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I have a question

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  • I have a question

    I am new to the board but after looking around this board is very educational. I have some questions for some of the experts on here.

    1. More like a story. I am a pretty strong guy, I played football and I weigh 175 but I bench press 380. Now for the story, I got into an argument with a guy that was a bit bigger than me. I am 5'9 he was around 6'3 about 250. He just keep pushing my buttons and I raised my hand up to my waist like to throw a punch. I stopped and just walked away. Ever since then I have felt like I was 1 inch tall. But one of the reasons I backed away was I was thinking " if I hit him and it doesn't phase him then I am in deep shit" also I was thinking at the same time "what if he sees me trying to punch and gets out of the way, then I am in deep shit again" Another was I don't like to fight being that I have never really been in a knock down drag out fight like that one would have turned into. My question is; does it really matter about the size of the guy?, would me hitting him in the face really would have hurt him?, would he seen me trying to hit him or am I just thinking way too much? Sorry its so long but I was just wondering in case something like this happens again.

    2. Where is the best place to hit someone if worse comes to worse? In the nose? I have heard that if you hit someone right on the side of the jaw it will knock them out, is this true?

  • #2
    Re: I have a question

    Well... That's the simple truth about fighting. Until you actually hit someone, you don't really know the outcome... I'm not saying you should, but after a REAL fight many people find out something about themselves.

    One thing that struck me right away is that you brought your hand to your waist to throw a punch... More widely known as a reverse punch, which has less than admirable force or effect. Don't get me wrong, all punches hurt to some degree... It's just that when you're in a confrontation, only solid punches hurt right away. The rest of them don't catch up until later. In which case, I would strongly advise that you watch boxing and study.

    And "yes," a good cross across someone's jawline will stagger them, but you may also break your hand in the process... Happened to me once.


    • #3
      Thanks for the reply. There are no martial arts schools where I live so I just learn by asking questions. I wish there was a Shotakan (sp?) school I have heard that is really good to take but there are none. I guess I just need to know the basic things like where to hit someone and things like that.


      • #4
        One thing that struck me right away is that you brought your hand to your waist to throw a punch... More widely known as a reverse punch, which has less than admirable force or effect. Don't get me wrong, all punches hurt to some degree... It's just that when you're in a confrontation, only solid punches hurt right away. The rest of them don't catch up until later
        What would you have done? Just throw a normal punch? Where woudl you hit them at?


        • #5
          Do not take Shotokan unless you like ballet.

          If you only want to do one punch, the type of punch depends on the situation.

          If it's a life or death situation, you should punch the person in the throat or kick them in the groin. Both of these should allow you enough time to run away.

          If it's a schoolyard tussel, then punch him in the nose. This will usually cause the other person to tear up and it hurts immediately. However, this WILL piss the other person off and a full fledged fight will follow. So capitolize as quickly as possible by punching him some more !!


          • #6
            Originally posted by JaredExtreme
            Do not take Shotokan unless you like ballet.
            I hate ballet and I love Shotokan. Go figure. I guess JaredExtreme must have gone to one of those 'special' martial arts schools...



            • #7
              So two guys are standing there nose to nose at arms length and the smaller guy (me) throws a punch to the the other guy going to see it coming? How hard do I need to punch?


              • #8
                If you are standing nose to nose. Kick him in the groin, and then pummel the hell out of him.

                May sound dirty but it works. And when it comes to fighting that is all that counts.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by cakegirl

                  I guess JaredExtreme must have gone to one of those 'special' martial arts schools...

                  Cakegirl..... I think you need to spend sometime in my mount.

                  Cripp, you can't learn how to fight from an online forum. If you're going to punch someone, punch them as hard as possible.


                  • #10
                    JaredExtreme... I think you wouldn't know what to do with me once you got me there.


                    • #11
                      hey cripp if you bench 380 and you hit this guy in the face oh yeah he'll feel it even with an untrained punch providing its clean. yes he may see it though due to the same reason and yes he may, if he knows what he's doing, move or block. the rule of thumb with people i train with is if you are going to punch aim for blood or air. meaning you hit in the face preferably the nose, or the stomach (best if he's talking,yelling, or inhaling when you do it)
                      if you have to fight follow up each strike with another until he can't chase you when you leave.


                      • #12
                        Cakegirl, the first thing I'd do is move to a North-South position.


                        • #13
                          You can bench press more than twice your body weight?

                          We are not worthy.......... Learn 5 or 6 basic strikes and walk tall.


                          • #14
                            You never know your opponents mind set.


                            I believe you acted commendably. What did the guy do to you?
                            Well, actually, nothing. He said something to you, so what. My mom is fat. Should I now beat the crap out of myself? You would have been attacking this guy. It does not matter how big he is, if he has not attacked you. I know that there are guys out there that deserve a good smack in the head with an anvil or to have there heads wrapped in toilet paper and set their faces on fire, but leave that up to the crazy people.

                            Find consolation in the fact that some day that guy will die. He cannot avoid it, he will die. In the mean time, maybe some terrible things will happen to him. Maybe someone will abduct him and keep him in their basement. Then they will strap him to a table and rig his eyelids open. Then they might put a drop of hydrochloric acid in his eye and make him sit there with it burning his eye. If he moves his eye then it will burn more of the eye. then release the eyelid rigs so he has to keep it open on his own to avoid spreading the acid to the rest of the eye. Then maybe the person will turn on a fan to dry his eyes out and make him blink.

                            That thought keeps me going when I want to grab some guy by the back of his head and punch him in the face until my hand touches my palm.

                            Well anyway, good luck and stay peaceful.


                            • #15
                              There was something deeply disturbing about that post. Especially the "stay peaceful" bit at the end!

