I "learned" the lead hooking heel, rear hooking heal, spin hooking heel from watching Bruce Lee's movies (as well as reading a few books by his subordinates). I would like to know which style this technique originated from because im preaty sure im not doing it correct. Dont get me wrong I generate a quick whip cracking effect from it that creates a popping snap(ala baggy pants). I've studied TKD for four years and San-Jitsu-Ryu( a judo composite style with many maiming & breaking techniques, along with more striking that normal judo) for one and a half years. Let me explain how I execute my self taught kick so some nice person can critique me(please). I set up the kick like a TKD style spin side kick. With the exeption that I pull my heel back towards my leg when i extend it, creating the whiping effect. I can fire this kick at all levels and train it on the kicking bag often. I would apreciate a link or a good description of how this move should be executed properly. Also I recently made a variation on the move adding a extra 180 degree turn. In a strong leg forward stance, I do a kinda mock rear roundhouse for momentum, then I set that foot down in lead. Following this and building momentum by bringing my hips around I fire the thing off. Kinda like the way Jet Lee was doing his spin side-kicks in the Fists of Fury remake movie.
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Hooking Heel/Dragon whips tail
Sounds like you're doing the 180 spinning hook and the 360 spinning hook. I'll try to describe TKD's spinning hook kick:
Moving into a sidestand you put all your weight onto your lead leg and whip your butt and hips backwards into your target. You chamber the knee up to your chest with your leg completely bent, then release the kick to full extension when your spin has turned you 180 degrees and strike with the heel (target being the temple or anywere close to it) pulling through your target with your hip and leg and then rechamber your leg to keep control of your spin and lessen the time you are susceptible to counter attack.
I've seen Thai fighters do a straight leg version that has more power but is wider and easier to recognise. I personally like both.
Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
I learned how to throw a hook kick and round kick in month 3 of hapkido. The first 2 months were spent on front, side and back kicks.
By the 6th month I was learning the spinning wheel kick and turning side kick delivered from the back leg.
Uchiha TKD is known for ultra fast, snapping kicks as is hapkido. To be in TKD for 4 years and never learned a spinning wheel kick means that you were in an ultimate Mc Dojo.
I guess the school I went to was a "McDojo". I was USTA style TKD under Bobby Chavers. I was a 1st degree Black when before I left.. Ha, well I guess I shoulda asked for a hot apple pie with my diploma. Anyways the spin side kick they taught me seems like the prerequiste for the spinning hooking heel. Ya well USTA TKD was preaty weak. They arent even in buisness anymore. You cant find anything about them online. At least not in my part of the country. Damian, thanks for the great description that really helped. I wassent generating half the power I have now, before. I was not whiping my hips back. The pushing out an pulling back of the foot was what I was working with. Anyways San Jitsu Ryu is great . Look into it. It was created by Frank Sanchez. Its a devestating form, to be sure. Im just to poor, to attend at this time. Anyways thanks for the info.
Originally posted by Damian Mavis
I've seen Thai fighters do a straight leg version that has more power but is wider and easier to recognise. I personally like both.
Ah... those were the days
lol. I used to do TKD style spinning hook kicks. Then I learned to do an MT roundhouse and the next time I threw a spinning hook kick I used a straight leg without even thinking about it.
I don't know if there are any differences between what I know of the straight leg spin kick and the official Muay thai way since no one has taught it to me in Muay Thai but I'll tell you the way I do it.
Putting all your weight on your lead leg you whip you hips and butt backwards towards your target with your back leg fully straight and sideways (meaning toes to the side, heel prominently rushing towards your target). You come around with your leg on a wide arc and hit your target from the side. You try to connect with the heel and you can aim for the temple, ribs or thigh but I've never actually seen it used on the ribs effectively. I've seen knockouts and their opponents leg being disabled with it.
Damian Mavis
Honour TKD