Originally posted by Jeremy Lobdell
I never intended any of my statements to be construed as a personal attack on you or one of the styles you train. I guess I did go a little overboard with my criticism of Dillman, however, all of the no-touch knock-outs and things of that ilk tend to seem, well, a little far fetched. (honestly, Jeremy, can you blame me?)
If you would like to explain how it works in conventional terms that correlate with logic and medical science, I would gladly retract all of my remarks.
Also, I never try to hide who I am...why would I use my real name, enough so that you obviously recognise who I am from an internet post?
Jeremy...I understand where you're coming from, honestly, I do, but is it so hard to see where I'm coming from???
Also my opinions and what I say should not be affiliated with my instructors or my school, certainly I have my own opinions (I have no idea what Khru's thoughts on the issue are because I've never asked him), and I should be able to voice them in this open forum without being reamed, and nothing I say here should reflect upon anyone who trained me...I have nothing but respect and a whole lot of love for all of the Kalista family and it's lineage, and I am probably a great deal more open minded about my training and my entire lifestyle than the vast majority of people on this web forum, I just have a problem with all of this mysticism stuff, because, quite simply, it doesn't seem real...and according to your link, I guess Mr. Dillman himself thought it was b.s. in the beginning. (I'll believe it when (or rather if) I see it.)
I always have the right to cynicism and skepticism, and these are good things to have, especially in the martial arts community, to seperate the wheat from the chaff.
Much respect (certainly, no disrespect intended, I was just posting my opinion, which is in no way FACT)
Garland Hummel