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Mike Tyson VS Peter Aerts

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  • Mike Tyson VS Peter Aerts

    I just talked to the promoter for Peter Aerts (I'm probably spelling his name horribly wrong) in Pattaya Thailand and he said Mike Tyson has already been paid and they are just working out the Visas to pick a date for a fight at the K1.

    What do you guys think of that match up?

    Damian Mavis
    Honour TKD

  • #2
    Aerts, has a pretty good record and even taking a win over MAURICE SMITH. Though are they thinking that Tyson might be too powerful for him and it might be an easier fight than another top K1 fighter?


    • #3
      Who's they? I know I want Peter Aerts to win, I certainly hope he does. I only met the guy once but he was very nice and helpful. I think he's powerful enough... the only thing that worries me is Tyson has punches honed to an art form, I'm hoping he'll be very susceptible to leg and head kicks.

      Damian Mavis
      Honour TKD


      • #4
        Well it depends on how much mike works on leg kicks. I know he wont be able to get high kicks down patt before the fight. It seems since mike's origional trainer died he cant learn anything new. But if Aerts isnt ready for the boxing side, tyson is going to K.O him within 3 rounds.


        • #5
          I'd like to think Aerts would destroy Tyson. I cant see this fight happening but if it did and Aerts lost then I would give up Muay Thai and just do boxing.

          Aerts is one of the greatest K-1 fighters of all time and is still going strong. Tyson (if he ever does fight in K-1) will fight Sapp and the outcome will probably be fixed.


          • #6
            Aerts sucks, he is old and out of shape and needs to retire. He may have had a chance back in his day, but his day is long gone. The only thing that has kept him alive this long is his punching power, and no one in k-1 will be able to out punch tyson (if he is in shape, and ready for the fight). Aerts may be able to use the leg kick, but i bet tyson is going to rush forward and take away the range away for the kick. While tyson is inside aerts only chance is to catch tyson with a knee to the haed. I bet if tyson trains properly he will KO aerts


            • #7
              I'd like to think Aerts would destroy Tyson. I cant see this fight happening but if it did and Aerts lost then I would give up Muay Thai and just do boxing
              Well, let's not get carried away, here. Tyson may not be anywhere near as good as he was in the eighties but; He still was one of the best fighters of all time. He has more ring expierience than most fighters (especially K-1), and he is/was an incredibly good boxer.

              Assuming he trains like he means it, and assuming he learns enough about K1 to use his strengths, he will be a tough match for anyone.

              Also, remember that K1 promoters are probably trying to find (in Aerts) a good fight, but one Tyson has a strong chance at winning. They do that so they can then make more money on his later fights.

              I really dislike Mike Tyson, and I'm not convinced he can get himself together well enough to learn a new sport (heck, he can barely stay in the top 100 ranked boxers) but a strong boxer could really raise the bar in K1. Not to mention get more fans interested in it.


              • #8
                Originally posted by gregimotis

                Also, remember that K1 promoters are probably trying to find (in Aerts) a good fight, but one Tyson has a strong chance at winning. They do that so they can then make more money on his later fights.

                I really dislike Mike Tyson, and I'm not convinced he can get himself together well enough to learn a new sport (heck, he can barely stay in the top 100 ranked boxers) but a strong boxer could really raise the bar in K1. Not to mention get more fans interested in it.
                I agree! I think that by having Tyson in K-1 would not bring so much quality, but attention to the organization. I don't think that K-1 would have Tyson fight an opponent that will destroy him and ruin the chances for more publicity and further rematches.

                But Tyson is having so many financial difficulties, etc., I don't think he will be in great shape for any fight. This is due to fact that I don't think he can stay focused on training.


                • #9
                  Wildchild, no Tyson will NOT be fighting Bob Sapp, the promoter for Peter Aerts (who has also promoted for Bob Sapp) said it himself..... I guess he COULD be lying.... but why? Bob Sapp wouldn't last 30 seconds against Mike Tyson.

                  Alexjxaver, Peter Aerts doesn't suck, wow you must be pretty damn good and tough to be so judgemental..... what titles did you win again?

                  Everyone keeps talking about "the leg kick" but Peter Aerts is known for setting up great head kicks.

                  Damian Mavis
                  Honour TKD


                  • #10
                    Damien, did you get the impression that the fight would be held before the year is out?


                    • #11
                      He made it sound like they were just working out the Visa's for Mike Tyson. Don't know how long that should take but it shouldn't be that long should it?

                      Damian Mavis
                      Honour TKD


                      • #12
                        Tyson's visa

                        Originally posted by Damian Mavis
                        He made it sound like they were just working out the Visa's for Mike Tyson. Don't know how long that should take but it shouldn't be that long should it?

                        Damian Mavis
                        Honour TKD

                        Apparently, the Japanese gov't won't allow a sex crime offender like Tyson into the country, so K-1 (and they are recruiting their fans' signatures as well) are petitioning the government to get him a visa, in all likelihood, the fight will take place in Hawaii--according to my Japanese sources.


                        • #13
                          Sorry, I dont ever think Tyson would be destroyed, all i meant was that i think Aerts will win. I hope so. I think it would be an upset to the MT/KB/MA world if he loses.

                          Both fighters are not in their prime, i just feel that Aerts has the advantage seeing as he has been doing this type of fighting way longer than Tyson.

                          If it was the other way around, Aerts going in to boxing, i'd back Tyson.

                          I hope the fight does come off, it will hopefully thrust MA's credibility.


                          • #14
                            Thankyou Fugetsu, I thought it was something like that. The Japanese know how to treat a person like Mike Tyson! I desperately hope the fight does happen and Tyson gets hurt.

                            Damian Mavis
                            Honour TKD


                            • #15
                              Tyson doesnt really seem like that bad of a guy. He just let fame go to his head. If people were constantly making fun of you on the news wouldnt you go a little bit crazy?

