Heh, ok, for all those of you that have been to Bangkok do any of you know of any good bars that play alot of relatively NEW hard rock? I know this might seem wierd me asking this here but I can't think of anywere else to ask. I'm going nuts listening to the same techno crap everywere I go, I'd like to visit a bar I can just relax and listen to good new rock or even a good band. Don't even suggest hard rock cafe because that place is ful of old geezers and all they play is old rock. The only place I've been that has a pretty good band is CM2 but they play a couple of linkin park songs only.... I'm looking for a good bar that plays lots of rock. Does a place like this exist in Bangkok?
I'm looking forward to seeing Korn in concert here in February.
Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
I'm looking forward to seeing Korn in concert here in February.
Damian Mavis
Honour TKD