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  • #91
    Originally posted by MuayThaiFighter
    Black Crow Kung Fu I've never heard of before,it sounds pretty stupid too.
    I'm not surprised, you havent heard of it because it doesn't exist!!, i made it up.
    You are very bright


    • #92
      forgot to add, that it was "Pecking Black Crow Kung Fu", with emphasis on the pecking


      • #93
        Originally posted by EmptyneSs
        dont u listen to sherwin?? kung fu is unbeatable, and no martial art can come close to the power of kung fu.
        I've seen what sherwin writes,same old bullshit.

        kung fu is unbeatable, and no martial art can come close to the power of kung fu

        Ya sure it is!!!!! Not. MMA is more realistic then Kung Fu or any traditional art.The power of kung fu is just as much B.S as Karate and TKD.

        I don't call doing katas and punching in the air having power.


        • #94
          Why worry about what is the "best MA's" for self defense? When you get in a life or death situation will you do all that? Probably not. I read an awsome book, Attack Proof by John Perkins about self defense and guided chaos. His idea isn't to far from ROSS. I train in Kenpo, not to fight like that if someone ever attacks me, but to build attributes that might come out and give me an idea should I feel that I'm in a spot I felt before in one of our self defense techiniques. I train in ROSS so that I don't have to rememeber all of those things, but feel it, and just move. I'm not sure if someone elses kung fu can whoop my kenpo's butt, or if my kali can whoop someones pentjak silat, but I am sure that all of those things are building the same attributes and with ROSS I can greatly amflify those attributes regardless of what I am doing, be it fighting, dancing, loving, playing... Train in what you like because thats all that it is, a ballet is to tap dance, and tap is to jazz dance ect... how about we just dance? Hmmm....


          • #95
            Originally posted by MuayThaiFighter
            I don't call doing katas and punching in the air having power.
            but then you're the village idiot


            • #96
              Originally posted by HandtoHand
              Young Stoner: You're acting tougher already. Have you made the transition to heroin yet?
              Young Cuntrag, again u keep talking about drugs. in fact, u cant seem to stop talking about drugs. if u have a drug abuse problem, a martial arts forum isnt the place to deal with it, go to a rehabilitation or counceling center.

              Originally posted by HandtoHand
              My logic was clearly laid out but was apparently too complex for you to follow. That's right you really piss me off, which is why I play with you like a cat with a mouse.
              u had no logic in ur reply, i already proved that. u never use logic, even though u desperatly keep insisting how much u do. all u do is keep talking about drugs. just because u have a drug abuse problem doesnt mean u have to keep posting about it in threads that have nothing to do with drugs.

              and yeah i know i piss u off, its so easy to push ur buttons because u think ur so incredibly smart, though u arent at all. thats a sign of low intellect, people who get easily upset over nothing. looks like u are the one being played little highschooler. now go drink ur ovaltine, brush ur teeth, and go to bed junior.


              • #97
                Originally posted by HandtoHand
                Young Stoner: They say that something along the lines of "copying is one of the highest forms of a compliment. You must understand young stoner that you're the one who has the substance abuse problem, I'm the one who's torturing you about it.
                Young Fruitcake,u arent torturing anyone. u just make urself sound dumber than we already think u are. all u do is talk about drugs when nobody else does. u must have a serious substance abuse problem if all u can talk about is drugs.

                Originally posted by HandtoHand
                I'm now going to attempt to explain my logic to a THC impaired mind. You're formula showed how you think one can become a badass. You most likly want to be a badass to compensate for your years as the kid who pissed the bed and was picked on by the meanies at school. Deap down you started smoking pot because you thought that it would make you tough like those who grew up on the streats. You failed to realise that the advantage they had on you was not the drugs but their knowladge, experience, and mindset.
                u have already "attempted" to explain your logic a few times, but have failed badly since u dont actually use any logic, u just claimto so ur weak ass arguments can look a little better, but they dont. look at u go on and on about drugs. man u must have some serious dependancy issues. seek treatment, Young Hermaphrodite.

                Originally posted by HandtoHand
                there are those who are stupid who think they are smart
                hahaha, yea thats so totally you. its so funny that it was you who mentoned this.

