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Mike Tyson VS Peter Aerts

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  • #16
    So what happened with the fight with warren Sapp? I was really looking forward to that for the spectacle if nothing else.

    The lumberjack has a decent chance but he better fight the out side game with kicks and lots of them to Tyson’s legs (but keep covered up). Tyson’s legs will be his weakest link. If Tyson moves in Aerts better clinch fast.

    I still respect Tyson’s power and to a lesser degree the ability to make Aerts miss with punches, but should be a good fight. Tyson is out of his prime and doesn’t fight like he used too, but he’s still tough.


    • #17
      Shadowkiller.... you just made excuses for rape and dishonourable fighting tactics like biting parts of their ear off? Dude, get some perspective, that man is an animal and needs to be put down.

      Damian Mavis
      Honour TKD


      • #18
        Originally posted by shadowkiller
        Tyson doesnt really seem like that bad of a guy. He just let fame go to his head. If people were constantly making fun of you on the news wouldnt you go a little bit crazy?

        Raping women is way beyond a little bit crazy. Not to metion biting a guys ear off.


        • #19
          Raping women is way beyond a little bit crazy. Not to metion biting a guys ear off.

          And don't forget beating up your wife, while we're at it.


          • #20
            But have you guys looked into his upbringing? Hes a pretty intelligent guy but doesnt know how to deal with his anger. Hes done some stupid and crazy things and I know it was all his fault. But he is a child in a heavy weights body that I dont think understands why he does the things he does. He hates himself, and he cant seem to get his life on track.

            Sadly I think he will dead in a few years. He was a great boxer and a very troubled person but if he had grown up differently he might have come out better.

            Not excusing his offenses here, but I sorta respect someone that has been shit on all his life. Hes a terrible person but I dont think he knows how to stop himself from doing what he does.


            • #21
              Hes a terrible person but I dont think he knows how to stop himself from doing what he does.
              I think you're probably right on this point. Anyway back to the topic ( )

              It seems to me that K1 could benefit from a few skilled boxers. When I watch good boxing, I see a level of footwork attack/counter attack which is higher than any format in mixed martial arts.

              Besides much needed publicity, professional boxers have a highly refined skillset that any stiking martial art could benefit from studying and being exposed to.



              • #22
                I agree if the MT guys focused more on boxing I think they would be much better all around fighters.


                • #23
                  Tyson is going to lose :low-kicks and down he is !!!!!!!!


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by shadowkiller
                    I agree if the MT guys focused more on boxing I think they would be much better all around fighters.
                    Western MT guys do a lot more boxing training than our Thai counterparts. I just not sure where the lumbar jack is with his boxing. Anyhow it won't be his boxing skills (don't box a boxer) It will be his kicking that will win it for him.


                    • #25
                      i agree that you can not box tyson, you would have to kick and knee. But aerts has no chance. he is to old, and way to slow. he is going ot get KO'd. There arent many people in k-1 that even have a chance with tyson. Bonjasky might have a chance, if he runs and kicks. Ignashov could have a chance but i dont think he would move enough and would be KO'd. Williams is good and one of the best punchers in k-1 and a good kicker. But he would not kick enough, he would try to trade with tyson and get KO'd. Same thing with mcdonald. There are pleanty of good people in k-1 but not many can hold up to tyson.


                      • #26
                        what you think about Ernesto Hoost?
                        i think Hoost will win!!


                        • #27
                          I havent seen hoost in a while. But the same probaly applies with him, none of the k-1 guys can try to trade punches with tyson. To win they will have to run and kick, like bonkasky did with sapp. Whoever can do that will have the best chances of beating tyson.


                          • #28
                            in march i think :::hoost vs Bonjasky


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by alexjxaver
                              I havent seen hoost in a while. But the same probaly applies with him, none of the k-1 guys can try to trade punches with tyson. To win they will have to run and kick, like bonkasky did with sapp. Whoever can do that will have the best chances of beating tyson.
                              Hoost is a great leg kicker. But I don’t' think he would beat Mike. Sapp would have been a fun fight to watch but he would loose too. I still think Williams is the best guy out there in K1. If he could get himself a smart trainer that would train him to snipe with the hands and low kick the hell out of Tyson then I think he would have a chance. Remy Bonjasky with his record of 54 fights, 45wins 28 by KO or what ever it is, is very impressive He would definitely be a better match up then the lumber jack.


                              • #30
                                Right now the two best fighters in K-1(my opinion) are bonjasky and cro crop. Hoost is my favourite but he is getting a little over the hill to be at his best. I wish bernardo still fought, actually maybe he does, havent seen one of his fights in a while. Hes a pretty tough guy, sorta the liddel of K-1.

