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Best combination of arts.

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  • #76
    Originally posted by sirmattu
    and whys that so much better?
    do a little homework, kiddo.


    • #77
      tekkenryu jujutsu, wtf is that?


      • #78
        Originally posted by hEmPY
        tekkenryu jujutsu, wtf is that?
        that's JuJutsu in a Tekkenryu rub a dub stylee man


        • #79
          I personally think the best martial arts styles anyone can do are those that have the strikes,kicks and stand up grappling of muay thai with the throws and break falls of judo and the takedowns and submissions of submission wrestling or jujitsu.


          • #80
            western boxing + wrestling + weight lifting = badass


            • #81
              9mm + small arms training and concealed weapons permit + Pocket knife and Knife training = bad ass


              • #82
                Originally posted by HandtoHand
                That's right, psychological issues and street intelligence play absolutely no role.

                Don’t forget drugs, if you do drugs than you’re a real badass.

                I hope that I won’t scare you away…

                so like, ur implying that my post ( which only said : western boxing + wrestling + weight lifting = badass) in some way conveyed the idea that i dont think psychological issues and street intelligence play any role in ones training and that i beleive people are badasses if they do drugs?

                were in " western boxing + wrestling + weight lifting = badass" did u get any of that?


                • #83
                  Originally posted by HandtoHand
                  I was just agreeing with you young stoner, and letting you know you know that in order to be a real badass you have to smoke pot.
                  what does pot have to do with a discussion about choosing styles and whatnot? u were the one who brought it up, not me.


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by Uber_Tap
                    9mm + small arms training and concealed weapons permit + Pocket knife and Knife training = bad ass
                    Chaingun with silencer + RPG + retractable claws = bad ass...jj


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by Tom Yum
                      Chaingun with silencer + RPG + retractable claws = bad ass...jj
                      Damn it! I always forget the retractable claws.


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by HandtoHand
                        Young Stoner, the THC is clouding your mind. Now try to understand what I'm going to tell you because it involves logic and reasoning, which may surpass your 6th grade intellect.

                        You wrote in a formula on how to be a badass, on a thread discussing the best combination of arts. Your post lead me to advise you on what else you need to do to be a real badass. One of my pieces of "advice" was that smoking pot makes you a badass.

                        Your response clearly shows that the pot comment got your panties in a bunch, which leads me to believe that somewhere along the lines you decided that if you smoked dope that you would no longer be a pussy.

                        Besides isn’t understand your foolish mind and your well-being more important than the subject of this thread, or do you just think that poorly or yourself?
                        so let me get this straight. i post saying " western boxing + wrestling + weight lifting = badass ". then u post a reply trying to say that my post of " western boxing + wrestling + weight lifting = badass " in some way says that smoking pot makes u a badass, and that street smarts and phsycological issues have nothing to do with training. i then reply and ask were u got those rediculous assumptions from, and u reply telling me that asking u were u got those rediculous assumptions was my way of showing that " western boxing + wrestling + weight lifting = badass " did in fact mean that smoking pot makes u a badass and that street smarts and phsychologocal issues play no role in ones training. i talk about reasoning and logic, yet u use none at all, and all anyone has to do is just look at how u responded to me posting " western boxing + wrestling + weight lifting = badass " to clearly see this.

                        u keep going on about marijuana, yet u were the only one here who mentioned it.

                        u seem so desperate in your weak attempts at attacking me, i must really piss u off


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by EmptyneSs
                          so like, ur implying that my post ( which only said : western boxing + wrestling + weight lifting = badass) in some way conveyed the idea that i dont think psychological issues and street intelligence play any role in ones training and that i beleive people are badasses if they do drugs?

                          were in " western boxing + wrestling + weight lifting = badass" did u get any of that?
                          No I disagree. Pankration (or shoot fighting )+ actual street fighting experience+ modern weapons training +weightlifting = bad ass


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by HandtoHand
                            I was just agreeing with you young stoner, and letting you know you know that in order to be a real badass you have to smoke pot.
                            HandtoHand, you are a drug dealer. I will be joining the DEA and will get your IP and track you down & arrest your ass, then I will open a can of whoop ass and you will be sorry
                            now remember this my smiling beauty, beware of my Pecking Black Crow Kung Fu.......


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by HuSanYan
                              HandtoHand, you are a drug dealer. I will be joining the DEA and will get your IP and track you down & arrest your ass, then I will open a can of whoop ass and you will be sorry
                              now remember this my smiling beauty, beware of my Pecking Black Crow Kung Fu.......
                              I always have to laugh at all these animal names of kung fu like the one you just mentioned and others like Praying Mantis Kung FU,that's pathetic.

                              Why are traditional martial artists especially Kung Fu learning the movements of attacks from animals when the only way you can defend yourself like an animal does is by being that animal to begin with?

                              In other words the only way you can fight like a tiger is if you are a tiger and we as humans aren't tigers same goes for the monkey,praying mantis etc. Black Crow Kung Fu I've never heard of before,it sounds pretty stupid too.

                              You can train for 60yrs. for all I care and you will still never be as fast or as effective as any animal for attacking due to the fact that they live in the wild and it's their only way of going after prey.

                              Martial arts styles should train for the effectiveness of humans not animals.

                              One of the the reasons I think Kung Fu would be pointless for anyone to learn.

                              If anyone can explain how Kung Fu could be effective,I would interested to know how so ? Why as Kung Fu practictioners do you actually believe that these sticky hands and tiger claw techniques are so effective?


                              • #90
                                dont u listen to sherwin?? kung fu is unbeatable, and no martial art can come close to the power of kung fu.

