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30 min bag workout

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  • 30 min bag workout

    I know 30 minutes is not a good length of time to workout. But I was wondering what you guys do in a time crunch on the bag.
    in the mornings if I am trying to get a quick workout I may do this routine on my heavy bag
    5 minute jump rope
    5 minute jabs/crosses
    both sides,single,doubles,triples,fient jab,slip jab,shoulder roll jab, add
    add crosses
    5 minute jump rope
    5 minute legs( strart with rear then switch kicks/ then doubles etc)
    last minute add hands
    5 minute jump rope
    last 5 elbows knees start then last three mix it all up as hard as I can

    I am looking for other ideas and combos I should do There are more combos I do than this but this is one set I might do in a time crunch.

  • #2
    Although you'd have to work these into your routine, here are a couple bag drills I've done at different times:

    On alternating days do:
    1) Five rounds of 70+ kicks and 40+ skip knees moderatly hard and
    2) Two rounds 70+ kicks and 40+ skip knees with the kicks as hard as you can hit and still finish your rounds
    (Be sure too maintain good form and keep your hands up, of course)

    I did this drill 4X/week for only two weeks and significantly improved my kicks.


    Another kick drill (for kick speed and conditioning):

    Kick TWICE, as fast as you can get the kicks up and back down without sacrificing too much form - don't worry much about power, just get the leg up and down again.
    Rest a few seconds and kick THREE times as fast as you can move your legs. Rest a few seconds and now FOUR times
    Rest and FIVE kicks, then start working back down (4,3,2)
    Repeat with other leg.

    The key here is too give yourself plenty of recovery time between kicking sets, I find five-ten seconds is good... Don't worry, if you are kicking fast you'll be plenty tired before you're done.

    Anyone else?


    • #3
      Originally posted by Frustrated
      I know 30 minutes is not a good length of time to workout. But I was wondering what you guys do in a time crunch on the bag.
      in the mornings if I am trying to get a quick workout I may do this routine on my heavy bag
      5 minute jump rope
      5 minute jabs/crosses
      both sides,single,doubles,triples,fient jab,slip jab,shoulder roll jab, add
      add crosses
      5 minute jump rope
      5 minute legs( strart with rear then switch kicks/ then doubles etc)
      last minute add hands
      5 minute jump rope
      last 5 elbows knees start then last three mix it all up as hard as I can

      I am looking for other ideas and combos I should do There are more combos I do than this but this is one set I might do in a time crunch.
      I think 30 minutes, while not ideal, of course, is enough time to get an adequate workout in, so long as the workout is obviously supplemented with other modes of training. Your program sounds good to me. You might also want to take a look at Bas Rutten's MMA Workout. It's not pure Thai Boxing, but it's a great 30-minute workout, and you can always add things to his basic combos (I add elbows and knees to make it more difficult and add more of a MT feel).

