I personally think well taught traditional hapkido is one of the most rounded self defense arts. I stress well taught and traditional. There is no aspect left out of the hapkido I am currently studying. We cover weapons:cane, staff, knife, stick, and rope. Grappling: the grappling isn't the greatest we learn basic simple techniques, standup grappling in hapkido is the best in my opinion, Striking: isn't as good as boxing of muay thai but is just as good as any traditional martial art. No other martial art in my opinion covers all of these aspects as well as hapkido.
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Best combination of arts.
Originally posted by Tom YumNo offense, but I don't understand why you ask for which style is best, when you could easily get up, visit a school, try it out and see for yourself. There are alot of great gyms and great instructors out there.
Don't waste time debating here. Do it for real.
Also I thought the reason for forums were to discuss subjects,voice opinions,and get a heads up on information one wouldn't know much about?
Haven't seen much on Krav Maga but.........
The little I saw on some video clips it seemed to be a very good straight up, mix it up, whoop ass art to get into.
However the techniques for certain situations seem to be suspect if they were actually applied in the certain situation they are called upon to defend.
go to the website and look at some of the video clips,I wouldn't count on those techniques for gun defenses, knife, et cetra.
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- Feb 2003
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The law of tyranny:
1. Any power that can be abused will be abused
2. Abuse always expands to fill the limits of resistance to it.
3. If people don't resist the abuses of others, they will have no one to resist the abuses of themselves, and tyranny will prevail.
Welcome to the Socialist States of Amerika . Coming soon Jan 20th 2009!
Originally posted by Cainwhat about krav maga and shootfighting.. and working in a high risk job.. :P like i do..
How about Modern combatives with defensive/tactical knife and firearms, Vale Tudo, Arnis, and maybe a little Krav Maga defenses thrown in?
sounds like............
Originally posted by darrianationHmmmmm…..I like Krav Maga for the most part (there are some weapons disarms I am not fond of).
How about Modern combatives with defensive/tactical knife and firearms, Vale Tudo, Arnis, and maybe a little Krav Maga defenses thrown in?
Registered User
- Nov 2002
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Vee Arnis Jitsu - http://www.veearnisjitsu.com
The Defense Institute - http://www.defenseinstitute.com
VeeArnisJitsu Group - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/VeeArnisJitsu/
Originally posted by bvermillionI personally think well taught traditional hapkido is one of the most rounded self defense arts. I stress well taught and traditional. There is no aspect left out of the hapkido I am currently studying. We cover weapons:cane, staff, knife, stick, and rope. Grappling: the grappling isn't the greatest we learn basic simple techniques, standup grappling in hapkido is the best in my opinion, Striking: isn't as good as boxing of muay thai but is just as good as any traditional martial art. No other martial art in my opinion covers all of these aspects as well as hapkido.
Originally posted by croutonbvermillion, you should check out vee arnis jitsu. they definitely cover it all and make it very effective while being realistic.
I wont argue the effectiveness of vee arnis jitsu because I have no experience with it. It may be every bit as effective as you say. But I do know it isn't readily available to most people. And isn't as widespread as hapkido.
Originally posted by bvermillionI wont argue the effectiveness of vee arnis jitsu because I have no experience with it. It may be every bit as effective as you say. But I do know it isn't readily available to most people. And isn't as widespread as hapkido.
'Yu Sul' , 'Nak bub' are allmost identical to many basic judo techniques (Nak bub are actually break falls).
'Kwan Jel Sul' , 'kyuk too ki' are in line with aikijutsu/Japanese Jujitsu standup grappling and joint locking.
Kicking techniques are more like Tang Soo Do rather than Tae Kwon Do. More of an emphasis on thrust rather than snap. For example, the round kick has more hip turn over than the TKD round kick but not the same amount of snap. The side kick chambers and thrusts rather than coming up and in. Spin kicks are thrown with the leg slightly bent and again use hip turnover, wheras TKD pivot and snap the heel (more like a hook kick). TKD kicks are faster but not harder than TSD/HKD kicking.
There are sets of 5-6 low kicking techniques with different techniques and targets, each with different targets so snap kicks won't cut it. In sparring with kicks above the waste however, TKD can more likely land first.
Originally posted by manofleisureI am currently enrolled in a martial art.
Too often, people want to know what the best martial art is without seeing for things for themselves, there likes/abilities or know what excercise will improve their technique.
There's no right answer for the first part. However, nothing beats frequent practice and good coaching for the second part.
There's a guy on here who has practiced Hsing-Yi/Bagua/Taijiquan (internal gong fu) and works as a doorman at an establishment and trains with other MA-ists...
Others have invested time in Judo & Karate and can hold their own against skilled fighters....
Still some train in several Reality Based Self Defense methods with both empty hands and modern weapons and it has saved their butts....
Yet others have sweated their @sses off pounding pads, mitts & sparring while grappling and can take a licking and keep on ticking....
No such thing as all around best combination of arts, just hard working/well-rounded MA ists.
Originally posted by Kensh0Right now I'm doing Judo and Muay Thai-I think this is an effective combination as most fights end up from striking to a grappling contest, plus training for them is intense and as realistic as you can get for real combat/fighting situations.
if you're really into the whole caste system of ego inflation with belts and levels, i'd say go for russian systema, israeli krav maga, and tekkenryu jujutsu.