worked better for me when I tried it both ways.
        Plyometrics are great too, lots of squats, pushups, sprints, jumpropes, and any other high intensity work you can think of. 60 sec of ab excercise, followed by 60 sec of rest, followed by 60 more seconds of good too.
        If you compete in grappling you want to be as light as possible anyway so don't try to build big muscles.

