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Muay Thai vs Western Boxing

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  • Muay Thai vs Western Boxing

    Who would win in a street fight?

    This is probably a stupid poll, because the Muay Thai fighters have been trained to use elbows, knees and feet. However, I wonder if western boxing's punching is superior? I am going to begin taking classes very soon and I have really been torn between MT and Western Boxing. If I could, I would take a mixture of western boxing AND muay thai. The western boxers superior punching ability with muay thai's kicking, elbowing and kneeing techniques. Throw in some BJJ down the road and you got a pretty good set up.
    Muay Thai
    Western Boxing

  • #2
    You are right, that is a pretty good set up. Many Muay Thai schools all across the country train western boxing within their Muay Thai curriculum...not just the TBA schools. Boxing is even big in Thailand now. The question is a hard one to answer though. Of course, the boxer would be devastating on the inside, but the boxer does not know how to clinch, much less defend against the elbow and knee from the clinch. I am not dogging a boxer by any stretch of the imagination, but the Thaiboxer simply has a more diverse arsenal at his/her disposal. On the street, it depends totally upon the fighter, not the style or system. Would you agree? But yes, I vote for a mixture of boxing, thaiboxing and a solid ground game.


    • #3
      Yeah, the fight would depend on the fighter. Not the style. True. BUT, knees and elbows can really screw someone up if they land in the right spot
      Thats an advantage the boxer would not have. So, I guess its safe to say that MT would give an advantage over Western Boxing, but in the long run it wouldnt matter because in the end its up to the fighter.

      Btw, what does TBA stand for?


      • #4
        its best to train in both since the really go together.also boxers do know how to clinch, and they can clinch well. havent u seen a boxing match? they always clinch.


        • #5
          yes but they dont do anything from the clinch. a thai clinch is MUCH different than a boxing clinch- in boxing you are just trying to buy time to recover unti lthe ref pulls you off. in thai boxing you are trying to smash the guys face with your elbow and his guts with your knees. a lot more technical.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Iron Monkey
            Yeah, the fight would depend on the fighter. Not the style. True. BUT, knees and elbows can really screw someone up if they land in the right spot
            Thats an advantage the boxer would not have. So, I guess its safe to say that MT would give an advantage over Western Boxing, but in the long run it wouldnt matter because in the end its up to the fighter.

            Btw, what does TBA stand for?
            TBA stands forThai Boxing Association of the U.S.A


            • #7
              Neither would land anything because they would both be standing still and punching/kicking into the air. It would end in a stalemate. But they would both break a nice sweat!


              • #8
                "The real question is who would win between a Tae Bo student and a Boxercise student."

                You sir, are a genius.

                Damian Mavis
                Honour TKD


                • #9
                  Which of them are the ORIGINAL????

                  [QUOTE=Damian Mavis]

                  Upon the inventions of the boxing with the 6-hand attacks..... MuayThai, WesternBoxing, WesternKickBoxing......

                  which of them are the original??????? (since these three arts looked like the same in nature when comparing their hands....)


                  • #10

                    Mike - I'd be interested in hearing a bit more about mean the Filipino's influenced boxing? I'm only familiar with their armed combat, but would imagine their unarmed to be similar to Muay Thai.....funny how things go full circle, cos as mentioned on this thread a little modern day MT, even in Thailand, is becoming influenced with western boxing techs. . .


                    • #11
                      as far as the thread goes, all depends on the fighter. If you took two identical twins and trainined em both to the same level in boxing and MT....MT should have the advantage, but what if you go for a kick and slip?? does, for the purposes of streetfighting, two many trechs sometimes confuse the issue?


                      • #12
                        ...great stuff! The developent of styles is a topic I just love

                        Thanks for the info (like the little titbit on jack Dempsey, you know I'll be using that in the pub one day!) I only have nett access at work, and struggle to do in depth searches...but I will be investigating and if I find anything intersting...................(found this place searching for MT v western boxing, and glad I did)

                        ta for theinfo Mike, hope I can reciprocate


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Iron Monkey
                          Who would win in a street fight?

                          This is probably a stupid poll, because the Muay Thai fighters have been trained to use elbows, knees and feet. However, I wonder if western boxing's punching is superior? I am going to begin taking classes very soon and I have really been torn between MT and Western Boxing. If I could, I would take a mixture of western boxing AND muay thai. The western boxers superior punching ability with muay thai's kicking, elbowing and kneeing techniques. Throw in some BJJ down the road and you got a pretty good set up.
                          You're assuming too much. What kind of street fight are you talking about?

                          A back alley challenge type street fight with few rules?
                          Or an explosive erruption of violence?

                          If its the first type, it would really depend on how experienced each one is in their own art, how familiar they are with the other's art and the attributes of you can see, a TON of variables.

                          In a random attack like the second type, it could go either way. Sucker punches/kicks can determine the direction of a street fight but I'd give it to which fighter can stand the most punishment and get

                          Technique comparison is a pretty rational argument, but in a fight each guy is trying to fight his own fight; a pure boxer will keep the fight somewhat close and throw rapid fire KO punches from the get go and in a street fight; a pure thai boxer might try a distance fight with crippling low leg kicks and push kicks, then close the gap into a clinch where he can gain control and explode knees and elbows.

                          Don't forget dirty techniques from both arts (they do exist!).


                          • #14
                            Who'd win? The one who landed the first effective blow.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Thai Bri
                              Who'd win? The one who landed the first effective blow.

                              Who'd win? The one who landed the last effective blow

