Hello everyone, great forum. I've been dabbling in and out of Thai Boxing for some years now. If I go back I'm going to take it serious and start fighting once in shape. However, I feel I need some prelimanry questions answered before I take this jump. The first thing I want to know is wether or not I can practice this art for my whole life, or atleast well into my old age? I'm 25 now, and hope to fight into my early thirties. From what you have seen, does alot of Thai Boxing equal health risks/complications once a man gets to be older? I mean will I be forty years old and completely broken physically because of Thai Boxing? Is there such a thing as an old Thai Boxer? I mean I have seen plenty of Karate/Kung-fu teachers in their old-age still in great shape, could the same be possible for an older man who practised Thai Boxing his whole life? Any input would be great. Thanks for the replys ahead of time.