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Best @$$ whoopin you ever had?

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  • Best @$$ whoopin you ever had?

    I've been in KB for about 3 months and I'm getting ready to start sparring. Anyhow I was just wondering, if any of you guys had any stories about the first butt whoopin you got. I'm not talking streat fights or anything, I'm just talking in the ring in competetion or sparring. The reason I ask, is that i'm pretty sure the first time I spare, there going to beat the hell out of me . Not to be mean but just to teach me some humility. sounds cruel but i'm looking forward to it

  • #2
    had my but kicked plenty of times in class nothing to worry about it helps you learn. helps me learn anway.


    • #3
      not really worried as much as excited. You know there's only so much you can learn working by yourself, I feel the best way to find about your weaknesses is to have someone exploit them


      • #4
        youll love it once I started sparring thats all I wanted to do


        • #5
          You haven't lived until you've had a female boxer 50-60 pounds lighter than you beat the hell out of you!


          • #6
            I took a class in Amsterdam once at Vos gym and if you know the Dutch they are as normal as can be about everything. I came over as a US champion and had to stand against Ernesto Hoost. Ofcourse he didn't know who I was and I thought I was a real World Champion. Never saw that straight punch coming to the solar plexus. Buckled me in a second... I guess my point if you really want your ass kicked go to Europe or sparr some Mexican boxers!


            • #7
              hey twins after reading your post I just had to tell ya something I live in South Texas and I'm about 2 hours from the Mexico border. Half of the boxers/kickboxers here are mexican or there parents are from mexico. And most of 'em are faster than hell. I've heard people say you need strength to win fights, but if you cant hit your target it doesnt matter how strong you are. these guys are reallly fast


              • #8
                Originally posted by dirtynewb
                hey twins after reading your post I just had to tell ya something I live in South Texas and I'm about 2 hours from the Mexico border. Half of the boxers/kickboxers here are mexican or there parents are from mexico. And most of 'em are faster than hell. I've heard people say you need strength to win fights, but if you cant hit your target it doesnt matter how strong you are. these guys are reallly fast
                No wonder the feds can't catch em


                • #9
                  Girls beatin' da hell outta you!

                  Originally posted by Britt
                  You haven't lived until you've had a female boxer 50-60 pounds lighter than you beat the hell out of you!
                  Oh yeah! you havent lived until you've had a girl WALK through your three front kicks that you've just deposited into her private parts, grab you by the collar slap the living daylights out of you, and have you look for an escape route. This happened to be when I was 13 and I NEVER forgot it! I thought a kick in the privates would stop ANYBODY!!

                  The second best whopping I ever had was my old goju instructor who had this "sadistic" habit of having us do calistenics, and kata until we were exausted, and then would have us do kumite(full contact bare knuckle) for 10 minute "rounds". His philosphy was that your karate got "real conservative" when you were tired, and you would only be able to use your "raw basics". Anyway in one sparring session with him, I was concentrating so much that I was literally put in a zen like state where there was a sense of timelessness and he appeared to be moving in slow motion. I was mesmerized to the point that I actually watched him jump up in the air, leave the ground, spin in mid air, and slowly and beautifully hit me in the face with a jump spin back kick....after I was hit I saw stars, and darkness.... I took a "nap" for 3 minutes.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by old skool dude
                    Oh yeah! you havent lived until you've had a girl WALK through your three front kicks that you've just deposited into her private parts, grab you by the collar slap the living daylights out of you, and have you look for an escape route. This happened to be when I was 13 and I NEVER forgot it! I thought a kick in the privates would stop ANYBODY!
                    At least you were only 13...I was 32, 6'2" and 190! She schooled me pretty good. Luckily for me it was just light sparring.


                    • #11
                      I’ve been Enlightened through harder contact a time or two!

                      I think my most painful time in the ring must have been in Thailand. I was fighting a guy and in the 2nd round I went for a spinning back elbow that missed and he did a jump knee that landed on my right cheekbone. The moment the knee landed it was like a lightening bolt that sounded a felt like a WHAAAAK and a flash of light. I managed to finish the fight but I wasn’t worth a damn after that. Needles to say I lost.

                      After the fight my eye swelled shut and I found out a couple days later I had a fracture.


                      • #12
                        You haven't lived until you've had a female boxer 50-60 pounds lighter than you beat the hell out of you!
                        This is correct. Getting it handed to you by a lady is both humbling and wonderful.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Britt
                          You haven't lived until you've had a female boxer 50-60 pounds lighter than you beat the hell out of you!
                          I'm proud to say that I was submitted twice by a female 50lbs lighter than me; by triangle and flying-armbar (then again, what kind of guy in his right mind who would refuse a triangle choke from a beautiful lady, right?)

                          By the way, we are now dating.

                          I just love women that can kick butt, what can I say.


                          • #14
                            Hell, had my ass handed to me so many times I could tell you what it looks like! worst was a reverse round-house straight on the chin- put me out cold! . Still, I reckon win or lose your gonna learn sumpthin!


                            • #15
                              Kali Stick fighting/sparring; Took a gunt right to the face, almost went through the mask. It threw me back on the concrete and jarred my head a little. Learned a very good lesson though, watch for the gunt.hahahahahaha....

