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Just curious on what you guys (and gals) think.

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  • Just curious on what you guys (and gals) think.

    I have been training for sometime now, and in the years that I have been, I have never bothered to learn any knee bars. Personally, I find heel hooks (go figure, huh?) the most applicable leg lock on the market. But than again, that's just me.

    So, as strange a question as it might be, how to you guys feel about leg locks and such. Do you like knee bars or couldn't care less ... or maybe you might even be thinking what the hell a knee bar is.

  • #2
    I personally like leg locks. My favorite is the achilles lock because it is so easy to apply and can be used effectively. As for the knee bar, it isn't that it isn't good, i just can't find a time to use it. There have been times once or twice where the opponent leaves his legs open for a kneebar but i find them rare, then again tahts just me.


    • #3
      I used to think leg locks were cool until I got my knee popped in a heel hook, and almost ruined a friends knee with a heel hook. Now, I really don't care for them.


      • #4
        There have been times once or twice where the opponent leaves his legs open for a kneebar but i find them rare, then again tahts just me.
        Everytime that I've been able to kneebar someone it was from side control or while I had them in my guard and they were trying to pass. I got it more often during the opponents guard pass.


        • #5
          i fight from a wrestling base and am on top most of the time. i find knee bar frequently in transition fromside mount, or when i pass an arm bar attempt.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Bjjexpertise@be
            I personally like leg locks. My favorite is the achilles lock because it is so easy to apply and can be used effectively. As for the knee bar, it isn't that it isn't good, i just can't find a time to use it. There have been times once or twice where the opponent leaves his legs open for a kneebar but i find them rare, then again tahts just me.
            I did an achilles lock to my girlfriend who does yoga (abusive boyfriend, eh?) and she is grossly flexible (that can be beneficial plenty of times ) but her ankle popped and she said it felt good. It was absolutely freakish. I have done it to many a people and none have testified to it feeling good.


            • #7
              Yeah, I like the ankle lock as well... though I have never heard of someone enjoying it as well. Almost makes me think you are doing it wrong.

