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official ring size?

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  • official ring size?

    What are the dimensions of an official ring?

  • #2
    Okay. I got this from the Volume 1 1990 edition of Muay Thai magazine which I purchased in Chiang Mai on the Great Temple Tour with Greg Nelson, Mike & Carol Walrath, and Master Chai's sisters. I missed lunch because the lady in the bookstore wanted to talk about KhaoSai Galaxy. "The size of the ring is between 5 and 7 metres, surrounded by a minimum of three ropes. The floor is padded with a soft material to a thickness of four centimeters with a top covering canvas."

    From Muay Thai The Most Distinguished Art Of Fighting by Panya Kraitus:
    "The ring must be square. The small size ring measures 20 feet (6.10 metres) each side and the big size ring measures 24 feet (7.30 metres) each side. The measurement is done by the inside of the ropes." And farther in the rules of the Sports Organization of Thailand, again in Panya Kraitus' book the ring "edge should protrude at least 70 centimeters from the ropes."


    • #3
      many thanks

      Originally posted by chalambok
      Okay. I got this from the Volume 1 1990 edition of Muay Thai magazine which I purchased in Chiang Mai on the Great Temple Tour with Greg Nelson, Mike & Carol Walrath, and Master Chai's sisters. I missed lunch because the lady in the bookstore wanted to talk about KhaoSai Galaxy. "The size of the ring is between 5 and 7 metres, surrounded by a minimum of three ropes. The floor is padded with a soft material to a thickness of four centimeters with a top covering canvas."

      From Muay Thai The Most Distinguished Art Of Fightingby Panya Kraitus:
      "The ring must be square. The small size ring measures 20 feet (6.10 metres) each side and the big size ring measures 24 feet (7.30 metres) each side. The measurement is done by the inside of the ropes." And farther in the rules of the Sports Organization of Thailand, again in Panya Kraitus' book the ring "edge should protrude at least 70 centimeters from the ropes."
      Ajarn Steve-
      Thank you very much. The Stanford Muay Thai club had a semi-smoker event last weekend before which I was asked what the official size was. I didn't know then and searched the web and got 20'x20' for boxing rings, so I went with that number. I doesn't surprise me that in Thailand the size varies and is ambiguous to allow local variation.
      thanks again and hope to see you sometime soon,


      • #4
        Hi fugetsu

        There are various sizes of rings, especially in Thiland. I have seen 18 and up to 24
        The Olympic Size is no smaller than 20feet and no larger then 24 feet. The height should be 4 feet from the floor and a maximum of 5 feet. The posts should have a diameter of 4 to 5 inches. with a height of 58 inches from the ring floor. There must be 1 to 1.5 inches of padding and be covered by canvas. The ropes should be a minimum diameter of 1.20 inches and a max of 2 inches. distance of the ring floor to the lower rope would be 18 inches, to the 2nd rope would be 30 inches, to the 3rd 42 inches

        hope this helps ya


        • #5
          I should have mentioned this earlier. Master Chai advised us to build our training ring at 14'. I forget his exact reasoning.


          • #6
            I know boxing/ Not kick boxing but we train in a 12 X 12 and some one mentioned an olympic ring must be 16 X 16 inside the ropes (20 X 20 is the platform measure) because it keeps you more active, this is even more important with new guys because they tend to shy away from fightng, perhaps the same principal applies? just a thought

