I am new to the board but after looking around this board is very educational. I have some questions for some of the experts on here.
1. More like a story. I am a pretty strong guy, I played football and I weigh 175 but I bench press 380. Now for the story, I got into an argument with a guy that was a bit bigger than me. I am 5'9 he was around 6'3 about 250. He just keep pushing my buttons and I raised my hand up to my waist like to throw a punch. I stopped and just walked away. Ever since then I have felt like I was 1 inch tall. But one of the reasons I backed away was I was thinking " if I hit him and it doesn't phase him then I am in deep shit" also I was thinking at the same time "what if he sees me trying to punch and gets out of the way, then I am in deep shit again" Another was I don't like to fight being that I have never really been in a knock down drag out fight like that one would have turned into. My question is; does it really matter about the size of the guy?, would me hitting him in the face really would have hurt him?, would he seen me trying to hit him or am I just thinking way too much? Sorry its so long but I was just wondering in case something like this happens again.
2. Where is the best place to hit someone if worse comes to worse? In the nose? I have heard that if you hit someone right on the side of the jaw it will knock them out, is this true?
1. More like a story. I am a pretty strong guy, I played football and I weigh 175 but I bench press 380. Now for the story, I got into an argument with a guy that was a bit bigger than me. I am 5'9 he was around 6'3 about 250. He just keep pushing my buttons and I raised my hand up to my waist like to throw a punch. I stopped and just walked away. Ever since then I have felt like I was 1 inch tall. But one of the reasons I backed away was I was thinking " if I hit him and it doesn't phase him then I am in deep shit" also I was thinking at the same time "what if he sees me trying to punch and gets out of the way, then I am in deep shit again" Another was I don't like to fight being that I have never really been in a knock down drag out fight like that one would have turned into. My question is; does it really matter about the size of the guy?, would me hitting him in the face really would have hurt him?, would he seen me trying to hit him or am I just thinking way too much? Sorry its so long but I was just wondering in case something like this happens again.
2. Where is the best place to hit someone if worse comes to worse? In the nose? I have heard that if you hit someone right on the side of the jaw it will knock them out, is this true?