I know 30 minutes is not a good length of time to workout. But I was wondering what you guys do in a time crunch on the bag.
in the mornings if I am trying to get a quick workout I may do this routine on my heavy bag
5 minute jump rope
5 minute jabs/crosses
both sides,single,doubles,triples,fient jab,slip jab,shoulder roll jab, add
add crosses
5 minute jump rope
5 minute legs( strart with rear then switch kicks/ then doubles etc)
last minute add hands
5 minute jump rope
last 5 elbows knees start then last three mix it all up as hard as I can
I am looking for other ideas and combos I should do There are more combos I do than this but this is one set I might do in a time crunch.
in the mornings if I am trying to get a quick workout I may do this routine on my heavy bag
5 minute jump rope
5 minute jabs/crosses
both sides,single,doubles,triples,fient jab,slip jab,shoulder roll jab, add
add crosses
5 minute jump rope
5 minute legs( strart with rear then switch kicks/ then doubles etc)
last minute add hands
5 minute jump rope
last 5 elbows knees start then last three mix it all up as hard as I can
I am looking for other ideas and combos I should do There are more combos I do than this but this is one set I might do in a time crunch.