                Originally posted by HandtoHand
                Just because you at one time fell in the first catogory doesn't mean that somebody who falls into the last really belongs with you in the first.
                ok, so u have tried to tell us how smart u are for the 325983259847669853745776986466646th time. u must really feel insecure if u come on these forums and try to tell us again and again that u are smart, that u arent the jackoff pre-pubescent boy we all know u are. nice try, but no cigar.


                • #98
                  Originally posted by HandtoHand
                  Young Retard, You are so retarted that you don't see the obvious. I only talk about drugs with you because it's a way of getting to you.
                  but it doesnt get to me at all. it just makes me think ur a drug abuser because even still u cant seem to talk about anything else. if u have a drug problem, u need to get some help for it before it gets out of hand.

                  Originally posted by HandtoHand
                  Young Hippie, I guess I'm a failure
                  its notable of u to admit u are a failure, but then again anyone who is so into drugs that they cant stop talkin about them for even a second is a failure for sure.

                  Originally posted by HandtoHand
                  Future Drug Addict, You want to belive that others are like you when the fact of the matter is that they aren't.
                  Current Drug Addict, look at u, still unable to stop talking about drugs in a thread that had nothing to do with them in the first place. damn u need serious help. and its true, i do want to beleive others are good people, but then i see helpless kids like you who have fallen into drug addiction and i see otherwise.

                  Originally posted by HandtoHand
                  Wow, according to you I'm a pre-pubescent boy and an highschool student. Well I guess I must be smart if I'm in highschool at such a young age.
                  there u go again tryin desperately to tell people on a martial arts forum how smart u are. ok we get it, u want us to think u are smart. we dont, but we understand how badly u want us to beleive it. damn ur insecure.


                  • #99
                    young faggots


                    • Originally posted by HandtoHand
                      What the hell is your fucking problem?
                      Someone's got a bad case of Turret's....


                      • Originally posted by HandtoHand
                        Young Stoner, Why do you insist on repeating false allegations which I've already repuidated. I only talk about drugs with you.
                        thats funny, cause i dont really talk about drugs. im just amazed at how many times u talk about drugs per post when nobody has said anything about them in the first place, but hey thats how u addicts are.

                        Originally posted by HandtoHand
                        I admitted that I was a failure
                        yeah yeah, we have already established what a failure u are.

                        Originally posted by HandtoHand
                        Former Short Bus Passenger, mindlessly repeating shit over and over again, dispite the fact that a counter-point has been raised is consistent with your IQ; 69.
                        are u talking to urself here? the only one repeating mindless shit over and over is u and how u cant stop talking about drugs because u are such an addict.

                        Originally posted by HandtoHand
                        Current Pothead, why don't you take an objective look at yourself. You parrot the stuff that your professors tell you, seldom respond to valid counter-points, and post a thread on this fourm trying to get others to smoke pot. Why don't you see a worthless sack of shit?
                        yet again, u are the only one talking about pot and drugs, and continue to do so. we understand u have a severe addiction, but it isnt too late to get help.

                        Originally posted by HandtoHand
                        Just because you have a drug addiction problem doesn't mean that I do.
                        ur the one who cant stop talking about drugs. denial is the first sign of addiction.

                        Originally posted by HandtoHand
                        Why don't you back off and see how stupid you look?
                        stop begging me to tone it down, im sorry that u like to dish it out but cant take it.


                        • Originally posted by HandtoHand
                          What the hell is your fucking problem?
                          up your poop shoot


                          • hey look u dont have to get hostile, im just trying to help. just because u are addicted to drugs and u are a failure it doesnt mean u have to be angry at everyone else. the first step is admiting u have a problem. its good that u told us u were a failure and all, but u are still in denial of ur addictions. its never too late to change things h+h.


                            • Originally posted by HandtoHand
                              I wasn't being hostile with you. You amuse me too much. It's that HuSanYan.


                              • I wonder if HandtoHand and EmptyneSs are the same person...

                                One in the same...Soul mates?

                                Someone definitly brought someone else down to their level. Hope they can find their way out.

