What I was saying is you are commited once you shoot. You are now on the ground. If you are lucky and or good you get the takedown. Otherwise, you were bashed with a knee or elbow, Hooked into oblivion, End up in a guillotine, Flat on your face, or worse. But now you are on the ground. If the guy hits undamaged you may find that he's better on the ground. He may be a better biter, so damn stong that he twists you in knots, or just gets the better of you. The problem is you can't back out once you are on the ground. Sometimes you have the opportunity to back out of a striking conflict or just run. But on the ground it's hard to make a break for it.
It can work but i'm still of the opinion that if you don't have to go to the ground don't. Spending a lot of time on shooting is less producting I think than training on what to do when someone is shooting on you. I've been lucky so far most of the shoots people have done on me who were not grapplers ended in a guillotine and me unscathed.
It can work but i'm still of the opinion that if you don't have to go to the ground don't. Spending a lot of time on shooting is less producting I think than training on what to do when someone is shooting on you. I've been lucky so far most of the shoots people have done on me who were not grapplers ended in a guillotine and me unscathed.